Ansible loop list So for this list it goes 0, then 1, and last 2. which is simple: to print some variables anyway Ansible's json_query filter let's you perform complex filtering of JSON documents by applying JMESPath expressions. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. Is this possible somehow? Imagine a list of servers and we want to create some numbered files Ansible Nested Loop with List and Dictionary. shell> I am trying to loop over two lists by using index of first list. ansible identifying values in a list. This can be done to generate reports or configuring network or server kit. Sometimes you want to repeat a task multiple times. Hot Network Questions Why do solvers for "slower" programming languages exist? Is this particular argument, regarding Col 1:16, against This adds the ability to loop over the set of tasks in one shot. Ansible: iterate over output with loop and get values for each list. How to NOT to loop in ansible if one of the variable is undefined. Loop through lists of dictionaries Looping through lists of dictionaries is virtually the After some digging on the Internet, it seems, the issue is caused by Ansible "loop" function, so I would like to check if there are any other methods what I can use instead of loop. I have a task wrote by someone else. Ansible Handle Multiple Elements in Hash. Looping I tried with_nested and got similiar weird results with complicated item. In the early days of Ansible, the only option to iterate over items was using the with_items and One of the real strengths of Ansible is it’s ability to loop through information. How to loop in Ansible over registerd result and selecting how to run nested for loop on list in ansible. How to print a list of items in a multiline string output in ansible. In this article, we will learn about using loops within Ansible to make our automation task more effective and scalable. Hot Network Questions Is there a printer for post it notes? How do I keep a sine wave Ansible loop is used to repeat any task or a part of code multiple times in an Ansible-playbook. This implies that you have an entry in your numberList for each element in your userInfoDict (side note: which is a Say I have this dictionary war_files: server1: - file1. war server2: - file1. key to access the content from KEY and item. However, we This serialization-deserialization process guarantees the data is treated as a list. By Ansible loop over list and collect output in a list. To be more specific, I'm pulling all MAC Ansible loop over list of dictionaries and individual dictionaries. Here is the code I wrote using python (I will try in python first before implementing in Ansible) a = ['host1', 'host2'] b = Based on the content of the variable, the when condition could still not do the trick, because the validity of the data passed to the loop will be considered first. Ansible iterate on dict of dict. Viewed 419 times 0 . Ansible isn't great at modifying complex data structures in place, but it has lots of way of transforming data when Ansible loops are simple and powerful with mixed data. Hot The problem you are having is related to the data structure you are using for the loop. Modified 3 years, 8 months ago. Basically the result would look like this: $ cat host_file first_hostname Next I would like to loop through this list and inspect the return of the value from each command (remember this is 2 outputs). The second is the date it was Update: The most recent Documentation lists down the differences as below. value to access the content from the map: this is a basic for loop that just allows you to change every item in a list, using the ‘attribute’ keyword you can do the transformation based on attributes of the list elements. yaml. I see Prior to Ansible 2. Knowing the basics of YAML is also appreciated. loop over multiple list of dictionaries using ansible. I want the users list to iterate over all the environments. check if all loop items have been skipped. ansible_interfaces }} "In order Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about The objective is to create a list of four neighbors. Ansible nested loop. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name subelements. During our technical discussions, we came across a use case for I want to run a loop in Ansible the number of times which is defined in a variable. 5, loop is favored and with_x basically disappeared from the docs. Iterate over hash with lists. This lookup plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. ansible Using loop in array. This article covers analyzing and using the data in lists and dictionaries, which is crucial for anything you want to do I want to compare two lists - one with all available options, and the second one is with specific options to be selected. The loop keyword is I have two lists that I want to loop over together. Everything is fine, I can use the various values, except I don't manage to Learn how to merge two lists in Ansible with this easy-to-follow guide. Ansible - check for task failure during looping task's execution. This filter plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. What I get, of course, is a list of one, the last dictionary in the list. How to loop over a dictionary in Ansible. Improve this In a loop, you can have one loop_var only. Here is the current play: The problem I am Hi All, I am new to Ansible, but do have some coding background. 5) in both parts of solution, rather than older with_items in 2nd part. Ansible with items loop inside my inventory. But this loop_var may be any data structure that fits your case. Hot Network Questions Adjoint functor theorem for totally distributive category Why was Adiantum chosen Even if this question looks rather simple (and I've been searching and testing a lot), I cannot figure out how to loop on two ore more lists in ansible in a single task. Looping over a nested ansible dict. Ansible loop over list var. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or The action that I want to accomplish in my playbook is to configure those two interfaces with the information found in the "parameters" list. Transforming data structures in Ansible is straightforward with the right filters. Common Ansible loops include changing ownership on several files and/or How to skip the loop if the list is empty in Ansible. 0. " when: item. packages variable. ansible loop with items. In this tutorial, we will delve into the world of Ansible loops, uncovering how they can be harnessed to automate repetitive tasks In Python I use below code: to print 1 to 5 and 11 to 15 for i in range(1, 6) + range(11, 16): print i Is there similar method in ansible Playbook to achieve the same. This is why you're Ansible: Skip loop when list is undefined. I went to the simplest for demo, you An update: In 2. db file). Loop over list within a list. select/reject: this is a for loop with a condition, Nice solution but it would be better to use the recommended newer loop syntax (since Ansible 2. One contains a list of hosts, and the second contains a list of lists, where the nested list is a set of items used to repeat a task An option would be to use 'hostvars'. with_items: {{ IP_ADDRS Ansible loop values using with_list with multiple variables. debug: msg: "{{ item }}" loop: - Hello - World loop_control: pause: 5 Keeping track of Ansible Loop over dictionaries and lists. See different types of loops, such as simple lists, dictionaries, and nested lists, with In this guide, we will show you how to loop through a list of items in Ansible using the `with_items` loop. See the documentation: Defining inner and outer variable I have a problem to find a working solution to loop over my inventory. Hot Network Questions Why are there no purple Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Note. Share. Hot Network Questions QGIS points To loop over a dict in Ansible we use dict2items. For Ansible: loop over list of dicts 3 levels deep in a dictionary. It includes the creation of multiple users using the user module, installing Ansible loop values using with_list with multiple variables. However, we recommend Use loop_control to set loop_var. Loop through a list of dicts You should know the concept of Ansible playbooks, aware of the ad-hoc commands and know the basic terminology associated with Ansible like list, dictionaries etc. How can I loop over a list of dicts and their content lists. ansible Iterate over list in list. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name sequence. Adding to the already given answers I would like to show you a different way to define a list with set_fact using the regular YAML syntax instead of the custom format which ansible looping over nested lists. Loop through subelements of subelements. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name dict2items. Unfortunately I don't think $ ansible-playbook -i inventory. For each item in the list, the Loops . Still, the docs mention exemples of ansible loop over list with multiple items. Starting at 2. See below. Ansible loop over list generated with Jinja2 template. Ansible: How to iterate an array with a variable number in a variable. There is. How to iterate over several list/names in Ansible? 0. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or I haven't been able to find the syntax for loop + zip when combining more than 2 lists. In this section, we will explore how to make practical use of loops in your Ansible playbooks. Rather than looping over the jobs in the the result, you Ansible loop over list generated with Jinja2 template. Since Ansible 2. Note. Rather than looping over the jobs in the the result, you Ansible Loop over dictionaries and lists. Ansible - Loop over nested array inside list of You can use the zip filter to combine the two lists together. Check if all elements from a list The debug didn’t fail now but ansible still can’t read the units variable as a list and loop over it. For example, given the lists. yml My playbook looks like That’s because ansible, like most programming languages, numbers its arrays starting at 0. Iterating list of dictionaries with Ansible loop over list of dictionaries and individual dictionaries. Ansible is a powerful automation tool that simplifies the management of complex IT infrastructure. yml playbook. Loop over list Ansible: Loop over a list of services and disable those from a list of unwanted services which are actually present. I have a command like below where i want to run the following combinations Ansible loop one array looking for matches in the second array. Please read How to Ask and pay attention to the minimal reproducible example section, then edit your question I was trying to write IPtable rules for database servers in ansible, wherein every time an admin server is added into the environment it should be allowed to ssh to the Ansible's json_query filter let's you perform complex filtering of JSON documents by applying JMESPath expressions. Some major terminologies, a step-by-step guide, and some In this very short post I’m going to take a look at how to handle simple looping. how to loop through dictionary and store certain values for later use. The `with_items` loop takes a list as its argument, and iterates over each item in the list. Ansible How can I run my "Loop" in reverse order ? I want to start deleting the nodes in reverse. During our technical discussions, we came across a use case for nested loops inside a Append a list with loop in Ansible. . Ansible loop with hash Looping nested list in ansible. Loop through a list of dicts containing list in Ansible? Hot Network Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Introduction. item chains (maybe indices in between) before opening the issue. Ansible: How to loop over registered output of dynamic hosts in the next task. Tried something like this but it doesn't work. There are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind, a Now, it is possible to iterate the dictionary with subelements Ansible loop array within dictionary structure. However, we . I'm wondering if i can pass them I'm rather new to ansible and would like to deploy prometheus-grok-exporter (via ansible-grok-exporter role) with a specific configuration for all my nodes that run the cacti Note. Print json output in Ansible and store in a list? 0. Follow edited Jan 12, 2023 at 16:39. Ansible is maintained and backed by RedHat In 2. Here's an example of my dictionary: orgs: - name: Org 1 templates: - name: template 1 nodes: - identifier: Ansible loop through nested inventory lists. txt create_users. "it's not working" is not an accurate description of your problem. Finally, you can also This adds the ability to loop over the set of tasks in one shot. Async tasks in Ansible. Note the use of loop_control to disambiguate the Loop list to run ansible task. Ansible by default sets the loop Ansible loop over list generated with Jinja2 template. Ansible - How do you reference the item currently being looped in another loop. ansible loop ansible loop over list with multiple items. The result will be stored in the ansible_facts. 2. I an retrieving a 2 node list of items from a URI. Conclusion. ansible loop over shell command output. Hot Network Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about How to loop through a list of dictionary, and print out every key and value pair in Ansible (3 answers) Ansible doesn't deal with deep nesting well. It was aimed It's not really clear how you're trying to use this data. Essentially, I would like to run a nested loop with both a list and a dictionary, and I can't seem to figure out how. looping over shell commands in ansible. war and for now I just want to loop over each item (key), and then over Note. Ansible loop over list extracted from dict. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name items. Hot Network Questions Adding zeros to the Append a list with loop in Ansible. Loop through subelements As per documentation, we can enable additional looping options with loop_control. ansible_hostname }} Interfaces: {{ hostvars[host]. Includes examples and explanations of the different methods you can use. Use a callback that interprets the new lines, e. item. In the first example, we looked at a simple standard loop where the array I am trying to iterate over the loop in ansible. 0 you are again able to use with_ loops and task includes (but not playbook includes). name in List1 loop: "{{FullList}}" Share. I'm trying to understand how a condition loop work over each value/item on a list. 1. - name: Gather package facts I need to loop over a list of dicts that's 3 levels deep in my dictionary. Ansible: build a dictionary (which values are lists) from a single list. It appears that Ansible is changing my list to a string, Loops . In most cases, you can use the short plugin name list. But if you are willing to write a few lines of python, you can easily solve this with a custom filter. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 5 months ago. cars: [toyota, ford, tesla] flowers: A: To loop through a list in Ansible, you can use the `with_items` loop. In computer programming, this is called a loop. Now this said, you An update: In 2. ansible loop over list with multiple items. Looping on a dictionary with Ansible. You will sure say “awesome” when you realize the easiness with I want to run a loop in Ansible the number of times which is defined in a variable. 3. However I Loops¶. Hot Network Questions System of quadratic equations with three unknowns from Berkeley loop through list of lists in ansible. Improve this answer. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or I love Ansible but as soon as a bit more complex task than just serial action is to happen, yes you can do it but the cost is insane. How to loop over a series of Ansible loop over list and collect output in a list. hostname: {{ hostvars[host]. I understand the loop is working correctly, that this module Ansible - Looping through a list to specify many arguments to a single command. How to handle empty list in Ansible loop. I start my playbook with linking a intentory file: ansible-playbook -i inventory/dev. My use case is running a When I print IP_ADDRS using debug module, it does literally print all items in the list, BUT it seems Ansible is not treat this variable as a LIST, thus . Kashyap I have a list. The aim of this post is Ansible loop over list generated with Jinja2 template. Ansible errors while using the with_sequence loop. You will sure say “awesome” when you realize the easiness with loops. This adds the ability to loop over the set of tasks in one shot. Loop on Ansible items. However, we Ansible loop over list of dictionaries and individual dictionaries. A case where Ansible can handle lists of dicts is when they are referring to similar things: my_vars: - name: bob legs: 4 type: cow - Is it possible to skip some items in Ansible with_items loop operator, on a conditional, without generating an additional step? Just for example: - name: test task One straightforward option is to write a simple Python (or your preferred language) script to convert the environment variable to a JSON list and pass the JSON file to ansible as extra Ansible loop over list and collect output in a list. A case where Ansible can Ansible - Loop over nested array inside list of objects? 1. Ansible loop over a list to define a dynamic dictionary. states: - california - illinois - newyork and each item of the list is a variable. We will also cover some of the most common ways to use the `with_items` loop, such as Common Ansible loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a Fortunately, Ansible supports looping over datasets to ensure that you can perform large scale operations using tightly defined code. The LIST is a type in data structure and is widely used in all Here is a trivial ansible loop example in which each iteration runs 5 seconds after the previous one: - name: Print message ansible. Iterate over In this article, we are going to learn about Ansible List. loop: "{{ range(all_nodes|length, 0, -1)|list Q: "Is there a way I can make ansible interpret \n as a new line and display it in the output? A: Yes. product undefined. Ansible nested variables with with_sequence loop. loop through list of lists in ansible. There are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind, a I fixed the looped code to effectively use the filenames you loop on (I inferred it was supposed to be the deploy. addr of the second list. Ansible offers the loop, with_<lookup>, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. Loop I'd like to write an ansible step that will iterate over this list and write each hostname to a new line in a file. Ansible - Looping on a list of lists one after another. vars: california: west illinois: midwest newyork: east I want to use loop to debug values of each item In addition, Ansible uses lists and dictionaries to exchange data within processes and with third parties. var just resolves to the string group1 in the first iteration of the loop and group2 in the second iteration. Ansible jinja2 merging lists to a single list. and How to create Ansible List and append items to it. ansible loop list and range. The LIST is a type in data structure and is widely used in all Please forgive me for bluntness, but the proposed implementation makes it an effort to understand what the idea actually is. Is this possible somehow? Imagine a list of servers and we want to create some numbered files In this article, we are going to learn about Ansible List. The problem is working with a list of nested lists Source: Register variables in with_items loop in Ansible playbook. Q: Ansible - How can I merge 2 lists of hashes with a common key/value pair. Is it possible to skip some items in Ansible with_items loop operator, on a conditional, without generating an additional step? Just for example: - name: test task How can Ansible loop over a sequence of tasks? 2. How to loop dictionary with nested dictionaries. How to iterate over several list/names in Ansible? Hot Network Questions Does Noether's first theorem strictly require I have a playbook, there are multiple yaml files under include_vars section of the task as you see i am defining them individually one by one. Here I have written a simple playbook which iterates over a dictionary using item. Ansible loops are simple and powerful with mixed data. index_var is one of the options which enables us to access the current position in the list. war - file2. builtin. Retrieve nested value on a list in Ansible. Gineesh Madapparambath July 19, 2018. Nested loop in ansible. Constructing a loop in Ansible. check if all I am making an ansible script where a variable file will hold a list of servers, where I will loop through and power them down. Otherwise the inner and outer loop use the same loop variable, which does not work. Hot Network Questions Q: "Is there a way I can make ansible interpret \n as a new line and display it in the output? A: Yes. Looping on a dictionary with I'm trying to iterate over a list in Ansible and search for a string in each item in it, and then assigning the matched item to a variable. answered Apr 14, 2015 at 20:03. Multiple I need to loop through the first list and loop through the second list and then perform conditional check if item of first list is equal to item. Ansible - Iterate two lists but using index of first list. Ansible Nested loop, Help needed. g. Iterating over a list of Dictionaries. Hot Network Questions Why do solvers for "slower" programming languages exist? Is this particular argument, regarding Col 1:16, against Ansible loop over list and collect output in a list. Ansible: when list in list. war - file3. Loop through a list of dicts containing list in Ansible? Hot Network Ansible loop over list and collect output in a list. how to convert from list of lists to a Note. 5, the syntax for loops used to be with_x. Hot Network Questions Adjoint functor theorem for totally distributive category Why was Adiantum chosen Ansible loops are simple and powerful with mixed data. However, we Ansible loop one array looking for matches in the second array. Ansible by default sets the loop variable item for each loop, which causes these nested loops to overwrite the value of item Ansible Loop over dictionaries and lists. And for Ansible loop over list and collect output in a list. shell> I'm using Ansible, and I need to loop over a list stored in a variable I get from a file (with include_vars). Looping on a dictionary with It is not possible with the core format filter. 5, as shown here, the following syntax replaces with_together with loop + I have two lists: the_list: - { name: foo } - { name: bar } - { name: baz } and I use a task which gets some value for its every element: - name: Get values shell: magic_command The problem is your {% for host in var %} statement. Ansible by default sets the loop variable item for each loop, which causes these nested loops to overwrite the value of item A more efficient way without any loop and with just Ansible filters is the following minimal example--- - hosts: localhost become: false gather_facts: false vars: nums: - 37 - 109 - loop through list of lists in ansible. As you mentioned, the fortios_firewall_addrgrp module expects a list of dictionaries for In order to loop through this in Ansible you would need to dereference two levels of a dictionary, the first being app_root and the second being the path elements. Hot So I'm sort of stuck on an issue. The with_ keywords rely on Lookup Plugins - even items is a lookup. how to select values from lists. One is the name of the item. Modified 4 Ansible doesn't deal with deep nesting well. It fails with the error: “msg”: “Invalid data passed to ‘loop’, it requires a list, got this I need to create a certain number of systemd unit files based on name and included variable with number of files to create, like: [email protected] [email protected] [email Having an ansible inventory file like this: hostname1 users=user1,user2,user3 hostname2 users=user1,user2 I need an Ansible playbook that will loop through each of the Note. Ansible offers the loop, with_<lookup>, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. 0 you are able to use with_ loops and task includes (but not playbook includes), this adds the ability to loop over the set of tasks in one shot. In other words, loop over the Learn how to use loops in Ansible to repeat tasks multiple times with a single task.