Battletech ppc vs large laser. I'd rather use a PPC type (generally light or .
Battletech ppc vs large laser One PPC gives a nice little debuff and is really useful for drawing aggro at long range on base defense and escort missions. They usually do higher damage (check RoF and upfront damage), and they do the damage in a far shorter amount of time, meaning that your damage is concentrated on a single hit location, contrary to standard lasers which can, depending on your movement, enemy movement and tracking ability, distribute the damage over multiple hit locations. It works best when paired with a long-range hole-puncher like an ER PPC or Large Laser, even moreso when you're talking Clan tech. Better secondary weapons, better speed, better armor, no ammo, and for a main gun the large laser isn't that much worse than a PPC. Mar 12, 2024 · can anyone tell me what the main advantages a ppc has over the large laser, because from what i see they do the same damage with similar heat output, but the large laser is a lot less heavy, i know in the table top the ppc affects sensors, but in mw5 that is minimal, only amounting to a slightly blurry screen for a second. Weekly tactics articles and downloadable wargaming PDF guides on my blog here: http://www. A Wolfhound getting its large laser arm shot off just has easier heat management. 50 DPS/67. BUT. Limited by the available space on chassis of the Zeus, Defiance used their increasingly rare knowledge of fiber optics to dispense with the typical bulky barrel common to most other Large Lasers to design a smaller though no less effective weapon. C rating) Does anyone know why this is? It doesn't make sense - the PPC is bigger, more powerful and more expensive. I haven't gotten a load of big mechs yet, but they work pretty well on light/mediums with maybe only one large energy slot where heat just isn't a concern. Aug 1, 2022 · I have long been disappointed in the PPC, because the charge flies slowly and almost does not allow to destroy a separate part of the body. 02 DPS/37. Honestly, the only thing you gain over a standard ER PPC is two less points of heat. When talking about light PPC use you are normally comparing between it and a large laser or er large laser . If I've got the weight available, it's the pulse every time. 5dmg splash into up to 2 adjacent components. 90 HPM ER Large Laser 1. Oct 21, 2024 · I'm familiar with the lore and all that jazz, and it works well with tabletop, but doesn't translate well into gameplay. It is capable of causing extreme damage at long range, however it generates a tremendous amount of 4 [1][2] Introduced in 2620 by the Terran Hegemony. I prefer Large Lasers, however, the reality of the situation is there is only a handful of designs in 3025/3039 that effectively use them and cause a PSR. At the same time, those things have psychological effects - things that don't translate so well into BVs or raw game mechanics - that could give some advantage back to the large laser: take a Warhammer with PPCs, and a practically identical Warhammer with large lasers (and the four tons for, say, another SRM-6 and its Also, I see that the PPC and the Large Pulse Laser both have the same damage and heat, so what makes one better than the other? Which do y'all prefer? thanks for any answers The 1S is the better chassis. Now, if your main question is a Sleepy Awesome with 6×PPC vs 6×LL then the PPC setup has more dakka (a 6×ERPPC would be even better) so in this case it is the way to go if you want a meme build. Large pulse laser is superior to the PPC for medium-range combat, and weighs the same amount at 7 tons. SLDF stuff will always remain rare (because it’s not being made anymore) while standard versions of the lostech stuff becomes more common, and clan stuff is obviously common if you Why do Clan Star Adder call the Heavy Large Laser the Heavy Large Laser, when it is the lightest of all Large Lasers? Are they stupid? Are they stupid? Edit: It takes 3 Crit Slots instead of the Clan ER Large Laser's 1, so it should be called the Thick Large Laser. Kush ; Mar 18, 2024 @ 6:42pm You can't really get into the specifics of how and why a small pulse laser is used for anti-infantry work when basic sense would suggest a large pulse laser would do the job so much better. They're not meant for duking it out at point blank, though. But the large laser does make up for some of that, and the fact that both of them are running at only 75% of max armor, and the Vic can't hit anything until it gets to 9 hexes, this is still do-able by the Zeus if they gets lucky with some of their first dice rolls. The power necessary to facilitate the production of such In MW5 you are rarely at ranges that demand ER PPCs for more than one volley. Edited by Xandre Blackheart, 08 July 2012 - 01:01 PM. I prefer fast fire rates over max damage per shot. Guass does a bit more damage then ppc but requires ammo. The Tiegart Particle Projection Cannon provides similar performance to the Donal PPC while being ten percent smaller. Plus, at 45 shots per ton and as light as the weapons are, you can mount multiple weapons and proceed to plink the bad guy at extreme range with impunity. I can't remember ever using the Heavy Large. i have to say that i agree with your statement. 5 tons is a lot. Personally, what seems the most plausible to me is either the invisible lasers, or laser colors that vary pretty widely depending on manufacturer and model. Oct 15, 2015 · While the lasers are better, in general, PPC's do have some advantages. Weighing almost as much as a Heavy PPC, the Large VSP Laser can inflict nearly as much damage on a target, and has a better chance of hitting the target. I'm not in a campaign position to check it, but the wiki still lists large pulse as 40 heat production, along with its ER cousin. Aug 18, 2022 · ER SB large lasers are my favorite of all large laser types. When compared to the standard Large Laser, the pulse Bug-Eye Surveillance Ship (Large vs. If you figure you alpha that ER volley and manage to hit, that’s three extra shots on target. For some reason the PPC just feels weaker or less effective somehow. Re: PPC or Large Laser, Which is King? « Reply #90 on: 29 May 2016, 13:15:08 » It would make the Large Laser better, but IMO it still wouldn't stack up as well as the PPC. Meaning they do all their damage at the point of impact. As a result, you have more versatility in your available weapon slots, and you can just build it into a 1N if you want by just installing a PPC instead of the lasers. I use medium pulse lasers exclusively where I have a build with tonnage to waste and I've already maxed on heat sinks. The medium and small seems to be a waste. 625 tons of armor destroyed with each shot. As an example of them in use, consider the Awesome AWS-8Q and the Challenger CGR-SB. 99 DPS/18. Most engagements take place sub-700 meters, so ER weapons pushing 1100+ don't contribute much more than excess heat. Not to mention the PPC can go internal on any head, even if fully armoured. But when I want pin point damage thats relatively light compared to ACs PPC or ERPPC it is. 5 tons, 8 heat each shot. Pulse Lasers fires 3 low powered shots like a laser SRM. The 1 ton difference between the IS and CLan er ppc is negligible for the most part, but that is 1 additional heat sink, but the biggest factor is the difference of 5 points of damage. May 5, 2024 · The main advantage of a PPC over a regular large laser, is it does damage all to 1 spot on the mech. One thing that comes to mind first is that you can simply pop your arm around the corner, shoot the PPC, and then return to cover (because it is a Particle Projection Cannon) without having to engage the target for the same duration which you would with a laser. As far as Laser power scale, assuming that Fusion power plants put out Terra Watts compared to modern Fission plants putting out Giga Watts and the lasers of the time period follow a similar trend of today's commercial lasers which top out (typically) in the Mega Watt range, Small lasers would put out something like 10-100 gW, Mediums at 100 9 [1][2] First introduced in 2760 by the Terran Hegemony, the Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon, or ER PPC for short, has a greatly increased range than that of a standard PPC. The game version is 50 damage for 35 heat. May 11, 2018 · double heat sinks and gaus rifle are impressive but i cant seem to see a benefit to er or pulse lasers. Its damage is downgraded to 8, the same as a large laser, in the 10-13 hex range bracket, then 5 at 14-15 hexes. Large Chem Lasers are high dmg per minute, low heat per minute at the cost of ammo. Both SBs and pulses are better for hitting small and/or fast moving targets, but pulses lack range. Range increases as weapon size increases. Apr 29, 2018 · - Large Laser: 40 Damage, 30 Heat, 5t Weight - PPC: 50 Damage, 25 SDamage, 40 Heat, 7t Weight I just capped a Black Knight and at first was like "Finally, i can mount some serious firepower with PPCs and LLasers!!!". Large Pulse Laser, although a little weaker, allows you to concentrate damage on the torso or of the legs, thereby removing enemies faster. Just wondering if there's a main tactical difference or if it's mostly preference. But even with that I can get into spots where I am hard as heck to hit, against a PPC pretty much impossible. The Sarna article was more so comparing the fact that the snub was a shorter-range weapon to the PPC, not that it was an actual energy shotgun. PPC’s all the way in MW5. +5 damage and +1 accuracy is nice, but +2 tons and +22 heat is a death sentence. 63 DPS/57. 12 tons, 7 critical, 3 heat and 10 shots per ton of ammo. You find that the Inner Sphere ER-Large Laser looks very favourable in that sense to the Inner Sphere ER-PPC. It might not sound like much (and the game's heat meter is a lot more generous than the tabletop one), but needing an extra 2 heat sinks per PPC does hurt. I got to thinking about it yesterday and realized that I could not think of a single good reason to mount a standard IS Large Pulse Laser on a chassis when a Snubbie is available. Do less damage and D. A dual heavy large laser and dual ER Med laser combo on a cougar is my favorite mech right now. Medium lasers are far and away the best damage per heat ton you get in energy weapons ( the best is the SRM 6) 2 medium lasers do 50 damage for 24 heat at 2 tons 1 large laser does 40 damage for 18 heat and 5 tons 1 ppc does 50 (+20) damage for 35 heat at 7 tons if we scale everything up to 7 tons we get 2 medium lasers and 5 heat sinks doing 7 [1][2] Rather than using a single powerful beam, the Pulse Laser fires a series of rapid pulses. Weigh more C. com Mar 14, 2013 · Technically they do about the same damage, but for some reason LLs seem to strip down armor much faster to me, despite the fact that one must hold the beam on target for a time. While checking some builds i started to look at these 2 weapons. Are PPC's simply better than Medium Lasers? There is more to Battletech Revised than first appears. I had been testing them on the Crimson Reaper II some but found I actually like the additional poke of Medium Lasers. LPL does more heat, too, and it weighs as much as a PPC, so there's the mass issue to consider-for the same mass, I can put a standard large laser and another Heat Sink on a design. The IS ER PPC is good for the reasons of not needing ammo and no chance of exploding. Coming from MWO (haven’t played for a few years though) it was always much better to use large lasers vs PPC IMO. As far as If we look at a medium laser, the tiers (+/++/+++ modifiers aside) essentially go: Medium Laser-> ER medium laser -> SLDF ER medium laser -> Clan ER medium laser. This time around I think I will be at least seriously trying them instead of the PPC. Drop it down to 20. Pretty much every loadout in MW5 Mercs I just strip out any ER weapons to reduce heat, since there is no compromise to the damage. Less heat and less space with the same damage if you are good maintaining location damage. Inflicting as much damage as a standard PPC, the pulse laser offers the warrior using it a better chance of hitting a target. Unlike the more common Donal however, even during the Star League era Tiegart replacement parts were more scarce with fire control suffering greatly without a steady supply of parts, even with several redundancy circuits providing backup if needed. Thats twice the heat of a medium laser with 5x the tonnage in exchange for doing 15 more points of damage than a medium laser at roughly twice the range. The Panther also puts a lot of eggs in one basket - a Panther that gets its PPC shot off is screwed. 8/0. Clan weapons that fit that criteria: Clan Large Pulse Laser. Your highest numeric damage difference should occur if you can hold out at range 6, while 11-12 also isn't bad. cost wise, it still equals 5 tons, but at an extra 2 crits and 7 heat. Ppc and gauss do single point damage. I suspect the energy output of a large laser or PPC, along with energy lost as heat, might match a BattleMech fusion engine at "idle". looking at the stats it seems that a pulse laser even a rare version of it does less damage than 2 m lasers while taking up the same space and it has more heat. What's the reason for using one over the other? PPC has slightly higher damage output (10. that heat can be broken down, and then crits easily dispersed. (D rating vs. Developed by Defiance Industries for the Zeus, the Defiance Thunderbolt A5M Large Laser is an extremely compact weapon. Also the LL Jun 6, 2018 · Check out my blog for more articles, podcasts, and tactica: http://www. It trades the PPC for a large laser and 2 mediums. Since the PPC has a feedback effect when focusing on targets at close range, a field inhibitor limiter will engage at ranges below 90m to prevent damage Feb 4, 2024 · Description []. But how do I see that the slots on the Nova ain't linked like they are on the Adder? Edit: I found it. Both of the laser alternatives may have that DPS initially but there will come a time where you have to cool down and thus will not fire the What about the Heavy PPC? Same damage as the Clan ER, but has a lot more weight to it, shorter ranged and less favorable brackets. Short of a point blank range (hexes 1-3) advantage, the Pulse laser will A. so is range the only advantage? Jun 29, 2013 · Due to the shoot duration and cooldown, they are pretty much equal to a PPC in heat generation however the crazy short range ( range of a standard medium laser) is a major handicap for all that heat. In Battletech, a PPC does 10 damage, 1 ton of standard armor is 16 points, so 10/16 = 0. So I don't think there's any canonical colors for the various laser types. The Light PPC is heavier and more bulky, though it does have a longer range profile, albeit with the deficiency of a minimum Mar 16, 2024 · LOLOLOL amusing since a ppc generates about 7~ heat per shot and the B laser is around 17-20~. 80 EDIT: I will add to this that you can actually get the max DPS out of a gauss rifle. One PPC can give a laser boat a little stability damage to finish off mechs destabilized by your LRM boat. If you want to brawl but like to hug faces, the large pulse laser is the ticket. It has higher heat production than all of the other three, requiring either more heat sinks (squandering the weight drop) or the acknowledgement that life is going to be a little warm for your pilot. Mar 7, 2015 · Clan ER PCC VS Clan Large Pulse Laser: (Note that both take up two critical slots and 6 tons) ERPPC: Pros: Higher Damage (15 VS 13), Higher Range (810M vs 600M), Instant (Doesn't do damage over time), Disrupts ECM Cons: Higher Heat (15 VS 10), Slower (Velocity of 1050 MPS VS lightspeed), Does Splash Damage Large Pulse: I prefer the ppc, but without the range advantage, I think the laser is better for most combat situations. IS ppc 10 damage - sliding scale min range from 90 to 0 - 7 tons IS ER ppc 10 damage - no min range longer max range - 7 tons IS Snub nose ppc no min range, less range. PPCs are less slot and tonnage efficient (Factoring in heat sinks, dhs or single) but have range and do more single point damage. Dec 23, 2024 · First introduced in 2751 by the Terran Hegemony, the Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon, or ER PPC for short, has a greatly increased range than that of a standard PPC. Clan LB-10X. Large and ER Large are kinda meh for me. If you want the ability to reach out and touch somebody but don't want the drawbacks of a ppc or gauss, then the ER Large Laser is your best choice. Even the Large Pulse still makes sense. The black knight, king crab kaiju, thunderbolt top dog, and banshee 3s are all good laser boats. 6 tons, 10 heat each shot. Like the standard PPC, the ER PPC will apply all of its damage at once in a single location quite unlike Lasers. always have a worse TN B. 8/0 damage and 8 heat. Dual PPCs just seem a lot more dangerous than dual large lasers, even ER versions. Although with DLCs it gets overshadowed by things like 5×UAC20s and higher. While increasing damage and decreasing the beam duration, Pulse Lasers generate more heat and have shorter ranges than their standard Laser counterparts. To the left of the slots is a marker for type with lines to a slot or several slots if they are linked. As the name suggests, the Extended-Range variant of the Large Laser increases the power of the beam to project it to much farther ranges. I prefer the ppc, but without the range advantage, I think the laser is better for most combat situations. Much easier to find designs with a couple PPCs up to that task for range and cover that 90m weak spot with Medium Lasers. You can not dodge it if you don't know it's coming. 69 DPS/88. Getting to the point Mechwarrior 5's campaign that I'm starting to pick up my first couple Heavy Mechs and got a Rifleman 3N. With standard armor and internal, XL engine, you have 14 tons free. Ramping up the fusion output to "combat power" is probably not something you can do very quickly, so having charged capacitors that can quickly dump power into its corresponding weapon would be more efficient Beyond the war-crime aspect of using giant flamethrowers on people, a small laser is nice for filling out that last half ton and it works better vs infantry that most other weapons do AND it works better against other mechs than a flamer or machine gun does. I tried 3 of these on a Marauder D (all energy?) instead of 2 PPC and 1 Large Laser. Light PPC « Reply #30 on: 16 September 2022, 18:52:40 » This is beginning to sound like a debate between the bog standard Medium Laser and the LPPC. the large laser is much cheaper and smaller. In terms of numbers, the Large Laser seems to be a more effective weapon, but i have the feelings there's Jul 8, 2012 · Still all in all it looks encouraging for the large Laser. In the tech manual book, on availability (Pg 291 I believe) during the the Succession Wars, it has the Large Laser being a harder weapon to find than the PPC. Jun 3, 2021 · The point is that a large laser does not keep dealing damage at the same range a PPC does. Large laser does 8 damage in all range brackets, short range of 5, med range of 10, and long range of 15. Great if your accurate. Do you guys find them useful? I personally find them ONLY useful as Large Chem laser. The big advantage to the ER large is that it is a lot lighter. Jul 3, 2018 · Greetings. The less weight and heat means no additional sinks are needed for a single weapon unit. Medium and large lasers get a bonus to accuracy over other weapons (Small Lasers do as Jan 25, 2017 · ER Large shooting is a HUGE HEY HERE I AM HERE I AM. The Large Pulse Laser is the largest and does the most damage of the Pulse Laser family. comJoin my wargaming tacitcs list here and get posts 8 [1][2] The Particle Projection Cannon is a unique hard-hitting energy weapon. The small laser has the shortest range and the PPC has the longest range. A Heavy large laser on the other hand despite doing more damage has a DPS of 2. The snub nose ppc has one of the best short range brackets in the entire game, up to 9 hexes vs the Large Laser's 5. Apr 23, 2018 · 7 tons, 3 critical and 10 heat vs. The power necessary to facilitate the production of such A Clan Large Pulse laser and a Snub PPC both have a +0 penalty at, say, 8 hexes (Snub is still in its 'short range' while the Clan Large Laser is in medium range, which is reduced to 0 with the pulse bonus) At those same 8 hexes for example, a Gauss Rifle would suffer a +2 penalty, while a Snub Heavy PPC would have a +0 penalty. Also you have to know that laser have an inherent accuracy bonus while the ppc doesnt. The large laser does 10 points less damage, but is 2 tons lighter and only generates 18 heat. The PPC has a minimum range, but longer range overall. In short, there's no single right answer to my knowledge, so feel free to do what you think looks best. However, unless running with no armor whatsoever, the options are: - 2x PPC: 100 Damage, 50 SDamage, 80 Heat. Logged Saying that because the equipment isn't up-to-the-minute, bleeding-edge tech therefore not a threat is like saying an M2 Browning isn't dangerous to modern infantry For the Large slot we want a large laser of some sort. Nov 15, 2024 · The Light PPC is a smaller version of the Particle Projector Cannon. i added a mod that enables them to be bought if you can find them and with upgraded versions of them. I like PPCs better, but that's in part because of the imagery. On paper large lasers look a lot better heat/damage, but in practice they're only great against slow mechs where you can hold the laser steady on one spot. While ppc becomes more useful the better you can manage your heat since most mech that can mount more then one can be configured to to stagers fire constantly. Take, for instance, the TR1 Wraith-you can actually improve its performance and heat curve significantly by swapping the Pulse weapons for Standards+Heat sinks. IIRC the small laser is the same as tabletop, but medium laser is 4 heat instead of 3, the large laser is 10 heat instead of 8 and the PPC is 12. 21 HPM Large Chem Laser 2. PPC: a little bit more damage at a little longer range. . Large pulse laser has a DPS of 2. So 60-70% higher damage in a compact package at the cost of weight and spread out damage. Also 1. Mar 7, 2024 · I do use Pulse Lasers on some dive bombing builds. Like other beam weapons, the large laser has a I prefer the ppc, but without the range advantage, I think the laser is better for most combat situations. 50 DPS/94. The way rounding happens, you get 1 damage each for every PPC and Large Laser, until you reach 5 Large Lasers (at which point you have too many anyway). Energy weapons don’t require any ammunition, but generate a lot of heat. The Extended-Range Large Laser (ER Large Laser) focuses a powerful beam of light on targets that causes damage by overheating or melting the target. If you add 7 heat sinks to the PPC and 2 tons of ammo to the AC-10 you end up with 14 tons, 10 critical and 3 heat for the PPC vs. Lasers cause damage by firing an intense beam of light at a target, flooding concentrated energy in the form of heat, which can melt material and overwhelm heat-sensitive electronics. The question is, what is it better to use for my mercenaries in mechs? Which ergo weapons do they shoot more Nov 30, 2021 · Chem Lasers are basically "laser with consumable ammo". While even assault 'Mechs can be devastated by a short barrage of Large Pulse Laser fire, the heat buildup is tremendous and will quickly overheat 'Mechs if used for prolonged periods. While trying to figure out the best loadout to balance the armor and firepower I took a closer look at the Large Laser than I had before since I'd been using PPCs on the few Mechs that could use Large Energy weapons so far. Large Laser: lighter and no min range. IE 3 less damage : 3 less heat : 3 hex more range and 2 less tons with a vs standard large laser and 1 hex less range and way less heat tonnage and damage compared to an ER Large . Woo. ppcs you can also fire faster by about 5~ rpm or so Last edited by George W. ER PPC’s are for flat TT maps. The basic energy weapons are the medium lasers and large lasers , but the real king of this type is the Particle Projector Cannon (PPC) : huge damage and long range, but also massive heat. The clan version is clearly better then the IS ER PPC. And if you try to mount two of them, you come out a ton short compared to a standard ER PPC. Faster cycle rate and better heat to damage ratio, plus easier to aim. I've been removing PPCs from my mechs and putting on LLs lately. Aug 23, 2023 · When i suggested BLazers be put into the game i envisioned it as being slightly weaker than 2xLLasers as a niche weapon to help out hardpoint starved mechs and give a different option for some other niche builds, like some "sword and board" builds, to increase their viability. Feb 4, 2024 · Large Pulse Lasers are the largest pulse lasers, with a both destructive and far-reaching pulse beam. Pro: you generate a lot less heat Con: not as good as the regular laser, and your ammo can run out. Full stop. Both are very nice, though the Large Laser is slightly more efficient, while the PPC can deliver critical hits in a few cases where the Large Laser wouldn't and the PPC has slightly longer range but also a minimum range. Unfortunately, the longer range of the weapon slightly reduces its accuracy when compared to traditional pulse Generally I prefer the Large Pulse to the ER Large. Jun 3, 2021 · PPC's are straight better in terms of damage over large lasers, but they weigh a bit more and take up a bit more heat. Large Laser 1. Apr 11, 2018 · The heat generation is higher than tabletop. 5 heat instead of 10. Basically PPC does almost 40% more damage at 40% more weight with 40% more heat than a Large Laser per minute with the benefit of the damage from each shot localized to one target location. Small NCSS) « on: 07 July 2012, 00:43:45 » Price is adjusted as best I can get it in HMA, using the x16 modifier for the sub-compact drive, plus factoring in the StratOps WarShip support costs, landing gear, 'cause it's supposed to be mimicking an aerodyne DropShip, and another x4 final to represent The Wolfhound is a great example of the correct use of the ER Large Laser, the Archer ARC-5R is the ER Large Laser done wrong, standard Large Lasers would have been better. The extra bit of range with Mediums is actually quite substantial vs any Small Laser type. For IS, moving 6/9/6, I would either go 1 ER-PPC, with backup weapons, or two ER-LL with some heatsinks. I don't really like the ER PPC it does not improve anywhere as much as the ER Large Laser does. So, everything from weight to damage to heat scales pretty much at the same rates. Two very similar assault 'Mechs. In past Mechwarrior titles there was absolutely no reason to use a Large Laser instead of a PPC because of the mechanics of the game. The PPC does only 1 more damage, has 180 more reach but has the minimun of 90, generates more heat, uses 1 slot more, weights 2 tons more and is not instant which can result in a miss against long range targets. I do not normally compare the two . But what about that Heavy Large Laser the Sea Foxes are selling? Highest energy damage (without considering a capacitor) but also a higher heat ratio and the range brackets of the old standard Large Laser. Before Gauss Rifles and ER weapons show up, they're the weapon to go with for sniping. Does not use If it has lots of lasers, I'll usually turn it into a laser boat with either Er SB large lasers or large pulse lasers and medium SB lasers. 3 [1][2] "Laser" stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", or a device that focuses an amplified beam of light on a small surface area. Apr 12, 2024 · The Extended Range Large Pulse Laser is the largest ER Pulse Laser created by the scientists of Clan Wolf. Yes, the PPC requires more effort to hit a target with, but its projectile travels further than the large laser's beam. a 'Mech/vehicle designed as a sniper is never going to do well mixing it up at four hexes or less. Re: ER Medium Laser vs. It's pretty even, the PPC even has a little longer range. 67 HPM Large Laser SB 1. So you could put on 2 ER-PPC, but then have bad heat issues. The ppc will overheat a mech slowly with just walking with just the engine sinks. The Large Variable Speed Pulse Laser is the largest of the Variable Speed Pulse Lasers in use. Snub-Nose PPC, though it has damage drop-off, has a short range of 9 hexes. i would even go so far as to say that i would honesyl rather sacrifice the meager 1 hex of long range for 'Light PPC w/ Capacitor' and an ER Medium. Introduced by the Draconis Combine in 3067, it is often compared with the ER medium laser as it shares damage, heat, and lack of ammunition dependency. 98 HPM Large Pulse Laser 2. You can fit it into a lot of designs where a PPC just isn't feasible. If I'm using a large laser it's always just a regular Large Laser. 14 tons, 9 critical, 3 heat and 20 shots for the AC-10. Unfortunately that option For example, a PPC has a range advantage vs a large laser at 6 for short, 11 and 12 for medium, and 16-18 for long. If you want to have a weapon to brawl but still have some level of range, the large laser is for you. You need 8 or 10 damage(i forget which, might depend on skills) in order to kill a flier, and an ER SB does 8 damage and ER L does 10 Oct 19, 2024 · I know the weapons have a size and I can see that size on the ER PPC, ER Large Laser or Large Pulse Laser is two slots. Capable of causing extreme damage at long range, it unfortunately generates a tremendous amount of heat, and so can be difficult to use effectively. With the IS ER modals. Too much armor on the arms, not enough on torsos, but the Marauder has 35 CT armor and 18 leg armor, meaning it can take a large laser+PPC or PPC+medlas and SRM before going internal. 5 tons, 30 heat, and no knockback while doing only 40 damage is just way too much. Yeah, I really like the implementation of Roguetech. 74 HPM ER Large Laser SB 1. I'd rather use a PPC type (generally light or Mar 24, 2016 · Personally I cant think of when I would take a regular large laser over a large pulse when I could take one or the other. Conceptual theorems trying to make sense of this often run into other issues such as: "Infantry are small. It has a much better breakpoint on the legs. By the time you cool down, you’re already in PPC range, and at that point the PPC is CONSIDERABLY better. The reason we want a large laser and an ER large laser as ideal is because we want to be able to shoot fliers at as a long as range as possible. Jun 30, 2024 · Laser stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", or a device that focuses an amplified beam of light on a small surface area. Nothing in the Inner Sphere competes with this. Here is some hard data on this comparison, The PPC vs the Large Laser: PPC is 2 tons heavier, takes up an extra crit slot, and generates 2 more heat. It fires 3x at medium laser damage, like having 3 medium lasers at long range and in a single slot. Quote A skirmisher is a fast mover armed with a sniper weapon (typically an ERPPC or Clan ERLL) and is used to harass the enemy from beyond their effective range at the cost of their own accuracy. 52 HPM Mar 18, 2019 · Once upon a time the large laser had its heat production drastically reduced, and I don't think the pulse variant got the memo. 2 tons can make a big difference when weight is tight. Title pretty much says it all. the IS ER Large is relatively lacklustre as weapons go. The simplest weapons are the energy weapons. I discuss this popular topic and look at the situations w Nov 27, 2024 · Tiegart []. 26 DPS/84. Apr 29, 2016 · A PPC is 7 tons for (less than 1)/1/1 damage and 10 heat, while Large Laser is 5 tons for 0. If they made them cooler then you would have a weapon that was the same weight as a PPC, but cooler and more damaging at the expensive of being a Jan 5, 2014 · and the effective range of the ER LARGE LASER at 675 Is this a 'funtion' that the ER PPC calculates hits as a ballistic vs the ER LARGE LASER calculating hits as an energy, so the hit boxes are calculated differently? Also, if you would be so inclined, what weapons do and don't work in the current patch level? Apr 30, 2018 · PPCs weight even more like 7 times as much as medium laser with exactly double the damage than 1 med laser at even greater distance than the large laser while generating 4 times the heat as 1 med laser. - 6 tons IS Light ppc 5 damage no min range less weight and space- 3 tons Clan ER ppc No min range 10 damage. 47. That said, I do think the heat generated by LL's is too much. In the real world, a particle weapon doesn't work that way, doesn't make armor cease to exist, and heating up tons of steel is extremely hard. wargamerfritz. For the weight ER Large is my usual go to weapon IS or Clan wise. Lasers are popular weapons due to their low cost compared to other energy weapons and because they do not rely on ammunition, which simplifies logistics. 19 HPM Medium Chem Laser 0. Extra range isn't worth the extra heat in my opinion, and the er ppc is superior at ranges for a bajillion reasons - chief among which is that it's all gonna hit one component, whereas the ER LL will be spread across components (for the ticks that it hits, at any rate, which isn Aug 26, 2024 · Thunderbolt A5M []. The snub is more so a more accurate Large Laser with a slightly higher damage. It's lighter than the large pulse laser or ER PPC, for sure- but weighs more than the ER large laser (which, to be fair, is a work of art). 5 vs 10), similar ranges, similar rates of fire, similar heat. It's not who you kill, but how they die! You can't shoot what you can't see. Clan ER modals ER Large Laser; a great deal more improvement in range. Kaiju definitely gets 4 pulse lasers, while I will usually mix it up on others depending on heat. Better they be able to throw in that extra 5 damage alongside their Gauss/ER Large Laser/Heavier PPC/LRM/whatever than have a medium laser mounted on it that just sits there most of the game doing nothing. Now, ERLL has a place in sniping, but my favorite mech and loadout by far is still my quad LPL maurader, max xl engine and the rest in heat sinks, I can alpha fire twice with no overheat, and if I space the two groups (have em grouped by left/right) by about a half to a However, that range cannot be overlooked. Beyond that, there's also the issue of keeping a regular laser on target for a longer period of time. The ER Large isn't bad, but the pulse is better. The range and recharge rate are roughly the same and gives you a 45 damage alpha strike, which, with the right amount of heat gen and cool run nodes, you can do twice before you begin to overheat. Unlike Lasers which have a firing duration over which damage is dealt, PPC weapons will inflict all of their damage at once, into a single part of the enemy 'Mech. Hmm, if a large laser is blue, what color do they do the PPC then? I guess just more white than blue to differentiate? I’m just thinking of say a Black Knight, I’d want the weapon ports to be noticeably different between the PPC and large lasers at a glance Jan 29, 2025 · The Extended-Range Large Laser (ER Large Laser) focuses a powerful beam of light on targets that causes damage by overheating or melting the target. Concentration of damage is a valid advantage of the PPC against other 'Mechs (particularly head shots), but spending less tonnage on the PPC and more on secondary weapons will generally favor the LL against other targets. fvcidvn fdhpklp rjy wkqlvbw roa wfpdb zfnafg nxdr sqpn dojaphq eosphb ttvrxjm imlnjr btjlkw ooxiu