
False positive frer. I had vvfl on 8 frer tests last month.

False positive frer All false positives. Not even the slightest little faint line. Here's what I want to know: Over the past few months, IF you have taken a FRER test and received a very faint positive, did it result in a pregnancy or a significantly stronger positive (that Okay so I wrote on a post before about how every time I take a FRER test they always come back positive. For me, Wondfo pick up my hcg before any other tests, even FRER. Went to doctor google, and it said to take a test to be sure. Always a false positive. You can imagine my disappointment when I went back for a quick peek at it and the line had vanished. Family. Hormones degrade in urine very quickly so that would explain why you got a negative when you re-used the same sample. Much love and wishes for a future BFP for you xx I don't trust any digital pregnancy test. Last edited 11-05-21. But I thought the pink were pretty reliable. so now I'm tettering, trust frer, or AF is supposed to come in 3 days. And a faint line absolutely does not mean false positive. My tests are now blazing bfp. They need to address it, never in my life have I heard of a false positive, only a false negative. It’s my understanding that while you can get false negatives, you almost never will get a false positive. Anyone with bad experience with FRER? false positive? tea_berries. I’ve been testing the frer because I used one 6 weeks ago and got a very decent line, had Hcg tested the same day and it was negative. Started spotting again today. I still got a positive with 3rdMU. I'm so sorry. I'm 13dpo and been getting negatives on an ic. Blue dye tests can produce false positives. I’ve never gotten a false positive or evap on these. Thought I read somewhere that the FRERs are notorious for false positives I hope they aren’t false positives! but I think Premom and easy @home are owned by the same company (easy healthcare corp) so they could be made at the same manufacturing facility. not just a gray/dark evap line. Faint but defs pink. Although some ladies did say that saw a suuuuper faint line. Did FRER this afternoon. One time I did actually get a false positive on them, when no other test showed anything. What do you think? Could the Dollar Tree be a false positive?? Hello! I’ve been testing since 7dpo. I also took a frer yesterday morning and bfn on that. So I got tired of the frer tests giving indents and false hope to so many of us, Some FRERS have a history of giving false positive results. Edited bc I wrote “false negative”. I'm also on the mini pill I got a positive 11DPO. I’m always a little confused when I read things about false positives. Went in 10dp for my beta and tested again when I got home and was waiting for the clinic to call. This company already had to pay I got a positive with a FRER 9 DPO. I have used two first response False positives are rare, so it could have been an indent or an evap (of you might have read it when it dried down) or it could have been a CP. cvk12345. When you may be pregnant, the earlier you know the better. With my second son, I had a positive test at 8 DPO. I had vvfl on 8 frer tests last month. Like does anyone else deal with chronic false positives? the first time was a year ago i had a scare and a test came out positive and in the company’s FRER are the most sensitive on the market, they're a pink dye test but some people have awful indent lines. however, i've taken 2-3 EPT blue dye tests, 2 yesterday and one this morning, and i could see a very faint positive line on all of them. Has anyone ever gotten a false positive on a pink test? I know the blue dyes are famous for it. I have had a couple false positives with blue dye tests so I have learned to stay away from those. All tests have been negative, including the one I took this morning. I read lots of posts on other boards stating false positives with these new curved tests. Turns out I got a false positive on the FRER digital yesterday. Fingers crossed we have a little babe to stick around . GL! hope it is positive with the FRER. Apparently this is because a digital test automatically records an inconclusive result as positive. jcaywood511 @LovingL1fe333, They need to take the fr digital tests off the shelves. CD 27: bfp on frer! (Evening test)CD 28: bfp on frer (mid morning test)CD 29: didn’t testCD 30: FRER with first morning urine but got a BFN?? Tested again two hours later with same result. Some people are saying they’re not sensitive enough, and some are even saying they got a false positive. I've been using FRER and Dollar tree. One particular brand had over 200 reviews and all but a few were 1 star because of false positives. — Margaret T. For example, a methamphetamine test comes back positive for methamphetamines, even though you haven't taken any. Both looked negative but I dipped an Easy@Home strip just for fun. But here’s the bottom line: If your period is due and you use a Clearblue® pregnancy test, following the instructions carefully, the result will I am completely confused here! I've been having pregnancy symptoms so I took a FRER test and it came back postive, but then took two Clear Blue Digitals which were both negative. I’ve had 3 faint positives on my cheapies but every single time I’m testing with frer it’s coming back negative? Is this false positives they’ve came within the time frame if not earlier but surely frer is more reliable as it’s more sensitive What are the odds this is a false positive? This is a top care (off brand of the FRER) at 12 dpo. I broke down and took a FRER test yesterday afternoon (8dp5dt) and got a faint positive. You can get evap lines though. I read on here that high doses of biotin can impact FRER results as well, and I just checked my vitamin and it contains a substantial amount. I have called FRER and given lot numbers and made them aware of the issue. I tested with a clear blue one at 10 dpo and got an indent. S. I actually had the opposite with a FRER! I got a test that came back negative when my others came back positive. Or maybe I’m delusional. I then took a FRER and it was negative. Help! I got a maybe VVVFL on pregmate earlier and so I took a first response strip a few hours later (from their comfort strip pack) that was positive. Posted 03-03-19. It took two more days for the digital to pick it up. This whole "false positive" curved frer faint line thing really bothers me. I don't know why I keep using them lol. I figured This happened to me in September, I got two positives, went to the obygyn that same day and blood work was negative, and it also happened in December. so there ate frer from amazon giving false hope!! i've been reading up on blue dye tests, and it seems like most of the false positives are either really thin lines; they either appear within the timelimit or a few hours later. Music to my ears!!! Bye bye $7/piece Because the line is pink, and shows up immediately there’s nothing faulty looking about it otherwise. G. I'm guessing that the FRER was a false positive. Test again in a few days, possibly with a FRER as they're best for early results and very sensitive What can cause a false positive? Getting a true false positive – one where you were never pregnant in the first place – is incredibly rare. I’m interested to hear what others have to say about this though. do you think it could be a false positive or Hey guys I just started using wondfo this month after horrible indents with FRER last month. I had a vvfl with a blue dye test. If you get a faint line on the solid pink cap FRER, please do not get your hopes up like I did and confirm it with another test. Here’s what could be behind your inaccurate result. u. Took another at 10 dpo to confirm, and although light, definitely a positive. It caused me to think I had conceived in April and I was further along than I thought. I think if you chose to test early make sure you are using FRER tests and try to wait til day 6/7 if you can. Featuring First to Detect™ technology, the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 Count is sensitive enough to capture small amounts of pregnancy hormones to give you results 6 days sooner than your missed period. Getting Pregnant. Toddler. Could I still be pregnant? Not a happy camper right now. That line was so faint it's barely visible. Any one has experience of having a negative test this early on, which then became positive? Any positive stories? This is become very stressful. If you look at their website, there have been a lot of reviews recently of people getting false positives. I had a vvvvvfl line on two clear blue tests. And yes got a positive. j. Sign Up. The line is difficult to see but it has pink coloring in it. can you still get a false positive on a blue dye test if the positive A false positive as blue dye in it. I wanted to try a digital When I got my VFPs it was 3-4 days before I got a positive on the digital. I had a chemical in October and I'm nervous it's another chemical. So the first one that looks positive but has a really light control line I tried doing in stream and it didn’t start to work very quickly so I think I did it wrong. I've had many indents but this was an actual line that showed up in the timescale stayed visible for at least 20minutes but disappeared after an hour. A false positive would be a clear positive, pink and bright. BUT this evening I took a FRER digital, and it was positive! Is it safe to say this is a true positive? Or are these known to So from above to below, it's 10/11/13 dpo. FRER sensitivity - checked with precise HCG concentrations Like I give up I was so excited! Idk what's going on, I swore I was preg but I guess it was a false positive, or is the negative a false negative? I'm so Positive FRER and then 2 days later a negative. It’s more obvious is person. I've used I had a negative with the FRER digital and a positive blue dye in the same morning. Assumed the blue dye was a false positive since FRERS are so sensitive but turns out the FRER was a false negative. Today at 13dpo I decided to try out a pregmate expecting it to be darker, but it wasn’t. They won't show a positive result until the lines are quite strong on standard test. (Wee was v concentrated) But with dd my frer line 15dpo was very faint almost not there. Has anyone else ever got a false negative on FRER? Also I’d assume I ovulated later than expected, which is completely fine I’m just worrying that AF is already late but only getting faint positives, is this normal? xx I took these Wondo tests last night also, had one blazing positive and two negatives from the SAME URINE. [1] Hi Ladies so yesterday I took a clear blue hpt and it was positive. I was reading reviews of blue tests. Also did a one step blue ic, negative on that too. Got 4 faint positive Walmart cheapies now and FRER still bfn. I took a test today and got a positive? on a Wondfo but Frer is negative, clearblue digital is negative . Anyway, I bought the Easy@home pack and checked the reviews after. I think BFP!! I did actually have a false positive from a frer last month. Day 5 was stark white negative. Granted my HCG levels could have been wonky but then I would expect the blue dye to be negative as well. They're not as sensitive, they're more for people who need to see the word "pregnant. Frer. False positives are rare. " BUT, blue dye tests are notorious for false positives. When I went back and checked it later it was positive and almost as dark as the control. Please beware and save yourself the heartache. If you got positives across multiple brands I would lean towards the 3 positives vs the 1 negative, you’re way more likely to get a false negative than a false positive (especially across 3 tests!) A lot of people say don’t trust the blue dyes because they have more intense evap lines but there’s clearly color to the line on your test, so that’s a positive. I'm two years into my TTC journey and yesterday I got a positive on my FRER test, but then this morning I got nothing on my $1 test. I was wondering how common is a false positive on a FRER? I've read that quite a few people are having FP with these, and if so, what do they look like? I had a miscarriage last year and was later told I am going through early Any faint line that shows up in the 10 minute frame should be considered a positive (though with FRER they usually show up in 3 minutes. Almost all of the symptoms of early pregnancy are the same as the symptoms of an impending period. I retested around 3am this morning because I woke up needing to pee at that time. Same day, days later. So if youve ever had a false positive, did it show right away? Or did it develop over time? Thanks! Like. I feel like odds are really low inside the test window if you aren’t doing treatments. Quote React Add post Tested 7dp5dt and saw positive! But later regretted cos it might have even a false positive (I took some hcg boosters). Do you have So 5DP5DT AM (7am) I got a faint faint line on FRER, negative Easy@Home. So here I show you how frustrating it is for someone TTC and having this happen. Saw the line straight away OP. I have seen lots of faint positives, but also lots of negatives in between the positives. Try a FRER I bet you will get a nice line!! FX MarathonGirl. To my enormous surprise, lines came up on both within the timeframe, although are very faint. Earlier today I took a Dollar Tree, I looked at it for a minute or two and no line. Thanks you, L Is frer giving out false positives lately? c. I always try to ensure the FRER’s result with a CB digital. And first response test often strips. If you think you could be pregnant then use a pink dye test. Goldie1989. I got a faint positive I got a faint positive on a FRER test about 2 days ago that came up straight away, very clear and pink, so I freaked out and called my sister right away thinking I am pregnant. Those have never gone wrong for me. Hi Anyone had this? I've heard it's almost impossible to get a false positive but I think I've had 2 in 2 days! Well, I got a positive looking test on the pregmate at what I believe was 11dpo. First Year. Background: I stopped taking HBC on May 22nd, I started a But a lot of people have also been having troubles with frer. Took opk and hcg pregmates. If you are having a Chemical then yes you will start your period like normal. Still annoyed by that false positive easy@home. I retested this morning with my FMU using a FRER hoping to get a stronger line since they are more sensitive and my urine would be more concentrated and it’s negative. I'm not sure if Boots are known for false positives but CB digital aren't very sensitive at all. my boobs are super sore and i have had an increase in creamy cm, as well as odd taste changes. BFN.   I thought it was an evap but there is pink on it. I excitedly dipped an actual FRER in the same cup of urine and it’s totally negative! What?? Any experiences with this? I had this happen when I got my first positive on a frer! I used the first response digital and it was negative but the next day I took a clear blue digital and it was positive:) clearblue digitals are supposed to be 23 or 25 iui/ml which was the same or close to my walmart cheapie and femometer cheapie and I had a positive with both of them! the first response digital is 50 I dont know frer are supposed to be more accurate. Backstorylost a daughter at 12weeks gestation 4 years ago, and most recently my son at 18 weeks gestation a year ago. Sarahcrooke @LClear, Mine looks sort of like yours but haven’t gotten any other tests to see if it’s negative or positive. Were they all taken at the same time? They see digital false positives fairly often. false positives? Home Pregnancy Test Anyone have any experiences with false positives. That FRER is positive!! It's fainter than the ones I have taken yesterday and the day before, all I can think about is are they evap lines/indents or am I about to have a CP :( I don't have much hope but have to just wait and see. It's your money, but I'd get a FRER (pink dye) before I'd spring for a digital. Now if you use those with a trigger shot that wouldn't be true, but with just Femara I don't think you should be concerned. If you have gotten false lines as well, please call and let them know. I normally buy FRER. The dollar store has perfectly good tests if you're a crazy that wants to pee on 10 or so. Funnily enough the digital was sent to me as a "sorry" from first response because I had got numerous false positives with the regular tests. OutOfTheWoods. Called OB and nurse told me they could have been false positives. 2 Similar Discussions Found . Read your result within 10 minutes. like extra negative. I even sent Premom customer service a heated email about all the false positives I was getting. This is our 8th cycle trying for #3 so it’s pretty disheartening getting strong false positives like that. Report I don't want to totally bum you out, but twice in the last year, I've had positives on FRER tests and negatives on digis both ended in chemical pregnancies. went to doctors had blood test and was negative. . Featuring First to Detect Technology, this digital pregnancy test is sensitive enough to capture scant amounts of pregnancy hormones to give you results 6 days sooner than your missed period. I don't think it's a false positive. If you receive a positive result — even if you suspect it's false — make an appointment with a healthcare professional. Even used another clear blue digital. all of is there a posibility of me getting false positives? I mean I have never seen a Alright ladies it seems like half of us are facing or have faced the FRER false positive or faint positive issue. Pictured here. I believe I got a false positive on one on May 24th when I had just ovulated on May 20th. I When asking yourself, "Am I Pregnant?", the earlier you know, the better. Baby Names. I'm starting to believe these Wondfos are giving me false positives and if they are, I wanted to make sure you are all aware. I was wondering how common is a false positive on a FRER? I've read that quite a few people are having FP with these, and if so, what do they look like? I had a miscarriage last year and was later told I am going through early The exact same thing just happened to me. I don’t even have to squint to the positives. Posted 25-10-20. Goldie1989 @Goldie1989, Like. I tested this evening at 10dpo and got another positive looking easy at home but a negative FRER. Posted 27-05-21. It’s unlikely for a test to give a false positive. I had a strong positive 6dp5dt and am current 35w6d. I retested today and the easy at home is noticeably darker. In person, the first one is the lightest, second one is slight pink and the last one is darker than the first but still so light that I can't tell if it's grey or pink. The o ly time I had a positive and then negative other tests is Negative FRER but Positive Later? FRERs can still be negative, and you can still be pregnant because the FRER test was taken before the 6. 09/03/2015 at 9:42 pm. They've been negative until today. Has anyone had this before? I took a test on Monday and had a very faint line. Just took a dollar store and also a vvvvvfl came up in a minute. FRER all negative. How many DPO are you? Quote React Add post Share Report I got a false positive on the same type of test, did a further 4 and bloods which were all negative. Got a bHCG done at the levels indicated I had only just conceived. And there was a line! Same the Guide to testing out the trigger Read More » Took a test using easy@home and got a very faint positive, waited until the next day to test using FRER and it was negative?? I’m so confused was the easy@home a false positive/ evap line/ indent? I just don’t know what to think The only way you would get a “false positive” would be if you used HCG injections during your cycle and they had not completely left your system by the time you took the you should have a pretty decisive answer when using FRER. Have u tried a different brand? I'm remember you from the 3rd trimester when we were both there not so long ago. If you are unlucky (like myself) to get what people say is a false positive (second line that’s faint with a hint of blue) then in the coming days they rest of tests are negative that FRER's are notorius for indents that look like faint positives. If it is high you can get a false negative on FRER! I’ve been using FRER for years and had no idea!! I got a positive pregmate Just another update! 9dpo pm test has faint positives on easy@home and wondfo. So now I’m feeling really hesitant of any pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests aren't foolproof. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . 6DP5DT AM I get a less faint positive on FRER, a very, very, barely there positive on Easy@Home (as in if I didn’t have the FRER line I would probably think the easy@home was negative) and a positive clear blue digital, weeks indicator. Lol. I'm 9dpo roughly. I can’t believe FRER tests are trash now. How many of you ladies have gotten a false positive on an equate brand early result test? I had a possible indent/vvfl on a FRER 48 hours ago. all negative. And YET FRER was negative. So Ive read that FRER gives a lot of false positives. went out bought frer and negative. I got a veryyyyy faint positive just now. Missed my period and two days later got my BFP with FRER! So I took another, and again, 5 minutes later it showed up +. Im on cd44 and i have no symptoms of af. I was wondering how common is a false positive on a FRER? I've read that quite a few people are having FP with these, and if so, what do they look like? I had a miscarriage last year and was later told I am going through early Yesterday my test with easy @ home was positive, FRER was negative, again today my easy @ home is positive but still negatived on the FRER! Idk whats going on like am i pregnant or not?!?! Im 13 dpo, period due today. Pregnancy tests detect the hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) hormone in your body, which is only present when you’re pregnant. I’m not sure what happened but I got positives on early wondfo, easy at home Anyone have any experiences with false positives. Even though I'm not a fan of first response, I did 2 regular tests with first morning wee just to make sure. Something is clearly up with the batch they made in the last couple of months. I got a positive on an amazon cheapie at 7 miu (confirmed by bloodwork) and I had taken the Walmart cheapie you did at the same time as the cheapie and it was a I've taken 3 FRER in the past two days and they've come up with a super faint line you have to look twice because it's that faint but it is pink so I'm assuming it's a positive The blogger thought that could be why so many women are getting false positives. and then this faint positive FRER today. The picture is what appeared around the ten minute mark. One particularly distraught reviewer actually got a response from the brand- who said her false positives with their blue test must have been the result of a chemical pregnancy. Even got a test with the pregnancy line visible (grey) right out of the package. Any slight line has always been a positive We know that the idea of a false negative or a false positive can be worrisome. 5 mlu threshold has been met. is this a false positive? I read sooo many comments about false results with this, I don't know what to think. Also, I had a false positive during my treatments because I tested too early. The rapid result FRER are 25 miu. I got a negative First response pregnancy test and am devastated. Hey all. I’ve stared at MANY MANY tests of all kinds over the years (too many) and I’ve never had a false positive that looked like this one so I’m very confused. I didn't think it was even possible to get false positives with a digital test. There has to be a certain amount of hcg in your system to get a positive. False-positive results can be due to a laboratory error, but the most common reason for a false-positive methamphetamine test is other medications or substances that have a similar structure to methamphetamine. I’m so upset. I went on the website of a completely different brand of blue tests and So my heart may have just fell out of my body. I'm a newbie here, mostly a lurker. positive. I’ve started cramping so am expecting AF tomorrow morning, but if not I’ll update the results of my test here! This morning I had a vvvfl on clear blue early result and FRER (both pink dye). I have been using pregmate test strips and I’m so worried all the positives are false. I am SO confused. Luckily I had saved the urine so I dipped a few more easy at home sticks I know I know. redgem86 I did actually have a false positive from a frer last month. I'm not pregnant. It's possible that the urine concentration wasn't high enough for the digital or the FRER if you'd just peed; it's also possible that the Clear Blue you tried first just happened to have higher-than-advertised sensitivity. This was a false positive, which really sucks. Is this a false positive (ie a evap or indent line)? I’ve just seen a lot of people complain about that with these tests so I don’t want to give my hopes up and assume it’s positive. I was really upset by the false hope I thought the cheapie tests were giving me. I'd take the FRER in the morning and trust that if you see a faint line. Tonight I had a positive on an ic which looked like it was a dye bleed so did a frer and positive did another ic and negative! Has anyone had false positive on frer?? One of my friends Hey TTC community! I got a faint positive on a FRER test about 2 days ago that came up straight away, very clear and - Page: 2 Hey all. I've used it for the past 5 cycles and never experienced that. as most of you know, I did some HPT's 2 of the dollar kind two days ago and a FRER yesterday FMU. I then took a FRER and it’s a BFN. I got a very very faint line,,,,and it was very skinny. CharmaineRP. I tested day 5, 6 and 7 with blue dye tests I already had at home. 7 Comments. 26 Comments. MsClaire. Sometimes the spots of pink is just part of a dye run. I took a frer on Wednesday at 9 dpo, which had a very faint positive, but definitely a squinter. Hmmmmmm. What I see on the above tests is an indent. The embryo was a perfect 5AA and hopes were high. 7DP5DT AM I get a really I had a positive on the OPK on 13th April, so I think 1DPO is 15th April? If I take 1DPO as 15th April then I am 9DPO. It is unusual to get a negative on a FRER and a positive on a CB digital. I thought there was no such thing as a false positive but maybe with First Response A false positive pregnancy test can be confusing, and it’s understandable that you’d want answers. Report as FYI, I’ve never had a false positive or indent on a FRER test. Like. I posted a couple days ago about FRER being junk with their indent lines giving false positives and now they aren’t even the earliest detection. I tested today again (did not ttc, used protection) because I think frer is bull crap. Reply reply More posts you may like I don't think you can make it get a false positive by opening it, but they CAN be affected by humidity in the room, so I wouldn't rule it out entirely. I got the faintest line ever at 10 dpo of first response last Saturday and today, a week later im definitely pregnant. Hey! Thank you, I’ll try again but my hopes are low that these were real positives, I think they were all horrible indents :( I took another one that’s supposed to be Sensitive today (digital with the light) and it was negative 9DPO, it’s early but I can’t believe those were false positives! 3!! I got a faint positive on a FRER test about 2 days ago that came up straight away, very clear and pink, so I freaked out and called my sister right away thinking I am pregnant. Will take FRER in the morning but feeling hopeful. Your not supposed to take them apart but here I am! Lol I thought I saw a faint line on a reg FRER yesterday so this morning I took a digital from the same box. Thank you but I got a BFN this morning on a FRER. is this all in my head? FRER False positives? 13 answers / Last post: 08/05/2015 at 5:11 pm. Reply . that’s really the best way to test early and be sure you aren’t getting false positives mixed up with real positives. I had what I though was a line on a FRER the day before so not sure if it was a false positive or very early CP. It said no so I ripped the test open (: and I see a faint pink line. pregmate is notorious for bad indents. I am about 13dpo and my period is officially late now. Home test results matched beta! I'm pretty sure the packaging says that FRER should not give false positives for Femara or Clomid. Have you guys ever gotten false positives or evaps or indents from a Hi all. I’ve gotten burned from them before,so I’m not sure what to think. Meggiemeg3 said: So just an update I’m thinking it was a false positive. I hope those are true positives for you!! I’m having the same lines on Pregmate but frer negative. Every test after that has been negative. Can anyone see a line? Or am I going nuts? Like. I was wondering how common is a false positive on a FRER? I've read that quite a few people are having FP with these, and if so, what do they look like? I had a miscarriage last year and was later told I am going through early I’m sorry when I took FRER and the Rapid Results I got a positive on both! I would say test again in 48 hours and see if it got darker! Good luck. I've had many indents but this was an actual line that showed up in the timescale stayed visible for at least 20minutes but Has anyone had a false positive on FRER or a pink coloured evap line? Yesterday afternoon at around 4pm I took an FRER and a faint but most definitely pink line popped up in I say false positive and not evap because the lines were pink and came up within 3 mins. Could the frer have been a false positive? I've always heard you can't have a false positive but With FRER that can obviously get expensive quick if you’re experimenting but I tried it with the cheap test strips from amazonprobably 7-8 weeks along I had a fainter positive than earlier in the pregnancy but then after adding water and doing another test, the Digitals are less sensitive than pink dye. Are these reviews accurate? Has anyone else used them? Updating (in comments, because I’m unable to edit this post): I’ve taken SEVERAL more easy@home tests in the ~60 hrs since I got the positive CB. I took a frer this morning with fmu and no line whatsoever :/ See all replies (1) c. I’ve heard that Pregmate can give false positives Never had a false positive on a Frer but have heard a few womon say they are not so good now and have bad indent lines etc. Should I assume I'm pregnant or assume I'm not pregnant? I know FRER can give false positives sometimes False positive? Jleighk. Some friends had got a positive as early as 3 days after a 5 day transfer (equivalent of 8 days past ovulation) so we started testing with a FRER then. I received a faint positive on easy at home yesterday (8/9 DPO). It’s actually very rare to get a false positive, it’s more common that people have chemical pregnancies and assume it’s a false I posted last night where others confirmed my Pregmate test was positive. I got positive tests at around 8-9dpo False positive FRER. So I’m fairly certain I’m getting false positives with Pregmate tests, but I want a second opinion. Best wishes to everyone on REAL positives. Also, I know they can be notorious for false positives. I am (I think 10dpo) today and took a FRER last night and this morning. And it's been over 20 minutes and the one I dipped into water is completely negative. I had a funky batch of preg mates once - false positives and missing control lines! Try dipping one in water and see how it responds. heres what happened yesterday 11 dpo, I bought a 2 pack of frer I'm having a weird cycle. Not trying to be harsh, but this is why I don't use digital tests. About 8 months ago, when trying, I did have ones with bad evap lines which would drive me up the wall specifically being that I’ve MC before. Are these tests rubbish? I did the water test aswell (cos I’m crazy lol) I dipped the test in water to see if it was false positives and it was negative. I posted pics of my lines on some of my tests since Saturday for reference. Show details I’m having a roller coaster of emotions. I'm not sure I trust this faint line even though it showed up within 6-7 mins because it is sooo faint I haven’t got any other tests as sensitive at home but I’ve ordered some wondflos and FRER’s. I thought I had my period 9 days ago. Felt it was better to digest the news at home with my husband than over a phone call. I’ve done a mad google search and found that indents I’ve then got excited and bought a FRER and it’s completely negative 😩 I’m gutted!! I got a total of 7 faint positives on the one steps so I’m really confused. I had been using the 50 pack wondfos from ebay since miscarrying in May but ran out so I got some frer. We haven’t been trying long, I can’t even imagine how crushing it would be after trying for longer. Sadly every test has some percentage of false positive. Oldest First. I know It couldn't be positive because I In May, I did a fresh embryo transfer. I’d test again after a decent hold or wait until tomorrow morning. I’m 9dpo now and these Funny enough I never tested positive with frer. — Carla P. I tested days later and still negative even on a FRER digital two days before my missed period. A lot of people are saying they got false negatives if they tested before their period was a week late. Tested today on a frer and clear blue early detection and had bfn. One of my best friend’s sisters got a false negative when she was pregnant with her now-1 year old, If you use a FRER and it's still not positive at this point, I'd chalk it up to aunt flo just being a pain. I’m honestly disgusted. FRER you need to fix your tests. I took a test at 9 dpo . I had a pos 14dpo with frer. I know I was pregnant although it turned out to be chemical. I don't know if this means it's CP or it's a faulty positive from FRER. Forget anything past 10 mins. Blue tests do give false positives but they're usually a thin line off centre, that looks pretty positive to me. Today, i took an early response equate brand test: I followed directions OK ladies I took a frer test on Friday (8dpo) and got a positive. I'm so confused! picture People have had false positives and some people have had false negatives. Report as Inappropriate. After getting what I thought was a BFP on a FRER around 2pm today (I hadn’t peed since the morning), I then started to Google FRER false positives and I’m kind of sad and confused now? Don’t know what to think Here's what I want to know: Over the past few months, IF you have taken a FRER test and received a very faint positive, did it result in a pregnancy or a significantly stronger I got a false negative with FRER when I used it on a 4hour hold at 11dpo)-even though clearblue was faint positve with first morning urine the same day. Sign Out. My Amazon cheap tests are split, with easy at home showing positive and pregmate still negative. It can react with very little hCG levels and pregnant HCG levels start at 5. I’m guessing So just an update I’m thinking it was a false positive. 3. And by the afternoon your levels could have gone up enough to turn the test positive. Anonymous. I got this faint positive (within 3 minutes, mid afternoon urine) yesterday. This month however, I tested a week ago on 11dpo and positives popped up on both the FRER test and right away on the digital too. ncn61216. And with AF still being 4-5 days away you're still pretty early so testing without first morning urine could be giving you a negative. Today got a I had a false positive last month with FRER and we were devastated, I read it’s so rare to have a false positive but it happened obviously, this time around I only test when I miss my period, it’s so hard to wait I know Had a "pregnant" with clear blue digital on 5/7/24 had 6 negatives following. I always use the FRER and start testing at like 7 DPO. FMU doesn't matter as much as everyone goes on like it does. Instead it was stark white. Good luck! I took 2 Walmart cheapies and lines showed up immediately but pretty sure those were false positives bc I was only 7dpo when I took them and nothing else showed positive. This is probably old news but I figured I would share just in case it helps someone!! If you are testing with FRER check your prenatal first to see how high the biotin content is. Decided to try one more time for our rainbow Iv took a few cheapie strip tests which were all faint positive but I did a FRER which looks negative. userdeletedalias70203087 @JAKD2016, Sorry Woke up early this morning and took a FRER and a Dollarama test. 3 negative generic pink dye tests after that. I've never had false positives from FRERs but they did show the progression of chemical pregnancies (very early miscarriages) - basically that the embryo starts to implant but doesn't stick. 5! It depends on when you implant, though. This is why a positive pregnancy test result will mean you are almost certainly pregnant. The new FRER are incredibly sensitive I was still getting a clear line after my miscarriage and my HCG was only 9. Day 6 and 7 I thought were squinters and then day 8 my FRER pink dye tests came in the mail and were clearly positive. I think the FRER's are very reliable and very sensitive. ¹ I say false positive and not evap because the lines were pink and came up within 3 mins. But sounds like same day frer was second urine ?? Youll have to try another frer tomorrow morning. Thought I'd share my experience last couple of weeks, I had numerous faint positives on frer from amazon never got a positive on another brand. Pregnancy. False positives are rare, especially if it was an obviously pink line. has anyone had this happen to them? I got a positive looking easy at home brand at 8dpo, then negatives since then. I had been getting faint shadows / lines on my easy@home tests for a few days (9,10,11DPO) but all of my FRER tests were completely negative. Only real positives and real negatives. Hoping for better news next time. So sad. Ive heard that blue dye tests will give u a false positive so I went and bought a frer and tested this morning and it was negative. Has this every happened to anyone? I am also on the HCG diet (taking injections), If it's an frer I'd expect the line to be stronger but I can see a line on it. heres what happened yesterday 11 dpo, I bought a 2 pack of frer There is a difference between a false positive and an indent, or an evaporation line. An evap is grey. Anyhow, I have a question. xsqznx upcqi zij ybap qwnen nbguo abnwxvo helr arjwl qgzc