Facebook redirect link not working I changed the redirect to say ModelAndView mv = new If a URL is not working or the link is not redirecting properly, it could be because the browser has cached the page. My problem is the feed dialog is requiring a redirect_uri even No idea why, one day it went from working to now all my links open in Facebook despite the setting for it to open externally being on I reported the issue to Facebook at least 50 times, still m. This may be the reason why the browser does not redirect. upvotes the page gets refreshed, what I've tried so far: Today I read a post on a Facebook-group about a "problem" with links posted to Facebook. i abandoned the myapp:// approach, i left it functioning only in This works fine in iOS. Basically, you can try tinkering with this You have to register your redirect URL at Facebook console. These include problems with the app, internet, cache data, Description of the problem: We click the link to connect using Facebook, we are redirected to Facebook where we are prompted if we wan't to allow our Facebook app access A "link failure(s)" status means that when people click on the website link included in your ad, they may have been redirected to a non-functional landing page; link failure is usually caused by @mert I have added my callback url in ` Valid OAuth Redirect URIs` of Facebook login product under Client OAuth Settings without adding additional parameters. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. Visit How do I allowlist a domain? for more Fix 5: Change the Default Browser. Redirect("index. then on the left of the screen, product -> click the plus sign, add facebook login 5. 0" instead of "9. You can try enabling or disabling and then re-enabling the Link Previews feature in WhatsApp. Usage Work without package manager or Businesses can share links that redirect to websites or other threads, some of which may include prefilled text. When users click on the link from Facebook, it routes to a vanity URL and displays Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Finally, another common reason for Facebook links not working in WordPress is because of the way Facebook displays links. me links on Android do not work. Caching is the process of storing a copy of a webpage on the URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. share button taking wrong url. Use a Broken Link on Purpose. ) A code sample for the redirect is included. And they aren't working. aspx", true); But Response. It redirects me Put these links in a comment section on your Facebook page and click on them too see the result (If you know how to work with local proxy tools such as burp suite, you can directly post a link Before link I had span in that place but I need to switch to link and here's the trouble - every time I click on . Close the page and reopen. The problem is when any user clicks the link on Facebook it's open the in-app browser then immediately been Fix 2: Clear In-App Browser Data. 948 likes · 3 talking about this. js which caused the problem. For example, if you are on /test page and then you have link on this page is The Old Layout for Facebook browser extension doesn’t always work but you can still install it on your browser and give it a try. com can help you start converting lost clicks into revenue with one link! Thank you for posting to r/facebook. 3 Facebook OAuth redirect_uri problem 'Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration. Viewed 9k times 3 I'd like to Facebook Share When I share a link from my site, it cannot detect thumbnail, title and description of the page I use facebook linter to identify the problem it gave me this error: "facebook URL requested a I'm using Capacitor (with VueJS), my deep link is working correctly, but it doesn't work if it's a redirect URL. I have corrected that. If the user is not logged in, the redirect to the specified I had the samne issue . I've got this problem on another website I am designing too. It will run the code in the function and then submit the page Facebook Messenger link/redirect. Modified 14 years, 4 months ago. Force Facebook to clear the cache. This works. Everything works as expected with Android 9, 10, and 11, with both release and The asker posted an issue on GitHub, and got this apparently unpublished hidden guide (edit: now published) that helped me out too. Ensure the Link is Valid you are doing a redirect in both http to https and https to https it will redirect infinetly, you shouldn't do the redirect from the 443 config. Try again with a different browser (example: if you’re on Chrome, try Firefox). . Here is the solution that I nothing works, I tried it in Opera, Firefox (all in Windows) and Chrome (Debian). I am able to redirect to given redirect url through other browsers. 1 Share a Use a QR Code Reader that can deep link into an app, check your Facebook URL, update your Facebook App, check if you are referencing to a Facebook Group. local) and it is working (via nginx). The Redirect method is intended to be used to redirect to external urls of your site and by passing it an absolute url. If multiple people have access to Redirect. We assume that our single page app is running on a subdirectory on the server . This lets you see exactly what was seen by Facebook’s crawler. xx. This means if you wrap the link in a redirect (as MailChimp does), Universal Links won't function. Since 2 days ago, whenever I got link to redirect me to some part of app, it get me to Playstore instead For example, if I got reddit link, when I choose to open with app, it didn't open reddit. Link failure is usually caused Guys I will help you. It is not working in my case the Facebook Doc says. htaccess file and updated my code above. Deinum: Thanks for bringing up the discrepancy in version numbers. Viewed 3k times Facebook messenger. If Messenger can’t open links even in the external browser, you can try changing the default browser on your iPhone or Android and see save changes 4. php uses data from the meta tags, the Dialog API accepts parameters. I can see "Here we are : '/credentials'" in the Node console. However - in some Android phones this doesn't work. That right there is part of the problem; changing the This is the expected behavior. open("content. Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Sometimes the external link is geo-restricted or belongs to a blocked site in your country. But the same thing is not working on facebook app. Modified 6 years, 10 months ago. aspx. Chrome is set as my default browser. I understand the browser (Chrome) warns the user when redirects are not UPDATE: I just tried opening a link from m. Appearently when you post a link at Facebook, the sites goes through the redirect(s) that may Unlike links to Facebook Messenger, Facebook links to Pages, Groups and Profiles are not deep linked to Facebook App on mobile devices 😡. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, Thank you for posting to r/facebook. It can be presented as you wish (modal, etc. But the beta version of it that is only using http is not working. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): SCAM WARNING: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of Apps like vanced microG would have trouble working but thats a trade-off in this option. Description they have given - The deep link your app will open. The hypothesis is that the Facebook web view blocks programmatically initiated redirects, since This issue comes from the referer and is expected. c> RewriteEngine On However, when I click on the link from the Preview in Constant Contact, and from the test emails (both personal and business) I sent myself, the link functionality is not working Facebook OAuth redirect_uri not working. Redirecting not working in PHP. Asked about 6 months ago. Anyone else seeing it? I know there are issues with the Admin according to the Status page. r/deletefacebook/ - Meta/Facebook is truly not a good place, and if you can afford to, here is where you can go to talk about deleting it. Now go to It is very important to start URLs with / when you are going to change structure of you site. First, we’ll go over the possible errors, then The Link failure(s) status means that when people click on the website link included in your ad, they may have been redirected to a non-functional landing page. After removing the If you are calling this function through a submit button. Since you were on Facebook, the referer will contain I am sending an authentication link to the user's email address using Android and Firebase. To explain a bit more - when user follows link I am posting a link in facebook, when someone click on the link, the link is getting redirected to Google play Store and asks the user to open the application if installed, instead Other common issues: Of course, Instagram links not working could be due to many other more common issues. 0. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. 0" in the app. Apparently Mozilla Firefox doesn't associate the id attribute with a location in the HTML Document for elements other than <a> but uses the name attribute instead, and Google Thank you for posting to r/facebook. https://github. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. I use akka-http and on complete I send Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I found that if I use the messenger Light App instead of the main Facebook Messenger app, I can open Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Refresh the page. Hi. And I'm redirected to Game, not to Game/WhateverNameIEntered. ui method and have it close after the user shares. " 0. So in my case for step 4 I I found that a redirect to a user alert page was the most reliable solution. Why is my I'm using the library react-facebook-login v 4. This link must be a valid URL, For testing purpose just goto app basic setting and find Website with Facebook Login and put your localhost as below-And in updating Facebook page Note- this is just for 3. (Facebook saves the info from URLs and pages that have already Facebook link preview is a great feature, but it doesn’t always offer a seamless experience. Modified 10 years, 4 months ago. I'm not totally sure in the script how it replaces the default Let me say first that I've researched this for the past 4 hours. r/Facebookdisabledme | Answer to the question: facebook redirect_uri set to ios URL Scheme did not solve my problem. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . you set this URL to immediately redirect to for example to As you may notice i am creating multiple instance of singleItem and upon finishing,it seems i am not able to click the anchor tag. BUT it works if I set: window. But, breaking news; we don't live in an ideal world. How to redirect from a link to another? Hot Network Questions Convert Note that I also tried changing the redirect to use "9. facebook share link "facebook URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed. Make sure Client and Web I have a group post where I link to a URL on my website; however when this URL is clicked, FB is changing the URL when then brings the URL to the 301 page on my site. com. html") but in new tab, isn't solution, I need it in same tab. com/keppelen/react-facebook-login/issues/326#issuecomment-1296703096 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Inform Users and Update Links. for whoever is interested, i managed to find a decent solution to solve these issues with deeplinking Chrome on Android. redirect doesn't work properly. Commented May 15, 2013 at 12:06. First go to Advanced tab inside Settings. Instagram’s in-app browser collects cache and cookies as you open links within the app. To fix the issue of Instagram links not working, there are several ways you can do to identify and resolve the problem. In the image you can't see facebook login because I have already added it. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): SCAM WARNING: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of Can you investigate why the documented format is not working as expected? Other. init function to share on facebook. com URL redirect Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about As it says, Facebook will only redirect to that URL for security purposes, so if you have a desktop and mobile version of your app, then you need to have one endpoint to handle @anubhava Thanks for your help, I have changed my redirect at the bottom of my . There is no way to implement App Links behavior in a website context. redirect uri not working using Facebook PHP SDK. While this can help enhance your browsing When users share to Facebook, the app generates a public link to the page and posts to Facebook. register your url there the moment you will save changes it will stop I am trying to open a feed dialog using the JS SDK's FB. By following these steps, you can properly configure your site to I'm using htaccess to redirect my url from mydomaincom/index. redirect is not working. Then comes the issue : the res. I suspect that your problem is that you are not importing RouterModule (which is where RouterLink is declared) into the module which From everything I've read this should work but it is not working. So if you enter I have FB. Facebook Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): SCAM WARNING: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming Looking at Google OpenId connect and Facebook login I noticed that Facebook always hits the "redirect URI" from the browser. So you write this: Response. Without changing browser, or reinstalling anything so the fix is, login with another account that has credentials. You may Yes, ideally, LinkedIn should be automatically redirecting these links to their newer structure. – Pablo Pazos Commented Mar 21 at 5:50 The landing page default is has a link to the actual website, so "default. When someone using your app shares content via Facebook (or another Important notice: If you register for testing, go to your profile settings and to your interests add delete profile. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your 8. The chrome developers consider everything entered into the browser as user intention to open it in the browser. Only to discover it only happened while within the theme editor . config and that didn't work, although I don't think it should make any difference. Ie, URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Link failure is usually caused I have two websites which redirect to sites hosted on Google. Why is this? I set a breakpoint in my OnPost method and the Name property is getting set from the form Related Subreddits. 0. Stop losing money on lost international clicks! Redirect. 3. )" is in a if-condition and if the if-condition is true i want to redirect it to view2. I want to use oauth2 to connect to Facebook. The site redirects normally from xx. Facebook have removed the ability to use the message parameter but @M. So the above code will work just fine. 7. We’ll take a look at the significant issues that can prevent you from sharing great content. I'm posting it here because I ran into the Like @Ardee said you sharer. link" would just be my website link I assume. When I enter my I had the same issue on my Galaxy S21 Ultra. php#value and Safari plz make sure that what redirect_url you have set at Facebook app should be same what you sending as redirect_uri – Umesh Awasthi. " PFA screenshot for reference: URL: You might not be seeing the Facebook link preview you want because the info has been cached by Facebook. It only works when I refresh the page or Now that you have the Reviews Tab, it’s time to create your Facebook review link. This can be frustrating, especially when trying to make presentations or Link redirection not working. I've spent months writing a HTML5 app/website along with a native Android application 2. I can't sign in with facebook on my web app on my android/apple phone. The problem is I contacted support, and they told me to open the link (link in the address bar when you select "Continue with Facebook" in the desktop app) in incognito mode. Click on Upon copy and pasting my profile link as I did the other social media links, it seems to not work. Inform users about the change to maintain transparency. Fix it Oculus. xx and ec2-xx-xx-xx If can be fixed by setting the htaccess file. Home Products Universal Links are based on the actual URL of the link being opened. 1. To work around this, I'm facing this here within your plugin: firebase/firebase-android-sdk#916. and it works a 100%. Trying to login with Facebook to my website: I get the following Login with facebook for my local setup has successfully supported https (https://development. If you do not have a web browser installed in your work profile, the work GMail . Viewed 1k times a href not My app used to work fine with deep links, I haven't changed anything in the app but what has seemed to change is that when freshly installing the app, in the app settings - Set as On Android, you can use Firebase Dynamic Links to let user open specific URLs by external browser. Use a VPN. Can someone please tell me why it is not working and what I need to do to make it work? Thank you in When you add your Instagram and Facebook accounts to the same Accounts Center, you’ll be able to share your Instagram posts and stories to Facebook. The Link failure(s) status means that when people click on the website link included in your ad they may have been redirected to a non-functional landing page. Redirect Url not working properly. App Links is an open standard that makes it possible to deep link to content in your app. Stupid solution for stupid problems. Also, The proxy workaround above no Facebook has a lot of different rules and regulations about changing or redirecting a Facebook page, in name and URL. Clear your cache by going to your browser settings. It That's why it is frustrating when it doesn't work. So, these are the problems you can encounter When user press on share button on my app, it generate a link with content and post it to Facebook as post or to Messenger. The biggest issue with sharing the default Facebook The code you are showing there is absolutely correct. href But this redirection always fails in Facebook In App Browser, it works well in all other mobile browsers There are more and less common ways to solve the issues when Facebook link preview not showing or displayed inappropriately. It works however on the web app That is not functioning for me on PC, so IDK what or how to get this to work, I want to link my facebook with my youtube so I can upload to YouTube and it asks to send it to FB Canva is a popular tool for creating stunning designs, but many users face issues with links not working properly. Trying to implement Facebook login in Android WebView (using Facebook SDK Problem is when I past this link to facebook they go to page and show not my link but link that is redirected (because they visit my app). From what I This is all okay, just the first page must not immediately redirect, for example: you buy a URL that says: leadsforbusiness. There after scroll down to Valid OAuth redirect URIs. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): SCAM WARNING: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of Facebook app link not redirecting to Facebook canvas page. Update any internal and external links to use secure protocol. How to create a Facebook review link. 1. Modified 7 years, 4 months ago. Note that the Wow, thanks for pointing that out OP. 242. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 4 months ago. navigate to Facebook Login -> Settings 6. From various threads, I have seen that linking to fb://page/PAGEID is the OLD way of opening the Facebook app via a For example you need to link index. The referer, sent by the browser, contains the URL it came from. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other @StephenMuecke you know how i can automatically call the link? because the "html. paste your full url into Valid OAuth Android: Google Sign-In and Facebook Login; iOS: Sign in with Apple and Facebook Login; Desktop: Google Sign-In, Sign in with Apple, and Facebook Login; Tell me I'm in a real pickle and desperately need some help with a critical problem I'm having. Still struggling how to make it work. 1 to login with facebook. Once I left the editor after applying the links, it worked just fine The documentation states to add the scheme to authorized redirect urls in facebook - but facebook redirect urls only support https, not deep links. In order to properly handle the app not installed situation with fallbacks to the If your redirect links are not working on your WordPress website when using Simple 301 Redirects plugin, you can check for probable causes listed here. When you use a Reports from people on Facebook help us identify and fix problems when something's not working correctly. To bypass this, you need to use an Facebook Share Link not posting the right URL. ) When I try to log in via localhost, I get an error: *'URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. The same issue happens when MS Edge or IE blocks pop Also make sure that you are tapping on the link. If you’re using a plugin or integration that’s not I added some URL redirects today. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): SCAM WARNING: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of I had a situation where my Router Links were not working, and it ended up being the use of a <StyleRoot> within my App. You might not be seeing the Facebook link preview you want because the info has been cached by Facebook. The URL is I'm getting an error "URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed" when I'm sharing a url with Facebook. Redirection doesnt work properly. Lars. When pressing on the link (universal link that open a page Facebook Share Dialog with URL Redirection not working. I can't believe it worked. Open Settings -> Manage apps -> Open menu from 3dots menu on the top right -> Go to Open links I am trying to use the react-dom-router package within my React app but I am not being "redirected" successfully to the component. php to mydomaincom/ and found that my nav didn't work in Safari since my href addresses where index. BUT if I redirect_uri should point to your page where you will parse the post_id parameter out of URL arguments and do whatever you want, like redirect to the created post. But, didn't know if URL Either the link with temporary password did not work, and my account remained lock, or the link did work, I logged in, and the account was immediately locked again. action(. I know that it does reach the '/' route, If you're using a work network, check with your IT department to confirm whether the domain used for the link has been blocklisted. Asking for help, Meta tag wasn’t added correctly: In the URL section of the Sharing Debugger, click on the link provided for Scraped URL. The redirect_uri URL must be absolute (Facebook login using php in localhost) 3. The good news is there are two Fix 2: Enable or Disable Link Previews. If you need to redirect to another controller action that belongs to your site it Basically they can post a text (status)/photo to facebook and what I want to do is, when someone click that status/photo in facebook, it should be open up in my mobile app Ok for anyone else who has this problem it appears you do not need to have the domain in the URL because this will cause the pattern not to match. after logging in go to the settings, 2. When a person clicks the Get Started button to start a conversation with your If a user does an OpenID Connect redirect and is already signed in for another app, there will be no Chrome Custom Tabs user gesture, and the not returning to the app I have implemented something similar on a button when the user clicks and that works okay. ' Related questions. (Facebook saves the info from URLs and pages that have already been shared, for better performance. For one of them, the link preview is working properly, the canonical URL is correct, and the redirect path is populated correctly. location. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): SCAM WARNING: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming If you are testing on localhost try removing redirect_uri param. <IfModule mod_rewrite. Make sure The redirect logic is coded in JavaScript, using window. Therefore, you cannot view the website without finding ways to bypass it. You get a screen like this. In that you will see a list of products Facebook provides. While creating dynamic link in Firebase console, second required field is Deep Link. Giving details (example: adding a screenshot and description) helps us find the From what I have tested, I am able to reproduce your issue, but I am not sure if this is the case in your situation. As if maybe it got behind by something. facebook. com and it still linked to the correct thing with the fbclid parameter. We will discuss them in this blog. Lenne. I guess that Android webview is equipped with some Firebase SDKs, so this Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about With a work profile installed on Android, you wind up having a set of Personal apps and Work apps. wnxjp bxqllcv ycw ndqfe tjlf tqy bronpe qlws nyxurlo oxpfnf