
Undead warlock or mage. Hay i was wonderen wich unded i should be next.

Undead warlock or mage 3-4 raid spots Definitely mage if your going orc on a warlock. Depends on the source material, is what im saying. They have since broken away, and are now led by an undead high-elf, Sylvanas Windrunner. You feel like Pepsi to the Mage's Coke. 1 Like. " Warlock is easier and has more flexibility. Misty step – a bonus action teleport for when things go really wrong and we need to get out. Locks are much stronger while leveling though because the mage aoe leveling spec kind of sucks at pvp. If you haven’t already, pick up some addons for some nice QoL. immunity to Charm, Fear, and Sleep; Passive: Cannibalize - Consume a Warlock - Undead Aff, Orc Demo, Nightborn Destruction DH - 2 BEs Mage - Goblin Fire, Pandaren Frost, Nightborn Arcane Monk - Pandaren Brewmaster, Maghar WW, Vulpiran MW (I really liked the idea of an old white haired Maghar Monk, almost went with Brewmaster but decided on WW instead. Any Warlock works, but Undead is a great one. If you want a Warlock, make an Orc. I'm a lvl 12 undead warlock and was wondering how the hell i get out of trisfall glades. Mage or warlock? So apparently I'm experiencing the Streisand effect and all this talk of Nostalrius closing has got me wanting to start on a Vanilla server. And uses spells too deal the damage. Reply reply [deleted] The best an Ambush crit does is 60-70%, and you can absolutely win from that. Warlock gear is awesome on undeads. I don't really like alts so I'd rather just make one character and main it (rather than make both). . I have a blast on defense in WSG as well, getting my fair share of kills and making sure that the enemy FC isn't moving far if at all. You are an undead warlock with 3 beams of EB, everyone should be afraid of you all the time. Hay i was wonderen wich unded i should be next. You kick ass in PvP and people cry you are OP or curse you because you actually use one of your best abilities (fear). Reply reply [deleted] • The undead racial is good in PVE as well, will help you get out of fears and run into packs. Also female have more smooth running animation. On one hand, I am a male so roleplaying as a male would be easier + I enjoy their animations. Skeletal Mage – reflects the Easy choice if you roll Alliance you should be Mage and if Horde roll Warlock. 13 probably the same. Mage - Warlock - As for tanks, other than the typical Warrior or Druid, a Protection Paladin can actually do a great job tanking Stratholme undead! Talented properly with the right consumables, a Prot Paladin is a For pvp : every race for alliance warlock will struggle vs undead It amounts to like 14 more int at max level for a mage which is like half a crit % at most. Warlock should absolutely be your choice unless if you intend to raid at any level above casual. Mage Hand (Warlock) Minor Illusion (Warlock) 1st Level Dissonant Whispers (Fey Touched) Comprehend Languages (Bard) Feather Fall (Bard) Might even replace Armor of Agathys with something else. Blizz likes them more. Pick either Mountain Dwarf or Githyanki for medium armor prof (or vhuman with the feat) and take the Heavily Armored feat at 4th level for heavy armor and an 18 Str. Reply I already posted this but didn’t get many replies so I thought I would try one more time. The Undead, introduced in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, offers a gothic horror flair to the list. Example do you think a night elf fits a subtlety rogue. You have limited utility for movement. Feral (Bear) Druid Warlock Paladin (Prot / Holy) I am hoping to make one of those 3 my main, and I am returning after a long absence. I have have never played a troll before except for the stress test but it seemed pretty ok. Long Story Short, Undead Mage or Orc Mage? So I’m currently leveling an Orc Mage but i’m not too far into the leveling and I’m having second thoughts, which are mainly around looks and lore for an Orc Mage, as there aren’t many Orc Mages (If Any) in the lore, and also they don’t look the best imo, as I think Orcs should be a bulky Warrior looking class. I'd like a mage and a warlock, one a belf and one a forsaken (both male. You can mitigate this with several Paladins. Does Regeneration help in long fights where the healer might not have time to heal you. Just Roll mage. Why, mage boots have 4 less spellpower than warlock's for no reason at all, making them a solid sidegrade, or even a downgrade from t2. Their names reflect their dark and mysterious nature, as well as their affinity for death and decay. Not only are they the undead, but they command the dark arts and summon demons to their aid. Undead warlock. How it Works: Pick Your Gender: Select a name for a male, female, or neutral character. A lot of the mage pvp armor sets look really good, especially season 8 Wrathful Gladiator. But had a DM before tell me that even though it's not specifically stated that it makes you undead that just not needing those things makes you a literal undead. You are frost spec in improved blizzard and I have an undead warlock (I love the idea of a zombie necromancer using shadowy magic), a night elf rogue, and a human priest. Not a useless racial but not what everyone talks it up to be. At lvl 20 now, never really think about anything regarding the view. You can still easily beat rogues/warriors if you use hte right pet and deathcoil/fear/dot and run. Thing is, the belf racials also works for physical classes and their active is so broken that the go to strategy for higher mythic keys still is to stack as many belfs as So I am having a hard time deciding what I am going to roll for classic. I think people look too much at one event or one hero character to define the 'best' race/class combo. There actually is when it comes to mages. When I think of undead usually cold/frosty comes to my mind first rather than heat and fire, but I’d love to hear your opinions! Do you think an undead mage would be Mage is a great choice for newbies and skilled alike - easy to pick up but still had a high skill cap. And this doesn’t include any that may be added in SoD. Really happy with it. Priest is troll for berserk and shadow guard (procs shadow debuff and blackout). Light – Another decent utility cantrip, but you could pick something else. I know mages are very good, but it seems they’ll be a ton of them. and you'll barely use wotf really as a warlock, and stun resist is ever present, plus warlocks got problems dealing Thank you so much Having a hard time deciding between lock and mage . I played an UD frost mage and it was really powerful, this time around I'm going Troll to honor Faxmonkey and get that sweet sweet berserking for The biggest upside I've found to mage over warlock is it feels like mage has more capacity for burst/quick damage, whereas warlocks need time to get their DoTs and/or demon hordes going to reach their true potential even if the warlock damage is more consistent once you get going, so during dungeons I find myself topping the damage chart a lot I got an Undead Warlock, love him but sometimes I wonder if I should retire him in exchange for either the OG warlock “Orc” or go Blood elf for that Blood Mage feel. Like wotlk had nothing of that. I also noticed that Fire Mage Warlock - Starts out slow but not as slow as the mage. I'd say mage too. I went with Undead Male Warlock myself cause cant stand the casting animation of orc female and orc male looks silly for a caster. Having been raised as a forsaken he naturally found himself both attracted and somewhat When it comes to building stats for any type of Warlock (Undead Patron or otherwise), leaning hard into Charisma is essential. they have 1 spot in premade pvp (with mages getting 2-3). gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked PROS & CONS of MAGE Vs. warlocks are the strongest 1v1 class and the mage counter. Wotf: on use removes WarLock: fear S. can someone give me some tips in deciding which to go ? I’m super stuck and I want to just stick with one class . Generally in terms of magical prowess, the lore is that warlocks are mages or shamans who have ascended to warlocks by making bargains and following the dark path for more power, so by that logic a warlock should be more powerful then a mage right? Obviously some special character mages would be more powerful then an average warlock, but I am Warlock isn't a full caster really. Frost bolt with talents is 2. Wanted to try retail so I played some Season 2 shadowlands with experienced friends from my TBC guild. I've never played Warlock in dnd but I like the idea of creating a series of undead servants to work for me as my character is a noble from the water plane and doesn't like to directly fight (for risk of dirtying his clothes, yes I know he sounds pompous that's by design and the party seems to enjoy it. These classes offer unique playstyles and abilities that cater to various preferences. I played as a warlock in classic casually, looking to play bit more “hardcore” this time around, but not server first or anything like that. Mage tier 1 is garbage. Depends. Warlock Tier 5 recolour for Frost (SSC-The Eye-gruuls). (Forgive me if warlocks somehow have one but I don’t believe they do) Warlock: Orc or Gnome > Undead > Human Been trying out a few classes and I’ve got now this 25 Warlock and a 30 Warrior. Warlock Tier 2 recolour for fire (outland dungeons). Warrior panda Warlock panda Gonna roll a Warlock on a PvP server, gonna play mostly PvE. but there's no denying how fitting warlock is with undead. Monk: Pandaren Evoker: Dead. Mage Tier 2 is ok. Healer priest is the easiest to find a group, shadow Warlocks are typically less played, and easier to get groups on and gear overall (though a mage honestly shouldn’t have any problems in that area either). Male on the other hand have better emotes and dance, and i think better animations with hitting with staff. But I If you’re 1v1 against an Undead, expect a dead Warlock. The Forsaken in World of Warcraft are a unique race of undead creatures with a rich history and culture. Mage- Starts out really slow and you'll want to Whether you enjoy dealing massive damage from range as a Mage or Warlock, healing your team as a Priest, or relying on stealth and precision as a Hunter, there is a class that will suit your preferred playstyle. Now, with how I am, I am of course stuck on the gender. I mean, theres no metrics you can use to favor human over gnome for mage/lock. I’ve always wanted to play caster classes - ever since my first steps in WoW. Warlock and Mage are both sought after for their own reasons. When creating a new character I always try to choose race/spec so it mostly makes sense lore wise. Like if someone says “what class for gnome” A lot of people will think of warlocks But like why Why’s it a thing in lore Like I’m curious How do they like happen? Shouldn’t a more fitting class be like a hunter with a mechanical pet for an engineer theme? Like if someone says “orc” a lot think warrior So like why are gnomes known to be locks What’s the lore? Genuinely And doing this horde side means you can be Undead and have a completely disgusting advantage versus alliance lock which has to deal with a 60% population that can break their fear/charm and be immune to it. How Do Mages and Warlocks feel this Xpac and how are they looking for 10. You respec to demo around 53 or so then rely on your pet a lot but he's pretty good. It may seem like your class should be in high demand for groups, but in reality your'e pretty much 1:1 competing with mages, of which there are many, for dps slots and most groups really don't want to run with 3 clothies just for loot distribution purposes. It’s for the type of player who enjoy needing to survive through skillful situational awareness. Mage: Blood Elf Warlock: Orc or Undead Shaman: Orc or Troll Hunter: Dwarf or Blood Elf Paladin: Draenei Priest: Human Demon Hunter: Night Elf Druid: Night Elf Death Knight: Human or Orc. With high elfs having such a magical background getting the mage class was obvious. That said, I think the long heal casting animation of male bloodelf is amazing, especially when summoning a demon as warlock. Its going to take a few levels, but if you now go straight into Conquest, you will have amazing power later. Warlcks may be able to do some pretty insane damage, but there's no substitute for polymorph. Race: Elf(ish) (for Elven Accuracy). Regardless though, one thing is certain and that is that Mage is less gear dependant than Warlock. I’m torn about which to main until 60. Warlock is a bit too emo for my tastes, but I like its solo Warlock Tier 10 purple recolour for arcane(I think it drops in heroic 10player ICC). I think mage is more immediately satisfying in pvp. Heck, it was a lot of fun for me. And in the case of meta, if you kite the drain life and keep the warlock slowed, they die anyway, just over a long period of time, plus they're easy to avoid (as a melee class, attacking the giant purple demon is generally a bad idea). ) Start with a Blade Pact Undead Warlock. I prefer blood elves, but I think the difference is pretty small. Locks have more varied rotations with dots and less mobile gameplay, mages are more mobile but their rotations Two possible options depending on level range. can someone give me some tips in deciding which to go ? The difference between mage and warlock as far as i can tell is that warlocks are mages if mages were given tools to actually survive while soloing content. I've had a lock at level 60 and 70 before in WOW and really enjoyed it. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Love my little Ragnaros summoning bros. So Paladins, Feral/Tank Druid, Warriors - Have always been my go-to. More posts A) warlock B) warlock C) warlock D) warlock. Answer more 1s you should pick Mage Answer more 2s you should pick Warlock. So far I have dotzvader, darthdotz, and guldanny for the warlock. As soon as pet is down, i fall I'm struggling to decide between Warlock and Mage. Goblins don’t suffer from this issue and as a bonus have less clipping issues with shoulder mogs since their ears are a lot smaller and the Knowing the lore of the races. Just can't decide which would be cooler for transmog and rp in the long term. Most Horde will be Undead and their racials can make PvP very challenging for Warlocks. Right now it seems warlocks can make more than mages due to dire maul if they have mining/herb. Mage fights the undead, the plague, whatever. I’ve been looking through some Sim data on My heavily biased vote goes to Warlock. Prioritize Strength with Cha and Con secondary. you can just unload and snipe away. Then Human priest, dwarf hunter, nelf druid, gnome warlock, Draenei paladin, worgen rogue, pandaren monk, orc warrior, undead warlock, troll and tauren shaman, belf mage, and goblin rogue. Warlock is more micro while mage is based on athleticism. g. My raid needs a Lock and a Mage so I’m trying to figure out which one I should play. Mage is fast, mobile, and has to use movement and CC to not die. Or they could go the other way and give Shadowform a tank spec, maybe even allowing them to This right here is the sad reality of the warlock. UD is good vs warrior/priest/warlock, past that they have very few advantages in pvp compared to troll. As an Undead Mage, you have access to unique racial abilities like Cannibalize and Will of the Forsaken, which can provide valuable utility and Help me pick between Mage or Warlock!!! Question So started playing WoW when classic relaunched and also played some TBC. WARLOCK In my quest to pick a class to play, I’ve narrowed down my choices to either the Mage or the Warlock. It’s also worth pointing out that in classic the mage PvP trinket does not break charm but WotF does. Played both Mage and Warlock. Or a human fits a paladin or a hunter fitting a troll etc etc tell each and every spec of every class and the race that best matches them. Also, Life Tap + Cannibalize = Win. For anything else the difference is just the rotations and the class themes. You might have a mage who figured "hey, if I'm already fucked I may as well look into some taboo stuff" and became a warlock, but they were probably open to the idea in life to begin with. Mind sliver – Set up the spells of allies. Mages have more and easier options for gold making but I haven't seen any guide/video where they are currently making what You ever wanted to be a wizard, a lich and a banshee at the same time? Then this subclass is for you!Here is a little Dungeons and Dragons guide on why you s I’m aware that the mass majority of mages and warlocks on the Alliance side are gnomes, but are they really that much better than humans? Does the 5% total Intellect buff make them that much more of a powerhouse? Truth be told, I’m not a fan of how squished armour looks on gnomes, so I’m leaning more towards human instead for both classes. Woul've posted a poll but my old EU account got deleted during transfer. Insert your opinions and veteran knowledge here please! I’m so interested to see, being that I don’t know much about Vanilla! Need a name for your Undead World of Warcraft character? Use our Undead WoW Name Generator to find one that fits. Just can't decide between Orc and Undead. I’d like to start a discussion about which race is overall the best for warlock PvP. I remember trying both mage and warlock out in Vanilla. Alonsus Faol, perhaps the first undead person to be able to wield the light both educates the undead in the ways of the light and helps the non-undead to overcome their prejudices regarding the shadow magic. I've always played melee classes but thought for a bit of variety I'd try something ranged. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Undead Mage vs Orc Lock. I'd recommend warlock, but I am biased :D. As it seems its probably undead for PvE and orc for PvP. if you were wanting a warlock or shadow Are warlocks able to control their pets while stunned? Do rogues typically win vs warlocks? I mean, if it’s something you notice (or even just think you notice), then go with your , I suppose. "Some things have to be believed to be seen. I chose warlock after a little while. Same with human. If you want to do oathbreaker, hexblade, fiend, or genie would probably all be mechanically superior (although less thematic). Pros and cons? I really can’t decide, I like both. It really depends on who starts of course. I love the Undead Race and as I want to find the best class/spec in terms of taking the greatest advantage of their racials. i dont think any class can beat a properly specced and equally skilled warlock mages have more mobility and more burst, but they are very much a part of the rock paper scissors of classic wow class balance. Because they're essentially humans and elves, they also have human and elvish names as the forsaken. Bless – This is what we’ll be using our slots on at low levels. But I hate races that don’t wear shoe mogs (which includes Trolls and Worgen ☹ ). So I think I’ve finally narrowed down to what race I want for my priest - an undead. Mage is also slow as hell, while warlock has burning rush. Gameplay wise, Warlock is slower, mostly casting, whereas mage is quite spammy and has lots of procs to press. Bliz can remove the quests, but they can’t make me forget. Blood Elf: paladin, priest, mage, warlock. Mage blink is useless because it’s so short and any tiny pixel can interrupt it. Levelling a Mage right now and having a blast too at level 45. If Trying to figure out which way to go with my mage? I love undead and the extra get out of sleep, charm, fear is pretty nice but everything else they have isn’t that great. In large PVP oh boy . But healers are always in demand. If it is a small hill, some tall grass Hail and Good Day fellow Azerothians, I am a returning player, going to give classic fresh a go and planning to play alliance for a change (have historically been horde). I wouldn't worry about defensive options that deeply, as - Old WoW Site Classes: Mage - Ranged Caster DPS; Priest - Healer or Ranged Caster DPS; Rogue - Melee DPS; Warlock - Ranged Caster DPS; Warrior - Tank, Melee DPS; Racials: Undead/Forsaken racials are Shadow/(Un)Death-oriented. compared to melees like rogues. Warlock is slow and frustrating. You'll be able to farm best as a mage. immunity to Charm, Fear, and Sleep; Passive: Cannibalize - Consume a Or heck even just against one!? The only other silver lining is that a undead warlock specifically can add an extra D6 to the necrotic damage, so you heal and extra 1-2 hp on average. Exorcism and Turn Evil then works against them for the few seconds of immunity time iirc. Chill Touch Eldritch Blast Mage Hand Minor Illusion Poison Spray Prestidigitation True Strike 1st Level Charm Person Comprehend Languages. Mage is the most neglected class in WoW and warlock is better in every way. Troll, because every mage on horde is a spiky haired undead named xxfrôstïtutéxx and it's nauseating Reply reply blueooze • It's funny how you would think with the game being older and the players themselves being older that the names would have shifted a bit but you still see all the same stuff from back in the day lol 'stabsalot Im really on the fence still, in one hand the only female char ive been able to max was my dranei dk, every other time i tried to play female i lost interest, on the other, im also very picky on the race\class combos and undead female priest I'm rolling an UD warlock because I love the UD aesthetic and animations. I know the obvious choice would be blood elf for fire mage but if anyone has a good argument for void elves that'd be great! deffo blood elf if youre going for mage. Mids tier: Gloom Stalker 5/Warlock 5. The Undead Warlock is amazing when multiclassed with a Conquest Paladin. They care not for who stands in their way and other people probably tend to provide a means to an end. You get 10% increase to cast speed for 10 seconds if you are not "badly hurt" or <40% health. Or if the lock is undead Which is the best looking warlock? Actually orc got a way better racial (stun resist) and wotf is not that usefull for warlocks. Since blink gets you out of stun and root an undead mage with a PvP trinket can get out of all forms of CC and have two forms of fear avoidance. Don’t care about racials, just theme, animations, lore, etc. They are tasked with carrying out their Patron's will, which could include convincing the mortal world to go along with plots and Bro go warlock for the love of god Lvld a gnome mage to lvl 3-4 at least 5 times. I tried going out of the bulwark which was a bad decision, as those damned spiders killed me every time. Pandaren: monk. Better question is who the best warlock for Horde, undead or orc. Reached top 25 feral Druid in the world and loved it. Vulpira was just filling in leftovers) Undead Rogue Undead: rogue, warlock, mage - priest, undead with the light is an interesting concept. So Currently I play a BM/MM Hunter. Shape water – This spell’s ability to both freeze water into a hard surface What race looks better for a mage: Nightborne or Undead? Loading I would also consider that more people will roll Horde and thus your undead mage will likely have to wait longer to even join a BG. Playing an orc as a caster just feels and seems clunky, all you really get is a chance to I mean as a Warlock you can because the Felhunter gives a small increase to stealth detection which is enough to spot them, hit Perception and get the first hit. Honeybearz-stormrage November 26, 2022, 3:13pm 14. Solid utility. Then go Undead warlock for the rest of your levels. So, in order to finally pick between the two, I’ve come up with a pros and cons list for each. Premades They are both wanted but mage plays more of a utility role. Roll that. Mage’s are a bit more meta than Warlocks for M+, though if you have a good group of friends or a guild it’s not too much of an issue. Mage is a class that is designed around answers. The lvl 7 aura is incredible with the Undead warlock transformation. Why Mage Armor - Old WoW Site Classes: Mage - Ranged Caster DPS; Priest - Healer or Ranged Caster DPS; Rogue - Melee DPS; Warlock - Ranged Caster DPS; Warrior - Tank, Melee DPS; Racials: Undead/Forsaken racials are Shadow/(Un)Death-oriented. Here is my contribution: Undead; Will of the Forsaken: Breaks fear, charm, sleep and makes you immune to them for 5 seconds. Reply reply Lord_Battlepants • I’ll name 2 classes per race because I can hardly Undead Warlock will let you have a great deal of fun with your level 7 Fey Wanderer feature. My thoughts. Select a Type: Choose between first name, last name, or humor names. I am mostly interested in open world PvP so I was wondering of either Warlock or Mage which would be the better options (For not only PvP, but also herb gathering and mob grindi They’re both really good for 1v1. Articles will include information ranging from the creatiion of your Warlock to basic leveling strategies, etc. Can I get away with This is the right call. Guidance – Automatic pick. For instance, they come increase healing output by allowing shadow damage to effectively heal, similar to an arcane Mage. The aura at conquest 7 combos very well with form of dread from undead warlock, and, in spite of the thematic synergy with oathbreaker and the undead, there's not much to back it up mechanically. I have a 120 undead mage. Share Add a Comment It needs to be supported by like a “blood mage” sorcerer subclass that gives you improved critical on melee touch spells or something. A mage can get out of any situation, pop instant huge crits from 40 yards and then go immune and heal. I know it’s personal preference, but maybe hearing other opinions will help me with my own. Also horde or alliance? Thank you so much Having a hard time deciding between lock and mage . I would pick up questie and a map addon that shows level ranges for each zone. I am trying to figure out which one to chose. So with the Mage, these are the pros I see: They have great aoe farming, very fast Just a fun curiosity, I am thinking of making a new class for each of the allied races to level and was thinking what people thought would be the most fitting class for each of the races? So what are your opinions on what each race fills each class or spec. they beat rogues and warriors and lose to priests and warlocks. Mage hand – Via Telekinetic. I wouldnt stress, i love the undead mage vibe Reply reply Most warlock races have at least one of those boxes ticked, but the forsaken, despite being an "obvious" warlock option (default class for forsaken, the forsaken warlock in the classic trailer, etc) don't seem to have any of that to my knowledge. However, I’ve always had a “stick to what you know” mentality about switching classes in WoW. Mage. If you're going What do you like or hate about each? Which one would you suggest to start with and see it as a good option to main for a long time? I am a casual player that usually jumps in to the N/HC I love the Undead Race and as I want to find the best class/spec in terms of taking the greatest advantage of their racials. 5 boots, if you're wearing undead cleansing! Legs should go to priests and warlocks Warrior, rogue, paladin, fire mage, hunter imp conc, shadow priests, druids, engineering items, a trinket (maybe a few but can think of one big one), a weapon proc or two. Your weapon of choice is a greataxe for the d12 damage die. Mages benefited Hi guys thinking of rolling out a Mage (which I had and levelled one back in past from lvl 1-86 myself Troll Frost Mage) thinking of race changing to Undead For me personally best Race for Mage Class overall is on the Oh I'm not actually playing an undead character perse. It was like this when I found it. 2 Likes. Trustlvlfour-blackwing-lair July 19, 2021, 7:40am 9. Eventually you high enough to get Siphon Life and you start rocking. I'm personally a fan of male UD over female, but I like the female over most other races animations. Yea, a warlock kills a mage, if a mage is not UD, but who else? I know a shpriest can cause quite some issues. Dont know about wands. A fireball crit to down an opponent with full health is truly a beautiful sight to see. Priest: fear Warrior: fear Succubus: charm Dream dust: sleep Hardiness: 20% chance to resist Stun Mage hand – pull scary-looking levers and test for traps on the fly. On the other hand, females look a lot better in robes and have better customization IMO. As a Mage it isn't as good sure but for BGs in particular you often end up in situations where you know a rogue is around because you saw them ride up, dismount and stealth or saw them The average warlock isn't Snutz. My answers based on mage being oversaturated so yeah warlock looks more fun! Sarcasm aside I think they both require skillsets from the individual. what would be the perfect main for each race and gender? You are allowed to have up to 3 choices if it is too close to call. Warlocks Bring Portal, Soul Stone and Cookie, Gate Mages Bring Int buff and Timewarp For Solo, Warlock has mage beat, having pets and good defense Hello, my character is a Genasi genie warlock pact of the tomb. Their home and all they love still falls In PvP as a mage two of your harder matchups are Priest and Warlock both which fear. For the mage I have yourefired, fireballz, ashtomouth, and flameous. Before I finally forced myself to go gnome and stick with it. By athleticism I mean players that can control their mage really well. Male orcs have very cool animations too. 1. The forsaken (or undead) are dead elves and (in most cases, including playable characters) humans who had been brought back to life by the Lich King. All my characters are undead. But overall, I think Like undead for instance. I will add that night elf and blood elf hunters make a lot of sense as archers with huge representation in the lore and culture of their races. I do think genie warlock is still better as well (concentration-less flight, limited wish, genie's vessel all crazy) it does take until around 3rd level before genie gets crazy though (with spike growth + repelling blast combo being insane) but I Undead Warlock is the only correct answer Reply reply Dark Iron anything really; shaman, fire mage, warlock. See more posts like this in r/classicwow warlocks are kings of 1v1. Hi, posted this on official EU forum but hoping to get some more insight here. Especially in the 2s brackets. I especially appreciated the lore given to us in the quests for dreadsteed and doomguard. undead male warlock is the epitome warlock race/animations for me. I'm playing an Undead patron Warlock who gets a feature that means it no longer needs to eat, drink or breathe. Warlock gets quests to learn how to summon and control beings from the twisting nether. Came back for Season 4 and I’m playing feral in that. The only annoying thing is the Line of sight issue. Was hoping i could get nudged in a direction from the fine folks here. Special faction members are also permitted: e. I /played an Undead mage for more than 200 days already, but I am still not tired of those beautiful animations. Where a mage shines is primarily against melee. "Warlocking 101" is a series that attempts to answer newbie questions about the Warlock class. This one is nice for the extra spell slots and always getting that extra opening attack from Dread Ambusher. Racial - Undead. At your third warlock level, take pact of the blade, and the invocation improved pact weapon. Warlock and Mage are pretty much equal and just different Not that this is the way you need to RP your particular Forsaken warlock, but in my mind, a Forsaken warlock is a being that evokes fear. What attracts me with mage is their High dmg, mobility, quality of life stuff and easy Most warlock patrons are otherworldly entities, demigods, or esoteric creatures of legend. Mage sets = belf>undead, warlock sets = undead>belf I’m trying to decide on which ranged DPS to try in Classic: mage or warlock. Mage vs Rogue was actually an uphill fight for once. Shield – Essential. Jesci-arcanite-reaper October 11, 2019, 5:16pm 20 A mage can escape more people and beat more melee at the same time, a warlock just flat out beats things that are on their screen. I plan on my main being a healer and I’d like a ranged DPS as an alt. I want to know your thoughts on my idea lore wish, ie does it make sense. Warrior is fun because I like to hit things with weapons, and tanking, but leveling is a bit of a drag. Warlock is more Warlock is awesome. Trolls get Berserking, Regeneration and Beast Slaying as their biggest racials for a mage. Thrall tolerates it at this point, but there's no denying that the Orc Warlocks are essentially who destroyed the world and I’m thinking of RPing a Forsaken Warlock and am working on back story. Warrior is orc, rogue is orc or troll (regen is kind of nice for leveling), mage is troll for berserking. I want to play as a warlock that was a human priest before his death. Orc has stun resistance useful against Warriors, Paladins and other Rogues. yeah, its subjective mainly I know but I'd like some input. Blood elves also get 1% extra crit, which is good for fire mage. This one has everything. Undead on the other hand receive a very tiny dps increase from Touch of the Grave (not sure how much), and the ability to break fears. Warlocks do great damage. On alliance side, I really like male human Currently maining a warlock and leveling a mage, was wondering what the better long term gold maker for classic would be. High tier: Echo Knight 11/Warlock 9. Lock will be warlocks are the 2nd best leveler, mage is like 4th. I really like how Mage has portals (since I will farm on this chr) the fantasy is also there and I do know that they're always at least be one spec that ia doing great. IMO, it suits them best. Other Hey, got a little question concerning forsaken mages in the Lore, hope this is the right place to ask. Since necromancer is not a thing, an affliction warlock is a very close alternative. For PVP/World PVP no raids but I would like to do dungeons and such. Invisibility – for sneaking around and similar things. Level 6 Undead Warlock(Sorcerer 1/Warlock 5) On the other hand, most non-undead priests were not using shadow magic and if they did, they'd either get persecuted or get completely mad. Ocasionally I may do some M+ dungeons with a friend (low keys mostly) and most of the time I do the casual stuff, like Dailies, Weeklies, rares, Tauren Shaman Night Elf Druid Human Paladin Orc Warrior Undead Warlock Blood Elf Mage Nightborne Mage Pandaren Monk Draenei/LF Paladin Undead NPCs actually makes a lot of sense when created without death magic, because death as a cosmic force want their anima so they aren't just handing back souls willy-nilly, but when they do allow it you get forsaken instead of mindless ghouls, since they're made by valkyries. Take a look at what Berserking actually does. WOTF basically guarantees you never lose to another warlock/priest again, assuming it’s a fair playing field. Samurai Fighter lets you double your Wisdom bonus to your Persuasion And it's between warlock and mage because they have 3 dps specs and I prefer cloth transmog the most. Undead Warlock. Torn between these 2 races for a mage. Sure, Orcs were the first Warlocks, but that was then and this is now, and now being an Orc Warlock would be a big, big no-no in many ways. As you get into higher tiers and play against better players, Warlock's weaknesses start to show themselves. In Vanilla I dont remember a single build for PVE that would be great for PVP, They are optimized around different thing. They also have lust so I feel like pugging m+ will be easier. Hello all. Goblin: rogue, hunter. For arena warlock and mage are close to the same power. I’ve been looking through some Sim data on herodamage and so far DK and Rogues have popped out in terms of dps output. However, from there, the decision gets much more difficult as they are both amazing classes and fun to play for different reasons. He was put to death for practicing dark magic in secret. 5 What im after is something with fun\\chill solo gold farming capabilties, fun both pve and pvp. On the other hand I think 25% stun resist would be pretty helpful on a PvP server. I'm not fussed at which class does higher dps as such just which abigserve | posted 2/20/2008 5:16:50 pm | message detail powerlock its the best class in the game if you roll warlock you'll win at pve pvp raiding arena art and ironyyyyyyyy powerlock want to roll demonology? well you can roll awesomeology powerlock now comes in rawstruction, you'll dps so fast you won't even need dots you'll invent new games because you'll be too Undead has Will of the Forsaken, easier time against one of the most powerful pvp classes, the Warlock and Shadow Priests. However, if you want to push to the top of your server/battlegroup/region, then Mage is 100% stronger because RMP is still the best comp at the high end. I have a lot of XP as a tank and am a very good player. You can bring the knowledge of lore to the table as well if you’d like or just a fantasy of yours but please explain Even if they weren't a warlock in life, it takes a special sort to play with forbidden knowledge/power even in death. Any votes or Undead have WoTF and Canabalize and Shadow Resistance as their biggest racials. Mage is OP and easy right now. In the end i When looking at litrpg? It could easily be that cleric denotes divine/lifeforce magic, mage denotes arcane/mana magic, warlock denotes devil/demon/hell magic and necromancer denotes death/antilife magic. I like the Vulpera because they do the flip thing when they jump and I love their tails (Worgen tails when?). (i know there is boomkin and Spriest but mage\\wlock seems more fun and fresh at end game, and if they add TBC and dont do a “clean slate” ) . Lock Tier 2 is nice. 5 sec cast time so in 10 seconds you are going to get 1/2 a cast off extra with berserking activated every 3 minutes. Warlock due to variety of spells, pets and utility. The necromancer put one of his lieutenants, an undead warlock named Viantha Cruelhex, in charge of organizing these assaults. Start out with 1 level of barbarian so that you get Unarmored Defense, proficiency with shields and martial weapons, and proficiency in constitution saves. Female seems to have much better fireball animation, standing proud and straight like mage should, male almost keeps his hands on the ground while charging fireball. Hello, I'm planning to make a demonology warlock and a fire mage and always spend way too much time picking a name. Lorewise, undead should resemble their former living counterparts, so they could be considered more of a sentient zombie human/high elf. Locks could farm elites though in the world before that. The thought of playing warlock in keys is the main thing that keeps me from playing it. Similar with the allied races, nightborne: mages, zandalari trolls: druids, hunters, etc. I wanna play a caster alt. They both have at least one very handy racial (Will of Forsaken vs Hardiness). I don’t really play classes that can’t be undead. you could say Shadowmoon Mag'har Orc Male Warlock as certain factions/groups have expertise to a much greater degree in a field than the bulk of their faction. I tested this back in vanilla on my gnome mage and compared to a human friend (both geared and naked). The moment WotF is activated, they are considered true Undead. Tbh part of me just wants to role a mage and charge for portals Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Rogue and Fighter both mesh well with Ranger, and Inquisitive Rogue benefits from a good Wisdom score. There’s very little reason to play that race at all for PvE. Locks were never really bad at gold farming, mages just could always do it in a instance easier Under 1. Any suggestions for New Caster players for Vanilla? My primary focus is PvP - However, I do like doing dungeons and ⁠Alliance typically has less warlocks, which is nice since warlock counters mages ⁠I suspect Alliance will have less Priests this time around due to the other healing specs getting buffs (priest can be rough to fight, especially Shadow which are more likely to roll Undead) Undead Mage; because Undead make the most superior choice as mages in the game, both factions included. Was wanting to make a fire mage and go Venthyr end game. For me, I think either way UD or Orc, you’ll enjoy playing your warlock Hi guys, I'm going to roll a mage in classic, and I'm strongly hesitating between alliance and horde for these reasons: -In PVP: If I understood well, playing a mage on the alliance is good for group pvp because of the sheer presence of paladins who are a very good support class (giving you blessing of protection, cleanse, freedom, kings, resistance auras and so on), Hey there, rolling undead for Classic wow. For a while they had practiced hiding their craft, though of course now they're allowed to practice it openly; most are still probably good at putting on a charming or easily ignorable demeanor. Alternatively, the Archfey patron is less potent but more on-point thematically. Plus I really like Will of the Forsaken. Troll does have bezerking so at least 10% haste every 2(3)? minutes and dmg to beasts which will help when If you're stuck between UD and Human for mage, both male and female UD cast animations are far superior. The best undead class options in World of Warcraft include Hunter, Warlock, Priest, Mage, and Death Knight. Warlocks are not the greatest in a small group PVP just because they really lack mobility and as alliance keep in mind undead have fear brake/immune plus the trinket. If there is any class that stands a chance against a decent skilled rogue in a 1v1 it’s a mage. At level 5, take the invocation thirsting blade. I prefer Warlock aesthetically with its Shadow and Fel magic abilities/VFX, and being able to summon demons as pets sounds useful, especially since I'd like to solo some older content. Few warlocks played classic as they’re a weaker PVE class and they don’t Looking for some advice on which class would be most fun to play. I have a mage undead but it is slow and i want to be a fighter next so what are the major advantages 1% magic damage evens out with most of the other passive, dmg increasing racials out there, like for example the 1% additional crit of blood elves (for mage/lock at least). They have one of the best CC abilities with decent mobility and kiting potential. I have a mage undead but it is slow and i want to be a fighter next so what are the major advantages Absorb elements – Essential. ) seems like a forsaken warlock and belf mage makes the easiest sense, but I was thinking a pretty boy elf working with ugly demons is kinda interesting. How many warlocks are there, anyway? I have probably fought 5 warriors, 3 rogues and 3 mages for every warlock I came across in a BG. Both work but I'm a warlock bias. Then a mage would not at all be a necromancer. Death knight would kill and enslave the Warlock. I know WoTF is pretty useful as well not sure how useful the other 2 racials are though. hunters can eat them easily too. Cannibalize is a lot of fun when combined with bandage - evocation - mana gem - potion combos. This is an ancient being that 5e Spells (doesn't require the "Warlock - The Undead - 5eSpells" optional file anymore!) UnlockLevelCurve - Level 13-20 Invocations Expended Valkrana's Spellbook's custom necromancy spells PF2e Spells----- Expanded Less so on ally but agreed the undead priest dream will be a super dry mana one that wont be fun. I think that they look best in all armors and I like the racials. For more Which in your opinion is/has: 1: More fun rotation? 2: Is better at pvp? 3: Is better at pve? 4: Has better animations? 5: Better mogs? If their demon isn't summoned you might even mistake them for a mage. Warlocks are often heavy spellcasters, and their spellcasting abilities rely on CHA. The main difference is Warlock relies on fear and Mage relies on frost slows. Lore Accurate: Choose between Lore Accurate names from Warcraft games, books, Dire Maul is in at release in classic so the big advantage farming Mage had is gone. Active: Will of the Forsaken - temp. I’ve played both in Wrath and beyond and like both, I put I’m wondering which to play in Classic. I have gotten it down to either an undead mage or a tauren warrior dps. cljccwh prwpwy kdcot twmij bnalh ute rliz jczw awgt qncog