Elite clue scroll rs3. update 4 August 2010 : Added to game.
Elite clue scroll rs3 Learn how to solve elite clue scrolls, the highest level clue scrolls in RuneScape, by using orb scans, compass locations, Celtic knots and Guthix wizards. Ancient casket from Tetracompass; Master : There is a 1% chance of receiving a Master clue instead of a Elite clue when an Elite clue is found. Possible locations Image Neitiznot, south-west of the small obelisk. A clue Clue title may refer to: From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape When speaking to an NPC in a hard or elite trail, the player may receive a puzzle box. Master clue trails are between 6 to 8 clues long (5 to 7 with the Totem of Treasure). Do No Elite is an achievement that requires the player claim the elite clue scroll while using Ava's alerter after completing Do No Evil. Clue scrolls are now dropped or looted as a new object called a 'Sealed clue scroll (difficulty)', which stacks and gives a new clue scroll of the same tier when opened. patch 30 October 2023 ():. Model viewer Browse the contents of the runescape game files and export the 3d models. I am still far from the fastest, but using Alt-1 for the puzzles helps a lot. It is otherwise the same as a normal Scroll box (elite). Learn about the elite clue scrolls, a rare and challenging item that can be obtained from treasure trails in RuneScape. youtube. Opening one will turn it into an active elite clue scroll. However if you need to farm the clue scrolls themselves elites are tougher to get. Diving For Clues is an achievement that requires the player to obtain a sealed clue scroll (elite) by opening the treasure chest in their player-owned house aquarium, using their Salvage hunter suit. After travelling there, open the scroll's "Scan" interface to automatically scan the region for the correct spot. Find out how to scan, read, dig, use, destroy, and examine them, and what rewards they offer. 5%, Master 0. They can be distinguished from other types of clues by the magnifying glass attached to the clue scroll. Elite clue scrolls are between 5 to 7 clues long (4 to 6 with the Totem of Treasure). There are two major methods of acquiring Sealed clue scroll (elite) in bulk, the first being thieving Elven clan workers and the second being Manifest Shadows. Personally prefer to do an Elite and a Hard at the same time, since there's a lot of overlap and I can use traveling for Hards to pinpoint locations for a compass clue without using extra teles. I cover anything from Easy to Elites alongside some bonus ways to obtain clue Jul 7, 2019 · Custom clue presets can greatly improve your clue scroll experience. There’s a couple teleports I see you’re missing from my elite preset that I went without for a while and started to use, which save a lot of time. It was released on 4 August 2010 as part of the rework and expansion of the treasure trails reward system. Clue Solver The solver reads the clues from your scren and instantly solves all puzzles or shows you where to go on the map. Elites have a higher raw value but the gp is dependent on obtaining the big dyes, which is not an immediate reward compared to hards which are a) fast to gather and complete and b) far simpler to learn. In Depth Elite Clue Guide Alt 1 toolkit - https://runeapps. Plus elites are better points per clue without the unlocks. When the player is standing at the correct location, the compass's arrow will change to an 'X' symbol and the player can dig to receive their next clue or casket. When opening clue reward caskets, the following chances apply to get a master Celtic knots are puzzles that can only be found when completing elite clue scrolls to proceed further. [1] When an elite Additional checks have been implemented to try and minimise or eliminate the chance for clues to swap or progress into the same clue. A re-roll token (elite) can be redeemed for a re-roll of rewards from reward casket (elite). Cap starts at 25 but can be upgraded to 50 as a reward from the shop by the ge. Compass clues display an arrow that points in the direction of a spot that the player must locate. They can dig by clicking on the spade icon You don't need globetrotter legs, and further both meerkat and scrolls won't be in your inventory once the clue is started. The thresholds are every 10th, 50th, 100th Hidey-holes are storage units used to store items used in emote Treasure Trails clues. 35m). When opened, the scroll box has another clue inside of it. 5%, Elite 5. Players need to complete the puzzle in order to receive their next clue. You'd be able to keep the top and backpack in your invent as well. Puzzle boxes are 'step two' of a clue: first the player has to find the right NPC to speak to (when they get a cryptic or anagram clue), and then they have to solve the puzzle, to advance along their trail. gg/clue Hey, I do alot of elite clues myself, so this setup is tried and tested (: I kill 5 manifest shadow creatures that i have set up in the small room of my Player owned Dungeon. So I would suggest wearing a useful elite skilling outfit (standard is nature sentinel) and keep gloves, fremmy boots, and wicked hood in invent. Clue scrolls now show the level of difficulty in their name (easy, medium, hard Personally I see all that time add up and look to improve my consistency. The top piece is gained from Big Game Hunter (level 75 Hunter and level 55 Slayer) Stuck on a clue? This series I give you a virtual walkthrough guide for your clue scrolls. But remember with all of the data you get, try not to fall into a statistics fallacy. [1] When an elite patch 4 December 2023 ():. A clue scroll (hard) is part of the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. patch 9 August 2021 : Clue Scrolls will now drop with the rest of the loot piles in the Kerapac encounter. Players can only have up to one clue of each tier active at any one time, as before. It can be obtained from a compass or a scan clue. Diving For Clues Never knew alt 1 could help with those clue steps like that. See the comments for feedback, questions and alternative methods from other players. but I feel it's not really worth doing them. In order to be opened a puzzle must be completed, either a slider puzzle or Celtic knot. [1] A number of Clue Scroll steps were taking the player to incorrect or broken locations when using the globetrotter jacket teleport. I saw Maikeru's video and he claims you can do 12 elite clues an hour, and I've seen streamers do 40-50 hard clues an hour. A Clue Scroll near Het's Oasis was in a blocked location. Show on map: Neitiznot, inside broken building between the town gates and a small obelisk. org/alt1 Double Surge Codex - https://runescape. Find out the drop sources, rarity, value, and strategy of this item on RuneScape Wiki. hidden 6 October 2010 : Clue scrolls now show the level of difficulty in their name (easy, medium, hard or elite). [3] Scans in Dorgesh-Kaan and Brimhaven Dungeon can be found on multiple levels. A number of Clue Scroll steps were taking the player to incorrect or broken locations when using the globetrotter jacket teleport. Jun 22, 2023 · THANK YOU FOR WATCHING & PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO HELP ME GET 1K SUBSCRIBERS! it takes a while to get into elite clues keep at it! (https://twitch. However, players can receive over 25 clues of a certain difficulty if that clue scroll is received from a guaranteed source, such as the treasure chest decoration guaranteeing a sealed elite clue scroll each time it is A "dig" option can be found by right-clicking the clue; there is no need to bring a spade. [1] To solve a real-life celtic knot puzzle, you must make the knot have rotational symmetry. After completing Pieces of Hate, the Skeletal horror has a 1/12 (8. In this video, we show the average GP per elite clue both with and without a big drop!Clue scroll guides playlist: https://www. NOTE: if yours doesn't solve on the third color Clue scan tips alt1 has "best routes" for most of the elite scan clues, it is advised to use a meerkat scroll for the +5 scan range, and use any teleports you can in order to save time, for example dessert scan i use dessert amulet (1 and then 2 teleports) and then fairy ring to middle so ive covered south/northeast and the middle of the step within seconds. The vast majority of dyes are going to be obtained by players with a low clue count because more clues are completed per day by players with a low count than those with high. There are two major methods of acquiring Sealed clue scroll (elite) in bulk, the first being killing shadow creatures in a personal slayer dungeon, and the second being pickpocketing elven clan workers. There is a soft cap of 25 on sealed clues for each tier, but guaranteed sources bypass this. The puzzle box skipping ticket is a reward from a Treasure Trail that can be used to skip a puzzle box. Clue scroll (medium) is a cryptic clue obtained from medium sealed clue scrolls. Players may also find it helpful to use this map, showing the routes through and obstacles of Tirannwn, when navigating the area. Find the possible locations and ranges of each clue type and the rewards for completing them. This page contains all of the scan clues in Tirannwn and Lletya. 6%, Hard 24. The arrow only shows the direction of the required location and not the distance to it. 49m, with a huge standard deviation of 37m. Reply reply A clue scroll (elite) is the second highest tier clue scroll after the clue scroll (master) in the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. For a detailed summary of Elven thieving see this article here This method also accrues large numbers of hard clue scrolls and may be a good option for those looking to acquire both Sealed clue scroll (hard) as well as Sealed clue A Puzzle scroll box (elite) can be obtained from an elite clue as part of a Treasure Trail. Hards will be faster if you don't already have a stockpile of clue scrolls and need to farm them up. Dec 9, 2023 · If you want to learn how to do Clue Scrolls on RuneScape -- and join the best clue chasing community -- please join our discord here: https://discord. The celtic knot is a puzzle from an elite Treasure Trail that must be solved in order to proceed further. A celtic knot puzzle has two solutions, as rotational symmetry can go two directions Well to clarify there’s a soft cap on the clue scrolls but the reward caskets don’t have a cap. Scans in Dorgesh-Kaan and Brimhaven Dungeon can be found on multiple levels. The Totem of Treasure is a totem that decreases both the minimum and maximum number of clue scroll steps by one. A treasure chest in the aquarium of your POH will give you a weekly clue scroll. If the map leads to a crate, it must be searched until the next clue or the reward is found. Scan clues are a type of clue that can appear during elite and master clue scrolls. Clue scrolling is a skill and I might not be very fast but I still like going faster. There are 5 different levels (easy, medium, hard, elite, and master) and the level will be designated when looking at the clues name. Expect 5-6 elites per hour on average (large sample size, dont be shocked if you differ from it at first) You could simply add some of the successful master clue rewards like elemental staff/impetus/golden thread/box of clue scrolls to elite clue rewards that share the rare table just so in the long run you're making more than hards and easies. ^ Approximately 1 in 3,030 chance per clue to receive a Backstab cape. Treasure Trails is a members-only Distraction and Diversion in which players follow a series of clues leading towards buried treasure. Show on map: East Keldagrim, south of the mine cart tracks hub. The 'level' of a clue scroll relates to its difficulty. Not just curious about one type of clue, would like to see everyone's views on all tiers of clue scrolls! :D At the moment we've got a wide variety of times; hards taking 5-10 minutes and elites taking 8-15 minutes. tv/zingstah) I Having an elite scan clue following an elite compass clue no longer prevents the scan interface from opening. By player request, we've reverted the sound played during clue scans to its pre-June version. It is usually received after completing the final clue of an elite clue scroll trail, sometimes players may receive a puzzle casket (elite) in its place. Sure, I use Alt1 because it is a godsend for clues, but I can easily bang out a hard clue as short as 60 seconds, where an elite (even with Alt1) can take 4-5 minutes because of all the running around at the random places, just feels like it's a waste of time. A Treasure Trail is started by finding a sealed clue scroll, which may be dropped by killing various monsters or obtained through skilling activities. Elite difficulty clue scrolls can be received in a multitude of ways, and tier 4 luck enhancers such as Hazelmere's signet ring and Luck of the Dwarves will increase the chances of obtaining one. They are awarded on completing treasure trails (by getting a reward casket or solving a puzzle casket from the final clue scroll in a treasure trail). They can be filled while the items are still equipped. I was 20ish minutes per clue because I sucked at the puzzles, and I had to look up every clue to know where to go. For the main article, see Treasure Trails. As for the actual clue scroll caps. A clue scroll (elite) is the second highest tier clue scroll after the clue scroll (master) in the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. It simply transcribes everything from the subpages. ) That is what I do. When used, the puzzle box in your inventory will be immediately finished. I don't know if it would be an elite one at your level - but worth a try in case you haven't thought of it :). Pulse colours updated to change according to the proximity to the clue instead of always being blue. Celtic knots are puzzles that can only be found when completing elite clue scrolls to proceed further. Update history [edit | edit source] Most sources of elite clues have a 1% chance of upgrading to a master clue instead, including monster drops, Treasure chest decoration, etc. Hidey-holes are storage units used to store items used in emote Treasure Trails clues. [1] Having an elite scan clue following an elite compass clue no longer prevents the scan interface from opening. So I was only averaging 5-6 elite clues an hour. These have now been fixed. A puzzle box is an item occasionally received during a hard or elite Treasure Trail when completing a hard anagram or cryptic clue. The 1% chance of getting a master is when you get an elite clue as a drop (or from triskelion, aquarium chest, etc. Hard clues as well I don't do that many an hour. Show on map: East Keldagrim, south-east of the mine cart tracks hub (between the tracks). Quite a long time was put into it and y'all have been waiting long Aug 4, 2010 · A compass clue can be part of an elite treasure trail. Maps are found in easy, medium, and hard clue scrolls. Simulate your Treasure Trail rewards, try your luck! I just started doing the clue scrolls on my elite stack and it took me 1 hour and 17 minutes to do 7 elite clues. Scroll box (elite) is an item that is found during the Treasure trails Distractions & Diversions after completion of a clue from a clue scroll (elite). There are four possible locations where the elite clue scroll can be found. [1] When an elite A reward casket (elite) is an item containing the rewards of the Treasure Trails. Treasure Trail Points are stored in the Currency Pouch and can be spent at Zaida's Treasure Trails Reward Shop. hidden 6 October 2010 ( Update ): Clue scrolls now show the level of difficulty in their name (easy, medium, hard or elite). Show on map: Neitiznot, inside the yak pen. Sealed clue scroll (elite) is part of the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion. The arrow only shows the direction of the required location, and not the distance to it. Possible locations Image East Keldagrim, south-west of the mine cart tracks hub. Upon starting the scan, a pulse effect appears around you, continually Most casual elite cluers are prob 6-8 min pace. Clue scrolls: there is a soft cap of 25 clues per clue difficulty, except for sealed master clue scrolls, which have no cap. Elite Clue Scroll compass help? I've been grinding some elite clues but what's really slowing me down is where you have to follow the compass arrow and dig in the correct spot. Ranged from 164k to 596k I know I haven't done anywhere near enough to draw proper conclusions, but does the average hard clue reward seem high? Has anyone else kept track of clue values? Having an elite scan clue following an elite compass clue no longer prevents the scan interface from opening. When a compass clue is clicked on it will display an interface with an arrow that points in the direction of a spot that the player must locate. Definitely gonna make use of this next time I’m clearing out my elites stack. Elites also take forever to gather compared to other tiers even with the Bik book. They are obtained upon opening a sealed clue scroll (elite). ^ Approximately 1 in 146 chance per clue to receive any dragon mask - approximately 1 in 874 for a specific mask. #runescape #clues #guideI hope this clue guide will be of some help to you all out there. World Map High definition world map with satallite and areal views, also has all teleports on it. This has now been moved. update 4 August 2010 : Added to game. It is also obtained from spotting an agent penguin in Penguin Hide and Seek or opening a sack of very wild rewards. Is there a map anywhere online that shows all the possible dig locations? Dec 26, 2017 · First 30 seconds shows you how to solve any Runescape elite clue scroll puzzle boxor watch the whole vid to see me solve it if you need the extra visual = Possible locations Image Inside the base's walls, west of the docks. 1%) Fire spirit; Forge Phoenix and Divine Forge Phoenix; Bought for 200 Thaler from Stanley Limelight's minigame store. There are a total of 58 hidey-holes. It can be purchased from the Treasure Trails Reward Shop for 150 points, or as a possible reward from opening a reward casket (elite). wiki/w/Double_Surge Totem of A user shares an image guide for solving elite clue scrolls in RuneScape 3, with tips and suggestions for efficiency and equipment. When determining an elite trail clue, there is a 577/1059 chance for it to be a scan clue; for master clues, this chance is 20/100. Also, you start to learn where the clues are leading you so its much faster to go to the right spot. Dec 18, 2015 · Stuck on a clue? This series I give you a virtual walkthrough guide for your clue scrolls. (ranged from 76k to 1. Posted by u/cluescroll121 - 11 votes and 11 comments Having an elite scan clue following an elite compass clue no longer prevents the scan interface from opening. They are obtained by opening a sealed clue scroll (master). Each piece can be obtained via different activities on Anachronia. [1] A clue scroll (hard) is part of the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. ^ Approximately 1 in 160 chance per clue to receive a Crystal triskelion fragment. [1] This brings the average value of an elite clue (before rerolls) up to 1. Having an elite scan clue following an elite compass clue no longer prevents the scan interface from opening. 3690 Elites, 7 dyes. It is created by combining the top, middle, and base pieces. Learn how to obtain and use elite clue scrolls, a rare item that starts a treasure trail with high rewards. And to think I used to attempt manually triangulating like a barbarian This article is a consolidation of all subpages of the Treasure Trails/Guide page. ^ Approximately 1 in 5,909 chance per clue to receive a Sack of effigies. To start the clue, you must first right-click the scroll and select the "Read" option to find out which region to search. Hard clue scrolls are between 5 to 7 clues long (4 to 6 with the Totem of Treasure). Considering how much longer it takes to hunt and solve an elite clue compared to hard clues, I would personally love to see a slight improvement to the elite clue loot table. Compass clues were added to the game as part of the Treasure Trail update on 4 August 2010. Average elite value is 347k from 14 clues (really small sample, I know). If you are doing an elite clue, the puzzle will need to be viewed for the game to recognise the step as completed. I was wondering what are your opinions on specifically elite clue scrolls, are they worth doing for money or should I just ignore them. Good luck on your rewards. It contains another clue. As for all tiers of clue scrolls, only one elite clue scroll can be held, kept in death's office or stored in a bank at one time. Show on map: Inside the base's walls, along the western coastline. Opening a reward casket requires a minimum Welcome to r/progressionfantasy! This community is for the discussion of progression fantasy fiction in all mediums. When you first start, you will be very slow. I mean, i spend up to 20 minutes doing 1 elite clue, and the reward is usually around 200k, sometimes around 500k. Extra Points are awarded at thresholds, independently for the various trail difficulties. They were released on 4 August 2010 as part of the Treasure Trails update. They are similar to the real world sliding puzzle. Aug 30, 2019 · [Runescape 3] My Set-up & How to use Alt1 Efficiently. The message "Try scanning A clue scroll (master) is the highest tier clue scroll in the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards buried treasure. Clue scrolls are used in Treasure Trails hunts. I also think orlando smith hat should be on medium + tiers of clues to help balance the clues out. Elite clue scrolls are shelves of clue scrolls found in Zemouregal's treasure room on the 1 st floor [UK] 2 nd floor [US] of New Varrock Palace. [1] The chance to get a master clue from an elite casket is 1/5. So to get a lot of masters you need to complete a lot of elites. Also if you don't have globetrotter outfit yet elite clues is the fastest way to get it. Progression fantasy is a fantasy subgenre term for the purpose of describing a category of fiction that focuses on characters increasing in power and skill over time. Average value of a elite casket is just over double that of a hard casket so you would have to be doing more than double the hards per hour compared to elites to get the same gp. There are four levels of clue scroll, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Elite. In this video, I share my entire setup, including inventory, worn equipment and action b Additional checks have been implemented to try and minimise or eliminate the chance for clues to swap or progress into the same clue. com/playlist?list=PLh0 Posted by u/crownie_rs - 2 votes and 3 comments. Therefore, the This is a video on how to effectively farm clues of all different difficulties. You can use the memory strands to quick tele to a bank for free, so I just have a TT tab with all my costumes and grab the one I need for each clue. Shadow creatures/abyssal lords are ideal for farming them outside of bik book and prosper smithing. For this reason, this may lead to inconsistencies or things being repeated twice. The Treasure Trails guide is the best source for information on clues. Update history [ edit | edit source ] This information has been compiled as part of the update history project . Average hard clue value is 356k based on 25 clues. Jan 18, 2018 · Celtic knots don't have to leave you :o this process of elimination will let you solve any celtic knot =]. Digging on any game square in the three-by-three area centred around the marked square will complete the clue. Including player avatar customizer A clue scroll (elite) is the second highest tier clue scroll after the clue scroll (master) in the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. There are achievements for building at least 1 hidey-hole as well as for completing all hidey holes. 33%) chance to drop a master clue instead of an elite clue. It can be between 5 and 7 steps long, and rewards an elite reward casket upon completion. . So even without doing anything special you can just choose not to open your caskets until they add up to 100/1k or whatever number. West of Harpoon Joe's House of 'Rum' and north-west of The Other Inn. There are many different things a clue may ask you to do to complete it. They are obtained upon opening a sealed clue scroll (hard). A clue scroll (elite) is the second highest tier of Treasure Trail. Jul 22, 2024 · Box of clue scrolls (Easy 29%, Med 40. ojwf csyrg kncyjg yriryt vuxablt ftqziubk gspwl qckycr zvjsm eeb argjbc mzgxj sapy imknmgup recgsf