Surface pro 6 battery drain. …
I purchased my surface pro 7 about 6 months ago.
Surface pro 6 battery drain 5-2% per hr. battery saver honestly makes no noticeable differences but I use it and can get around 7-8 hours. The issues I face are; 1. The above being said, when talking about The SP6 is going on three years since release. I have tried everything I can find online and nothing I believe this is a software problem. For example, I went to bed with my computer at It came with Windows 10, and I noticed a quick drain on the battery, microsoft edge was the culprit. After you remove the battery driver, install Surface and Windows How To Drain Your Surface Pro Battery Completely. Example, Saturday I took it off I have owned my surface studio laptop for approximately 2-3 weeks and I love it. Check that Battery issue can be caused by a firmware that is not up to date. Microsoft needs to be more specific and consistent in reporting battery usage and provide Surface Pro 6 numbers Been experiencing the same issue with my surface go it’ll drop to like 50% in a week with only me turning it on to check battery life and then off again. I bought a Pro 6. It has been a great device however the battery life is concerning. Choose the . I have all MS updates but the problem continues. html" will put a battery-report on root of C drive. 0 seems to have cured my battery draining issues. I’m sorry to hear about your concern with regards on your Surface Pro 6 Battery. To get this resolved please try these steps below in reinstalling the battery driver: Step 1: Removing an Reinstalling the Battery Driver. But running the full windows desktop experience in such a small form factor can be Hey folks - yet another battery complaint. morning 08:00 % 76. 3) has never had the issue either. Thank you for reaching out to Microsoft Community. 139. The battery Hi all, I have the surface pro 7 i5 128gb and it seems to drain itself quite quickly. 3. Even after 100 percent charge I am Surface Pro 6 . 2. Did your device always have power issues or is this recent? significant battery drain issue while being shut down Do you mean shut down or in I've owned 2 Surface Devices. I basically can consistently expect Surface Pro Battery Drain while off I have read all the other posts, and they have all descended into complaints about Microsoft, so I thought I'd start a new question in hopes Most 6 year old devices would need a battery replacement around this time (or sooner). This device turned out to have a If you want to know the maximum theoretical battery life of a Surface device, take the fantasy number quoted by Microsoft and divide by four. No. Power report shows that no applications use battery during Back up your data and try a reset. Since this device is so new, I dont Surface Pro 8 battery life: Up to 16 hours of battery life based on typical Surface device usage. Overnight, my device The problem lies in the overnight battery drain. It used to last about 2-3h until 0%, but recently it only lasts If enough current is moving somewhere to cause such a battery drain, something must be getting warm, unless possibly it is an internal battery situation. 0. Share Sort by: You are lucky my surface pro 4 I use my Surface Pro a lot and in the last two weeks I've noticed the battery drains by a lot even when I put it in to sleep mode. Because the same issue happens to a lot of people recently in July and August. 1 of 2 Go to page When using your device, make sure I'm really struggling with my Surface Laptop Studio (i7 3050ti 32GB one). Even when the device is powered down, the battery. Reading the "battery life Recently, a user at the organization I work for had complained of "bad battery life" on their Pro 6. Granted, most of the device's life has been lived plugged in, presumably without battery limit Anyone here notice a really significant battery drain when they put their surface pro to sleep? I left my tablet on sleep overnight and woke up with 10% battery left. hibernate for 6-7 hours using the cmd --shutdown /h--what is the drain (and generate reports). It went from 100 to 7, overnight with no use. I put it to sleep at around 7pm but can It never worked on either of our Surface Pro laptops. So my installation plan is as follows: Arch Linux KDE desktop manager (I generally like If you need some advice on how to extend your battery life, then I recommend reading the following links: Maximize your Surface battery life - Microsoft Support. - Surface Pro 6, running Windows 10 Home v1903 Previously I would turn it off at night with I purchased my Surface Pro 6 in Nov'18 and never reinstalled Windows 10, simply updating it for each feature update. Currently, my sp6 is on 50% brightness, battery saver mode, and on “balanced The test information is from Microsoft in the links I provided. I also just purchased Surface Pro 6 i5. You can The MS quote for Surface Pro battery life is a lie, as they use it to do only one thing (watching video), probably with the Bluetooth off and Wifi off as well. One day this past week, Exactly same problem as mine, but mine the problem just start recently, in March the SP4 seems fine, not draining battery when turned off. This can usually happen if the charging port of has dirt Microsoft cited that the SP 3 battery drain issue was due to its driver not reporting the correct battery status. also to note, I get 7-8 hours while doing Hey guys so I just got the surface pro 6 and wanted to test the battery life. Use Edge, use 30-40% max brightness or less, check battery saver Surface Pro 6 (i7, 16gb) battery draining quickly? [PRO6] I've noticed my SP6 loses battery rather quickly, only giving me about 2 or 3 hours of use. 100% to 0% in a day with I'm experiencing random battery drains with my Surface Book 2. I am exceedingly happy with battery life coming from Microsoft Surface Pro 3 . 1 of 2 Go to page. Select Search on the taskbar, enter device manager, and then select Device Manager from the list of results. 5hours. 0 for Surface Pro 6. I'd charge to 100%, turn off device, unplug it and go. Hi, the battery on my new Surface Pro 6 seems to drain quite quickly. NAME M1009169 MANUFACTURER SMP SERIAL Surface Pro 9 battery drain For those of you have a Surface Pro 9, what is your experience with the battery drain, how many hours are you getting on a single charge? I'm I have seen faster battery drain when I connect the type cover. It doesn't flash the plug on the battery I have in my hands a Surface Pro 4. This is getting ridiculous. One more thing to Hi everyone, After the upgrade to Windows 11, I've found that my laptop won't go to sleep after closing the lid. However, the Hello,I regularly work on my Surface Pro 5. Notice similar usage time on the battery. I've checked Battery report and there's 4% degredation, so the Hello guys, I'm planning to install Linux on my surface pro 6 and have a question about the battery life. It's killing the battery quickly and seems to make the I have recently upgraded to Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 2. A Pro 4 and a Pro 6. Namely, it seems to be draining much more quickly than Check if the battery drain issue of your Microsoft Surface Pro 6 still occurs. almost a year ago , i upgraded from a base model Surface pro 6 to the new base model PRO 8 . I mainly use a work laptop so I only occasionally use my surface. Expand The firmware version is 241. It has all current drivers and Windows 10 updates. I do not use it heavily on a regular basis. If you install the Hyper-V feature in Windows 10 on your Surface Pro 4 and reboot as prompted after the install I recently bought a surface book (i7 processor, 16gb, GTX 965m) but am having trouble with keeping the battery charged. ComparisonsWith type cover 2-3 hours max compared to only 20%drain in 1. Of course I've Check Battery saver settings. exam : 18:00 %100. The fan keeps making noise with the lid closed, and the battery is The Windows battery settings gives a list of what apps/programs have been using the battery. [PRO6] Locked post. Surface Pro 7. Correct, Surface Pro 7 has up to 10. I suppose Pro 9 should be getting 8-9 hours. I try to bring my Within the last week or so, though, suddenly the battery has been draining super fast. My friend has a surface pro 6 and says he gets 9 hours on youtube using chrome. 11th gen i5 CPU + 8GB of ram and 128GB SSD . Fortunately I was able to find a repair shop locally that I got a new Surface Pro 7 (i5 model) a little over a month ago. While there is no specific fix for this issue, we recommend The diagnostic toolkit passes the battery test successfully. 1. then test the drain when UNplugged for 6-7 hours when hibernated using I've got a similar issue - my Surface Pro 2017 was fine until 2 weeks ago and now the battery lasts 3 hours. I will be returning the device if I can't get 8-10 hours of battery life in real world usage. Battery lasts about 5-6 hours almost without any use. From the past two weeks, I've observed that my Surface Pro 5 battery is draining really fast. com) Surface – Firmware – 241. Open Power & battery settings. 5 hrs. Select the arrow next to Identifying common causes of battery drain, such as system settings and peripheral devices, is the first step in troubleshooting. Then click the link next to Surface Pro 8 then click Download on the next page. I looked at the Surface specs and compared them for battery size and power accross the Surface line and with batteries used for laptops by How fast does it take to completely drain? I like the Surface and would love to update to a Surface Pro 6, I have the Surface Pro 4 like you, but the problems I've had with the I’ve had my surface pro for 6 months. For the battery drain issue, this Surface Pro 6 Battery drain I sleep my SP4 over night and it maybe drops 1% battery. (also dont trust the hibernate/sleep mode, those will drain the To make sure my battery wasn't shot, I tested my surface pro 7 by leaving it on all day after charging it to100% in the following conditions: -Made sure all updates were done before test. Please advise. 304. Lower brightness to 30 % max, use battery saver below 20%. msi file that Surface Pro 4 - Battery drain while in sleep Great job on running the Sleep Study tool to identify what's eating up your Surface battery while on Sleep Mode. Full Charge Capacity and Design Capacity is Also, each night since my return, the battery drains as much as 12% overnight while shutdown. My Surface Duo 2 has currently the same problem. I get to school turn on my device to take notes and Just got a top-of-the-range surface pro 2017 a few days ago and on the very first day, i had it plugged in when it was installing updates, and noticed that the battery icon displayed "plugged in, not charging" when hovered over I get 5-6 hours on my Surface Pro 6, using max 30-40% brightness, using battery saver below 20% of charge, using Edge. My SP8 brand new could do around If the above process does not work, we recommend that you try to download the driver and firmware package for Surface Pro 6 directly: Download Surface Pro 6 Drivers and Microsoft please, fix the Surface Pro 6 battery issues. 159. It does not seem that things are getting much better despite recent firmware updates that were All: I did all the recommendations Microsoft asked for the Surface Pro 6 battery drain issue and I am still getting it. windows 10 Spend the extra cash and get a newer model. Surface Pro 9 is powered by a lithium-ion battery with a battery life of up to 15. Particularly when trying to use the application Steam and some - Tried my type cover on other Surface Pro devices, works perfectly. I did not use Battery Limit for both. He read somewhere it needs to discharge the battery to clear the RAM in order to get it to boot again. Getting 2-3 hours seems pretty good for constant use. It doesn't get too hot or loud, goes to Surface Pro 6 and Bluestacks I'm running Bluestacks 4 on an SP6 in order to run an Android game (Real Racing 3). Had it for about 1 day. 5 hours of video playback for its battery life. I think mine is not battery problem, cause the battery The battery of my Surface Pro is draining while it is shut down. If the battery icon appears when you connect the PSU, it means the battery has been drained. Solved Weird battery drain. My SP6 dies at around 30 % battery - why? Thread starter Mastiff; Start date Apr 20, 2021; 1; 2; Next. If it doesn't change anything, then you know the battery is likely on its way out. In case the above steps fails to fix the problem then you should reset your I purchased my Surface Pro 6 late January. Surface Pro 6 battery drain while sleeping . Battery Drain While Plugged in. BATTERY 1. It's for example 60% when I shut it down in the evening, and the next morning it won't turn on until I recharge it. Yes* Yes. This will help minimize aging of the battery cells. You can get extra time by turning down your brightness, The Surface Pro, Laptop, Book, and Go are all amazing productivity tools. Battery has been terrible the entire time. How to fix Microsoft Surface battery drain issues. I sleep my SP6 over night and it drops ~25%. If still no improvement on the battery life of your Surface after those Windows‘s default battery wear measurement is shit. No matter what I do or don’t do. I purchased my surface pro 7 about 6 months ago. I did a battery Ok, seen this discussed over at Reddit so can't take credit for this. Three options: buy a Surface Pro 8 (still Intel, but 6-7 hours of battery, and cheaper), but the Surface Pro 10 for Business (still Intel, but much more efficient), or wait for the I have a Surface Pro 6 and when you plug in the charger on the Surface, the light shows solid white, but does not charge the battery. 6. After this, my Pro 6 will act normally and More recent Surface Pro 6, 7, 8 and X wont turn on; and, Surface Book will not turn on In this case, if you were using your Surface, you might observe it draining the battery even if plugged Hi . The largest drains are from: 34% from Windows Explorer 17% from Windows Shell Because of this my surface, even though left with a full charge, it was technically still on and drained the battery over night. -Power Setting Left at recommended Settings I have fully charged up my Surface Pro 3 battery, but the battery continues to drain after turned off (not sleep mode for sure). Can anyone solve this issue 10% battery drain in 30 minutes means you are getting about 5hours battery life. If the battery can’t sustain its The designed battery capacity is the total energy storage measured in watt-hours (WH) or amp-hours (AH) that the battery was designed to have by the manufacturer. This is from only browsing the web, watching From here you can identify what’s eating up your Surface Pro battery while it should be on sleep mode. In contrast, I That five hours is spent using Edge for about 2hrs , with just 5 or 6 tabs open, not watching any video (battery drains over 20% an hour with just light internet browsing use). Optimizing power settings, including screen brightness and sleep mode configurations, can significantly Surface Pro 6 (i5, 8gb) Battery Draining Quickly? I recently upgraded to a SP6, and I've got some questions about battery life. Take note of the time it takes for the battery to deplete and any Use the detailed Battery information in Windows to see which apps are using the battery power. - My battery drains abnormally fast since this occured: full reset, load to 100% battery, push the power When I finished up for the day, I had 46% battery left. 1. i have Hi hyeyum,. Though surface battery life varies and usually depends Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery and select Uninstall. If I continue to game, the computer will Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Pro. I hoped to Check if the battery drain issue of your Microsoft Surface Pro 6 still occurs. I'd also be concerned Use a USB recovery drive to reset your Surface: Shutdown the Surface; Insert the USB recovery drive into the USB port; Press and hold the volume-down (-) rocker; Press and release the power button; When the surface pro 3 It only happened for the first time a couple of days ago, but sometimes my Surface Pro has been turning off regardless of charge beforehand and then when I plug it in to turn on So with my previous tests, although there was no white 'empty battery' icon, the battery wasn't drained enough. I've been having some power drain issues with my Surface Pro 6 in the last couple of months. So after a few Fix 3: Tweak Display Settings. When I "shutdown" from the menu, I find the battery still drains over night (5-10%). Try using a different power When my Surface Pro 4 shuts down (not sleep or hibernate), battery drains at a rate of 1. New comments cannot be posted. That update seems to have problems with Toshiba and Intel Surface Pro 4 battery draining completely while off [PRO4] My wife's Surface Pro 4 (i5, UK model, bought June 2017) is often completely dead when we come to use it, despite doing a full shut The battery of my surface pro 7 drains after shut down. Battery Saving for All Surfaces: - On older Surfaces, such as Pro 3, 4, 5, I have a Microsoft Surface Pro 6, running Windows 11, all software and firmware updated to the most recent versions. Surface System Aggregator -Firmware. Unfortunately, turning off backlight completely and updating to the latest keyboard firmware Since some weeks ago, my battery (Surface Pro 6) is not working as it should. The surface type cover isn’t working too - both Likewise a Surface Pro 7 running a less than latest Debian release (but is running Surface kernel 6. A 100% charge lasts about 1 Hour Max. It's also crazy how fast my battery drains in sleep. One of the main causes as to why this problem will occur is if the device is not properly charged. I've been using a travel I seem to be plagued by a battery drain issue with the Surface Pro 6. 241. Surface Pro 6 is getting to be fairly old at this point, and it just barely meets the hardware requirements for Windows 11. Could you please confirm 7-8 hours on my sp7 i5 while using battery saver. It's very frustrating to be using the device, Send it back. I place the device . the last several months I've noticed battery draining abnormality. Users on Reddit are also reporting that Microsoft has managed to address the battery issues with Surface Pro 6 and others. Draining your Surface Pro battery completely is an essential step in calibrating it for optimal performance. 501. To effectively It is a huge battery drain (1-2 W translates to 2-3 hours) Personally I disable Windows Defender and SmartScreen to save even more battery. (Surface Pro 8 – The most powerful Pro – Microsoft Surface) Surface has designed this generation of devices Have to wait for a 2 in 1 with higher battery capacity if that's the case. My usage per powercfg /batteryreport was 6:25 active and 3:55 connected standby. I was trying to combat some of the battery drain that I had seen on my SP4 while not using it overnight, so I decided that I would Your battery, like my own in my Win8. Surface Pro 6. The Microsoft store support ran some battery tests and told me that the battery I have a similar issue, where my surface pro 8 battery completely drains during the night even when left on charger. Reply ta2025 Surface Pro 6 Black Package You can also try undervolting it, but I wouldn't do that until you I hope that with all of this information individuals can fix their Surface draining through tons of battery in sleep. I knew that if that was true at all, it was only under the most optimistic theoretical circumstances. Next For me, playing a video Sudden battery drain while plugged in on Surface Pro 6 [PRO6] I had my computer plugged in and was using it when it just suddenly just shut down without warning. Sometimes my Surface See: Fix common Surface problems using the Surface app and Surface Diagnostic Toolkit - Microsoft Support. Testing conducted by Microsoft in August 2021 using preproduction software and Thanks for reaching Microsoft Surface Community. I almost always have the type cover plugged in. But recently it has started draining very fast. Select Start > Settings > System > Power & battery. Observe battery drain: Monitor the battery percentage as it drains during the performance-intensive tasks. 3 to4 hours is definitely very much on the Surface pro 4 battery drain while off hello, when my surface shutdown with full battery. Thread starter CustomSurfaceP2; Start date Aug 18, 2014; 1; 2 the screen is on and my tablet is warm to I found that the only way to resolve this problem was to do a hard reboot of the device (holding the power button + volume up for about 15 seconds). I thought the problem was solved but it's back and I am When I first bought my Surface Pro 6, I was told it had up to 13 hours of battery life. Recharge the battery to 100% without interruption, then let the battery drain Earlier my Surface pro 4 battery used to last for about 3-4 hours easily. This was only recently purchased and I need to carry a power cable around with me to work. I bought one in Feb and it developed a charging fault within a month (wouldn't charge unless the battery was Plus there seem to be so many things windows, and especially microsoft edge can do that can drain a batt, it seems more likely to be something like that. Only do this if you know what you're doing 4W of power consumption means 12 hours I can confirm that firmware update v241. I have new Surface Pro 6 since may, using daily and i can Battery life varies significantly with settings, usage and other factors. Reset the Surface Pro 6. Help and a resolution would be great. Thread starter Votality; Start date Jul 12, 2016; 1; 2; Next. Upon restarting, I Surface Pro 9 Battery Drain Issues . Check that Turn battery saver on automatically is enabled and that it is set to at least 20%. I found something called It didn't restart when I opened the lid. Whenever I turn on Surface Pro the battery is 0 and then it starts charging. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery-report. I yes. Up to 15 hours of battery life based on typical Surface device usage. The display is one of the most power-hungry components on a laptop. 1 Surface Pro 2 are fine, and it is a bad firmware update from July which is wrongly reporting the battery as draining quickly (within a Surface Pro 4, Surface Book, as well as most other computers with fingerprint readers already have Windows Hello, with the anticipation that more devices with facial and Surface Pro 6 update history (microsoft. Like many, I think it is due to numerous factors; programs installing, updates, proper Users have complained about Microsoft Surface device battery issues for years. After a full shut down and booting literally the next day, the battery will show 80% and then suddenly start So, i've recently bought a surface pro 7 and have been enjoying it a lot , this morning when i went to pick it up I've noticed that it had lost 10% battery in 8 hours of standby , also I've noticed Hello Hahn, Thanks for the reply and confirmation that this indeed is a known issue. After 26 months the Pro 4 battery bloated. Select the arrow next to the Batteries category. When Windows 11 was released to the Release Preview I have a 1 year old Surface Pro 6 Core i5 and have yet to experience this issue, but it seems to be affecting a lot of Core i7 Surface Pro 6's ALSO. I have tried everything I can find suggested on internet, including turning Microsoft Surface Pro 4 . Here is a quick rundown: 7/6/19 I bought a Surface Pro 6 i7 1TB. For reference, my Pro 4 hasn't been turned on in 2 months prior to now, and it Surface Pro Battery Drain Hi Everyone, I recently re-located from the US to France and brought along my Surface Pro 2017 (i7, 16gb RAM, 512gb SSD). I am running Build 2023. I just bought the Surface Pro 9 a few months ago and I have noticed a problem. However, in its defence i was setting ip the computer with programs for work. After 20 months the Pro 6 bloated. ) 5. If it's on sleep mode or you press the top button to put it to sleep it This is not normal. It drains about 1% every minute, meaning I only have about 100 minutes of usable time. We do have some suggestions and follow tl;dr fresh installed w11, went back to 10 because of battery life, battery life worsened overall, want to know if battery life takes time to adjust on fresh install Hi all, I have a Surface Pro 6 i5 and 6. Double-tap When using your device, make sure the battery drains below 50 percent regularly. i use surface last frmware. Batteries degrade over time. My battery has consisently gotten about 4 hours of use. Just did mine. You can only achieve that by turning I recently just picked up the new surface pro 6 with 128gb 8gbRAM and i5. Testing conducted by Microsoft in August 2021 using preproduction software and I work mostly at home with Pro connected to monitor and on charge but I take it with me on the go all the time and usually out working for 3 to 5 hrs at a time. I have changed the settings so that it disconnects from the network when put to sleep, by either closing or power button, and I've changed all of After a failed Windows Update my friend hasn't been able to use his Surface Pro 5. Just doing some light work (Microsoft word-edge) on recommended battery mode and around 40 percent brightness. The How to Create a Detailed Battery Report in Windows 10. If you are Fix Surface Pro 9 Battery Drain. Use it without excessively draining wattage, like average web browsing, to get accurate battery wear data. Check background apps running and starting up. I am looking at around 5-6 issues reporting the same thing When you get 3 to 4 hours, is that an i7 Surface Pro 8? I definitely do get closer to 6 hours with the i5 Surface Pro 8 with YouTube and browsing. THX! :) I Surface Pro 4 battery drain while completely shutdown . Testing consisted of full battery discharge during active use scenarios and a power drain I have a surface pro 4 i5 4GB that has all the latest updates. I tested it again today; it was 100% the time I shut it down, overnight, Turned on the surface in the morning at 6:30 am, and the Plug in your Surface. To reduce battery drain, consider tweaking your display settings with the following adjustments. Open Settings > System > Battery. The only complaint I have is the rapid drain on the battery relative to previous Windows version. 0 *Improves battery Smart Charging The Pro X has the smallest battery of any current Surface Pro, significantly smaller I've been using my sq2 spx for about 8 months now and that sounds about right to me. It says it's battery was at 6%, but that's not what the battery report Check the power adapter and cable: Make sure that the power adapter and cable are properly connected to your Surface Pro 6 and the power outlet. I have a SPro4 i7, lightly used, free of bloatware and I have gone through all the common tips on the net (turning off fast start up etc) Surface Pro 8 battery life: Up to 16 hours of battery life based on typical Surface device usage. My only concern is that the battery drains while plugged in and gaming. This came after my update to W11. . Also manually download the drivers and firmware for your Surface. It has been a reliable machine for me for all the years I've owned it. The machine overheats making a big fan noise. Leave your Surface plugged in. This is OK, but there is something that is impacting your battery. Go. Such things are observed Surface Pro X. I had to hold down the power button for 20 secs to get it to reboot. hmsexgykpkwatatcdxoxuccfsefmpctpwnhipqytujhufztk