Java wait for mouse click example. I'm struggling with finding a way to do this.
Java wait for mouse click example moveToElement(mainmenu). I have done a google search and there does not seem to be any wait for mouse event option in Java. click(); The problem with Java console input is that it's buffered input, and requires an enter key to continue. You can locate an element that loads after the initial page loads and then make Selenium wait until that element is found. In java, the line. What ever wait logic you have to write should be written inside the . To get mouse-motion events, you need to implement a mouse-motion listener. TimeUnit. My Requirement: I have a consolidated table wi. How can I disable the mouse click event on cells of JTable? Jun 19, 2017 · For example: If u press 1, the mouse location is saved. Aug 16, 2024 · MouseMotionListener: MouseMotionListener events are invoked when the mouse is in motion. And of course, if your JLabel really is the source of the MouseEvent you can ditch the whole looping mechanism altogher, e. Jan 12, 2015 · Register a mouse listener with each tree cell, using a cell factory. So I decided to disable the mouse click event on JTable. public class ThreadTest { private ExecutorService service; public ThreadTest() { service = Executors. Example: WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); wait. sleep(2); Please note that both of these methods throw InterruptedException, which is a checked Exception, So you will have to catch that or declare in the method. SECONDS); This way you'll wait 10 seconds or until the latch reaches zero. What I want is for that loop to stop when I hit the "next" button with the mouse clicked event, in a few words how do I stop or continue the cycle catching the mouseevent of that button that is in a different class than the cycle? , how would that condition be? and can you give an example cause my code it doesn´t finish yet and i dont know how Can anybody please provide me a good small example demonstrate wait() and notify() functionality in java. To do this, I'm using java. until(ExpectedConditions. ) But the problem here is if, for example, the 4th future throws an exception, then I will wait unnecessarily for the first 3 futures to be available. elem"). MouseInfo) from the X/Y position of the stage. Is there a way I can get around this while also using both action and mouse events? Relevant code: View Constructor: Mar 22, 2018 · If it is possible to force the application to wait for a click: Technically the invokation of click() is governed by the enduser who is also the owner of the script/program. Nov 13, 2023 · The MouseListener interface is part of the 'java. So if you have an infinite loop running on that single thread (the EDT), your UI gets blocked and will not even be capable of handling that mouse click. I have provided an example of how to do this. Example of Explicit Wait - WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(WebDriverRefrence,20); WebElement aboutMe; aboutMe= wait. xTurn = !xTurn; Oct 4, 2013 · I'm attempting to perform a mouse click in Java, to click something in an external program. For Example. I already have a mouselistener that is delegating the task of identifying which custom component is clicked. If u press 2 the mouse will go to the saved location. Swing by its nature has a thread for I/O and a thread for back-end. This is by using simple java (nothing to do with Selenium) Thread. Sep 15, 2015 · For example, if one overrides the mouseClicked method, then one can define some behavior for the mouse click event. partialLinkText("Locations")); // Instantiating Actions class Mar 29, 2010 · As some of the other answers have mentioned, Java 1. This method returns immediately if the subprocess has already terminated. trigger('click'); }, 32756); Dec 2, 2009 · The program should just be waiting anyway, so when you click on something the event is processed and done, and the application just waits. post("page. Jan 3, 2017 · I am able to do that on a set time frame, for example 32 sec and 756 ms but I need to do this with a random timeframe. awt. You will have to add a MouseListener and handle the mouseReleased event. What I want to do is when I click (left-mouse click) on a row in the JTable, the linkedlist is search (in this ca Nov 25, 2014 · If you want to simply wait for few seconds, (just to enable users to understand what is happening) then it can be easily achieved by halting the java thread. mousePress(mask); bot. Quick fix: I would recommend you to add the same mouse listener to all sub-components. lang. sleep(<<timeInMilliSeconds>>); Hope this works for you. java. Process require the executed program's output to have been read before it returns? The documentation only states: causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the process represented by this Process object has terminated. It works fine at most time but fails sometimes. getLocation(). setInterval(function(){ $( "[id^='hand_']. Mouse clicks, mouse button presses and releases, mouse enter and exit events are examples of these events. concurrent. println("Clicked!"); Aug 1, 2013 · My goal is to click a JButton and the buttons change to different buttons My action listener for my button created on the showMainGui(); public class Hunt implements ActionListener{ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MainClass. I've looked all over, but I can't seem to find a solution that works. 2. But give focus to the button and press SPACE , this should fire an action event and trigger the Action Listener but not the mouse listener. id("about_me"))); Example of Fluent Wait - Apr 20, 2017 · You can use: Thread. perform( ); : Moves the mouse to the identified link and performs a right click on it. In fact if you never notify, wait(t) acts similarly to sleep(t) - it's gonna return after timeout, so you could use it for case 1, but it's much more clunky and ugly. Jul 2, 2018 · Not able to click/Mouse over an element using selenium webdriver. awt Swing is single-threaded. CountDownLatch; import java. replace Thread. paintComponent(g); } Sep 21, 2016 · This can be achieved using Explicit wait. setText("O"); } // toggle value held by boolean variable. mouseMove(x, y); sleepy(1000); rob. Then if you have added listeners, the listener code is executed. I click my mouse. In the games algorithm, when its time for a users turn I have it call a method to get the X & Y coords of a Mouse Click. Timer with java. I understand that there might not be a click handler on generic controls, but the only event I see added on the Button control is a SelectionListener -- that might be it, but selection sounds more like "received focus" to me than "was I am using this class from Sedgewick and Wayne and I need to get the coordinates from a mouse click when it is pressed at the standard draw window. Button1_MASK) and java. cards1(); } }); Jan 8, 2024 · Before we close, it’s worth mentioning that all these low-level APIs, such as wait(), notify() and notifyAll(), are traditional methods that work well, but higher-level mechanisms are often simpler and better — such as Java’s native Lock and Condition interfaces (available in java. Sep 13, 2012 · Say I'm in a Java Swing JFrame. setEnabled( true );, if you just disable all controls but the button that should be fine. Oct 1, 2012 · A better way would be to have a flag in the actionPerformed method that would "enable" a mouse listener (which you added earlier). mouseRelease(mask); Here's the problem. build( ). Jun 6, 2021 · Inter-Thread communication is a way by which synchronized threads can communicate with each other using the methods namely wait(), notify() and notifyAll(). The mouse listener listens for events both on the BlankArea and on its container, an instance of MouseEventDemo. May 14, 2015 · So all you have to do is to use Scanner. event. sleep() to allow your thread to resume, – hfontanez Commented Sep 18, 2019 at 17:14 Jan 30, 2019 · So this code creates a simple stackpane and adds an invisible text to it and then on mouse click it should first show the text then make the thread sleep (resembling my long process) then make the text invisible again but it just makes the thread sleep and doesn't show the text for some reason. For each button I use ActionEvent for a regular click, and MouseEvent for a right click. PriorityQueue; import java. But I don't think this is a good idea. Apr 4, 2015 · Thanks! Now coords store coordinates correctly, however, I still need to have the code wait for 2 mouse clicks. visibilityOfElementLocated(By. Jul 25, 2018 · The following code implements a default context menu known from Windows with copy, cut, paste, select all, undo and redo functions. newFixedThreadPool(10); } // Button click listener. I have gotten to the point where I have it set up to accept different shapes and recogni I excluded some GUI updating lines of code from what I posted because I was trying to keep things clear by showing only what was relevant; the while loop updates the GUI's appearance each turn and automatically takes care of what the CPU players do, so it doesn't look frozen but it scrolls through things really fast (which I don't mind as long as it runs). How to detect right-click event for Mac OS. inBattle = true; } } Sep 5, 2020 · What I want to do is inside the rest of my code have it wait for and recognise a mouse click event and then be able to use the coordinates of that click in the rest of the code, not just print it to the screen on click as pretty much every other example I have found does. if you use I have a Jtable that is populated with a linkedlist through an AbstractTableModel. Dec 3, 2010 · import java. sleep(1); To sleep for one second or. Dec 20, 2013 · To put it simple - what i want is to catch mouse click on a Window blocked by a modal JDialog. Mar 11, 2016 · // Locating the Main Menu (Parent element) WebElement mouseHoverOnLocations = driver. Jun 17, 2018 · My question is, should I create a new thread in which I wait for mouseClick event? No, absolutely not. But, how does Java search and notify a particular wait method. Aug 3, 2012 · I add a click event handler to an element $(". I know this is possible in Java for example, is there a similar possibility in python? – Nov 13, 2014 · I need to get the absolute location of mouse after a click on the screen. php". I could not find it in typical MouseListeners: MouseDragged is fired only if the user move the mouse while holding the button down Oct 26, 2016 · I want to bring back a question that was asked before: java draw line as the mouse is moved "I would like to add a feature to my application which allows the user to draw a straight line by clicking the mouse at the start location and releasing it at the end location. Object class. When wait() method is called, the calling thread stops its execution until notify() or notifyAll() method is invoked by some other Thread. Usually state is represented by instance fields of the class. WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); WebElement element = wait. wait() method is a part of java. I want to get the location of the mouse click within the GUI. getPointerInfo(). act. Example: addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // TODO: add your code here } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited Dec 7, 2022 · Another example form java. Mar 28, 2013 · If you're using swing, you're already using threads. At the top of the window is a blank area (implemented by a class named BlankArea). Nov 13, 2024 · Performing Right click : Actions act = new Actions(driver); : Initializes an Actions object. Timer because block EDT. Creating my own event for right button click. *; /* * Add an Action to a JList that can be invoked either by using * the keyboard or a mouse. At present your wait function doesn't do anything, it just waits for the timeout to happen. As the name suggests, a mouse click event happens anytime the mouse is clicked and like the mouse move, you can capture information about the event, including the location of the click and which button was clicked. sleep(1); To sleep for a minute. getLocation. type == pygame. mouseRelease(mask); } // This is the few lines of code that call this function // sleepy just calls the Thread. MINUTES. event' package. concurrent library, for example the CountDownLatch: public final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public void run { latch. Adding the mouse click event is similar to adding the Sep 24, 2013 · You could use a common base class for your listeners and in it, have a static method to turn the listeners on or off: public abstract class BaseMouseListener implements ActionListener{ private static boolean active = true; public static void setActive(boolean active){ BaseMouseListener. public class WaitDemo { int i = 10; int display() { System. x; Seems to give the location of the mouse on the entire screen. For example if we can add 2-3 seconds after each left mouse click. For example, if the first mouse button is pressed, events are sent in the following order: id modifiers button MOUSE_PRESSED: BUTTON1_MASK BUTTON1 MOUSE_RELEASED: BUTTON1_MASK BUTTON1 MOUSE_CLICKED: BUTTON1_MASK BUTTON1 When multiple mouse buttons are pressed, each press, release, and click results in a separate event. sleep(2000); or. waitforpresent(). How would I get it's location relative to the GUI? Returns true if the given mouse event occurred within a highlight on label. nextLine() and your app will wait until the user has entered a newline. Oct 25, 2013 · You cannot do this with an ActionListener. Can I accomplish that using JavaScript? May 9, 2014 · I am trying to create a java program that will paint a shape on a JFrame when the user clicks on the Frame. g. I've tried with the below piece of code but it's not showing what i expected. isControlDown(); event. sleep function. submit() - Perform Enter operation as like keyboard Enter event. It also works on Linux and Mac OS X: Dec 11, 2012 · Initially when focus is on cell and type something the key event is triggered fine, but when I click on the same cell and type, the key event is not getting trigerred. It is used to retrieve and respond to mouse-related events in Java applications. await(10,TimeUnit. Jun 7, 2012 · Another approach is to use CompletionService, very useful if you have to attempt any task result: //run 3 task at time final int numParallelThreads = 3; //I used newFixedThreadPool for convenience but if you need you can use ThreadPoolExecutor ExecutorService executor = Executors. What happens is when I CTRL-click the mouse event performs fine, however the action even also fires. setForeground(O_COLOR); label. ExecutorService; import java. May 6, 2010 · When you call notify() on an object t, Java notifies a particular t. click(function(){ $. I've tried to create a new thread that waits for the user input (I call join on this thread). You need instead to change the state of the GUI somehow to wait-for-mouse-click mode, and then alter the behavior of the GUI's response to mouse clicks depending on its state. You may keep track of the moment of each mouse click and fire your own "double-click" event. BUTTON3 is the same across all platforms, being equal to the right mouse button. Sep 27, 2013 · You need a mechanism which avoids busy-waiting. Here is a s Jun 26, 2018 · I am building a game of top trumps and I need my program to pause execution until a JButton is clicked. (1) Does waitFor() in java. I don't want to need use JDateChooser jCalendar. frame. Apr 30, 2015 · Inside your main method after you have initialised your frame variable add the code:. When the user clicks at regions occupied by a sub-component, that sub-component get's the click event. However the provided answer does not seem to work. An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { (Cards)frame. Here is an example: public class BlockedFrameTest { public static void main ( final String[] arg Sep 14, 2015 · In your example both approaches show the same behaviour when you use a mouse to click on the button. 6. println("Lexmark"); i++; return i; } } Dec 3, 2018 · I have asked for a way to observe all actions, therefore, I think Java Wait for a HTML element and record the mouse click through WebDriverEventListener doesn't exactly answer this question. Sep 8, 2011 · I can of course add a mouse listener to the main window, but that doesn't add it to all the components on the window itself, and looping over all the components seems like a bit of a brute force solution (and can't be guaranteed to work if the components on the window change. int mouseX = MouseInfo. but in other hands there is way how to purposely block EDT (by splungebob from OTN) NOTE: this example against all Swing rulles, and works just in this form and as the example May 12, 2015 · As pointed out by other answers, the place to do your work is not in the mouse event listener methods. setEnabled( false ); The user won't be able to click the button until you use button. But it does not work for Chrome (it works for Firefox with no problem). Since JavaFX still doesn't have this feature for some reason, my solution was to subtract the X/Y position of the cursor's position on the screen (java. Example: Robo Jan 8, 2014 · Mouse event with double click in java. MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: (only one MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event is produced per click), then see if a rect was clicked, increment the score and finally render the next Jul 12, 2012 · I think your problem is that you have added things to your panel. So, here is my rewrite. For example (untested code): JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello"); label. Consider a login page where it contains a username and password and submit button. Oct 24, 2009 · Given certain input, I need to halt processing and wait for the user to click on the plot area. May 29, 2011 · The table is a grid of buttons, and the fields are the buttons. If null, then the player hasn't made a first click yet, but if it isn't null and holds a viable chess board cell (however your define it), then a first click has been made and the next click may be on the second location; For a example, please see the code below. id("ID"))); Feb 10, 2014 · I want my control thread to wait until I get a value back (I have clicked on the view and handled the result). Java only looks into the synchronized block of code which was locked by object t. 3. setOnMouseReleased you get a MouseEvent and on that one you have functions to check if certain keys are pressed that are usually combined with a mouse click: event. Right Clicking on JButton. The loop does not wait for the player interaction. mousePress(mask); rob. It is event-driven. getY() - stage. So what are your possibilities: Let your loop run on another thread. swing. Added before v1. Jun 29, 2013 · Yes, take a look at this thread which talks about the differences between platforms. Aug 18, 2014 · I am trying to do a mouse scroll in my automation testing (selenium webdriver). The Swing thread is then available to handle the mouse event, and you can adjust the flag from the If you want to pause then use java. I know this is possible in different programming languages and i was wondering which one is the best to use for this purpose. This class have a method boolean mousePressed that identifies when mouse is pressed and we can get the coordinates from a point when the mouse is pressed at that point. I tried "action. moveToElement(m). out. Unsets the wait (hourglass) mouse cursor for an application containing component. java selenium Aug 7, 2016 · I have a JavaFX application, and I would like to add an event handler for a mouse click anywhere within the scene. For a single click I need to detect when mouseDown is true and then false (which I have no idea how to do) and for a double click, I think I will use System. function(){ //code1 }) }) And then I trigger a click event $(". Output Output of Human-like mouse movements with Selenium Web-output Conclusion I have a game of tic-tac-toe. The latter of which used JLine to get his problem solved. findElement(By. You also don't want to define your Scanner inside the loop and close it since you're going to use it again in the next iteration: Jun 4, 2016 · Java Swing FAQ: How do I create a wait cursor in a Java application?. Checking if the mouse is clicked in Java. You are not notified of the cursor's motion. id(“example”))); Fluent Wait: A type of explicit wait with polling intervals. This must be throwing a TimeOutException at the end. Aug 20, 2016 · I use mouse click event. countDown(); Mar 12, 2019 · I have a static method in which I add a MouseListener to an existing JPanel (with an existing mouse listener) and want to stop the method until the mouse listener gives a signal. Executors; /** Testing CountDownLatch and ExecutorService to manage scenario where * multiple Threads work together to complete tasks from a single * resource provider, so Jun 28, 2015 · For example like this: Detect mouse click with java while in a game-1. Also there is no explicit "mouse pressed" notion in MouseEvent, so you must track that yourself. Jul 22, 2016 · Currently to simulate mouse clicks in my application I use the Robot class of Java. boolean isDone() Returns true if this task completed. Then let the program wait for the promise to resolve (using "async" and "await"). May 1, 2013 · @Carlos I have the same situation as dr4g1116, my case is hovering to a main menu in Chrome, and it move on too fast for me to click the submenu. mouseRelease(InputEvent. await(); } And at the other side call Feb 21, 2023 · "It's supposed to allow the user to click on it once, and once there's a input, it'll change the label. Jun 28, 2016 · Once it returns true WebDriverWait will assume that your wait end logic has been successful and it will s top waiting. Jun 4, 2016 · Here's the source code for an example class that shows how to create a Java wait cursor (also known as a "busy cursor"). elementToBeClickable(By. I'm struggling with finding a way to do this. perform", and "submenu. It would be better if, any clicks if received would be discarded. Dec 17, 2015 · If you define a listener on for the mouse (e. The following example shows a mouse listener. When I ran the example above, it seemed to count a triple click as a single one. There are these two discussions: Detecting and acting on keyboard direction keys in Java and Java keyboard input parsing in a console app. The program just sits there and does nothing. TimeUnit:. On filling password if we want to login without clicking login button. Also note the MouseEvent. In Java, you can implement mouse listening events by using the MouseListener interface and MouseAdapter class. getDayChooser(). locks package). This is a very simple example that demonstrates how to toggle back and forth between a wait cursor and the default cursor. isMetaDown(); If you need something more you will have to implement it yourself. handIcon"). Methods used : mouseMove(int x, int y) : move the mouse to a specified location of screen You will see a mouse-pressed event, followed by a mouse-exited event, followed by a mouse-released event. It generates events such as mouseMoved and mouseDragged (i. * * By default the Enter will will be used to invoke the Action * from the keyboard although you can specify and KeyStroke you wish. Most portable devices don't support double-click. When you press a button, it will gain keyboard focus. Dec 1, 2015 · I would like to know if there exists in Java an event that is continuously fired when a mouse button is being held down (pressed), even if the mouse is not moved. This is working for and returns what I need. You are not "clicking" A click is when the mouse is pressed and release really quickly. *; import javax. Using these new features, you could rewrite the original example like so: Jul 14, 2014 · Obviously, mouse click (sequence of down and up on the same control) is something different than mouse down. setForeground(X_COLOR); label. The Mouse class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport. I used this technique in a chess program to wait for the answer to a promotion popup window: May 20, 2023 · private ChessCell firstClick; this could hold the cell that gets the first click. getY() Jan 31, 2013 · No, events occurs in the following order: mouse pressed, possibly mouse drag, mouse release and then possibly mouse click (as long as button has not been released, there is no click event) – Guillaume Polet Jul 8, 2010 · If you have case 2, but you want to add a timeout to fire after certain time instead of hanging forever in wait(), you go for wait(t) instead of wait(). wait(). mouseMove(x, y); bot. I was going to write a nice, complicated Java “wait cursor” example today, showing you how to create an animated wait cursor in Java using threads, but after looking at a much simpler approach, I've decided to show that instead. Feb 6, 2024 · // This is the function I use to simulate a full click at location x,y on the screen // Rob is my Robot public void click(int x, int y, int mask) { rob. It should only proceed to the next question if a mouse button is pressed, so check in the event loop if event. mousePress(InputEvent. Java has always supported translucency for its windows on OS X and Java now supports translucency for its windows on Windows too (since Java 1. It seems to use the desktop as bounds/grid for knowing where the Point maps out to on the screen. In this article, we will implement Java Robot to move or drag the mouse to specified location. Mar 7, 2014 · I am creating a grid of buttons. Aug 9, 2009 · import java. click();". Again functionally your script/program need not wait for click() but need to wait for the intended WebElement to be interactable (i. apply method. I don't know the data type you have in your TreeView, but if it were String it might look something like this: // Controller class: public class MainWindowUi { @FXML private TreeView<String> traceTree ; // Oct 13, 2014 · @user1803551,@Andrew Thompson: The final aim was that if the mouse click is on a custom component [& its a right click], i should show a context menu. Detect a mouse click using a boolean value? 2. To reach zero all you have to do is: siteWasRenderedLatch. I've already searched on the web but the only solution I have found uses this method: MouseInfo. It only does something when you generate an event, for example, by using the mouse or typing with the keyboard. As an example for Y: MouseInfo. My page have loads of data where it take time to load all the datum. This listener would check the flag on each click and when set to true it would flip the flag (to false) and process the event Oct 7, 2021 · Robot class generates events that can be used to control mouse, keyboard and can be used to take screenshots of the screen. I have following code: private void loadFileMenuItemActionPerformed(java. . The old wait/notify mechanism is fraught with pitfalls so prefer something from the java. However, I would like this method to first prompt a user for a click, then wait for the user to click, THEN get the x & y of the click for the game algorithm to use. May 3, 2012 · The code you posted does not seem to bad. For example, the left click behavior for a kind of software's check box will fail. 0. Mar 3, 2016 · Hey here from five years in the future. I use this code. Nov 6, 2019 · What do I need to do to have the program wait - this is how event driven programming works. 9 mouse. SECONDS. I personally haven't used it. Example: Wait<WebDriver> fluentWait = new FluentWait<>(driver) Jul 8, 2013 · click() - Perform only click operation as like mouse click. Each time a mouse event occurs, a descriptive message is displayed under the blank area. While this is going on, I saw that another mouse click would also start being handled parallel with the one already ongoing. For example, if the first mouse button is pressed, events are sent in the following order: MOUSE_PRESSED: BUTTON1_MASK MOUSE_RELEASED: BUTTON1_MASK MOUSE_CLICKED: BUTTON1_MASK When multiple mouse buttons are pressed, each press, release, and click results in a separate event. click. MOUSE_BUTTON1_DOWN; bot. Below is a simple example code demonstrating how to implement mouse listening events and handle mouse click events. When I click to select specific date on it but nothing happened inside mouse click event. Shortcut for Time to wait Oct 4, 2015 · One mouse event would take 2-3 seconds to be handled. newFixedThreadPool(numParallelThreads); CompletionService<String> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService Mar 15, 2014 · It looks to me like you are tying to invoke the class MyGui4 from the command line when you start the JVM or from another application when you click on the JList, If so then the code needs to be the same in both places. setText("X"); } else { label. Simply create a promise and store the resolve function outside its scope in a global variable. – James Black Oct 25, 2013 · In the example below, ThreadTest is actually the class where you currently have your listener method (I've called it onClick()). ". 5 introduced a new concurrency library (in the java. But you always set the label at index [1][1] visible instead of using [i][j]. There are so many ways of adding a forced wait. ActionEvent and MouseEvent right-click JAVA Dec 7, 2011 · I don't think there will be a solution to this, since Java can run on non-pc devices. You do indeed want to use threads here - among other things, putting a thread in wait is a lot cheaper than giving it an infinite loop to churn on. 0_10 or so, needs to be checked). So for example, each round of the for loop should be waiting for the user to push a button before going ahead with the next round. isAltDown(); event. getLocation() which gets the position independently from the click. currentTimeMillis(); to see if that happens twice. For example: // within mouse listener if (xTurn) { label. 1. TimeUnit. How is it possible? Many thanks! UPDATE: hmmm you code have problem with Concurency in Swing there are two areas . Mar 29, 2011 · i use from a class that extended from jframe and it has a button(i use from it in my program) i want when run jframe in my program the whole of my program pause until i press the button. click Jul 7, 2015 · You can find that I use the combination of java. addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { System. concurrent may be CountDownLatch: CountDownLatch siteWasRenderedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); boolean siteWasRendered = siteWasRenderedLatch. I need to be able to carry out just one iteration of the loop the first time I click a button, and then carry out the next iteration when I click it again, and so on until the program is finished. Currently I am doing this by creating a thread, running a method that asks them to click and then entering a while loop that is terminated when the mouse click event changes a variable used in the while loop. wait() method. Jun 10, 2016 · If i were you i would disable all controls except the button that is to click. How can I implement the code so that it waits for the user's mouse click? This is the full code of this class Jan 26, 2013 · My problem is that I have to respond one way if the user single clicks, another if they click more than one time (my Swing VM seems to be able to count up to four clicks when I click multiple times). Forget about GlassPane, there's another 100% native Java way to do it that works both on OS X and on Windows. I have created an alternative solution but I suspect it is eating up memory. Jul 31, 2012 · You can use Explicit wait or Fluent Wait. Button1_MASK) to perform the mouse left click behavior. WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30); WebElement element = wait. Checks whether the mouse event is a double-click event (with the left mouse button). clickable). util. As this is a loop, this presents an inherent problem - drift. sleep(delay); and java. Now that you have a mouse move, let's take a look at a mouse click event. Robot. e when the mouse is moved from one point to another within the component or the mouse button is pressed and dragged from one point to another ). active = active; } protected abstract void doPerformAction(ActionEvent e); @Override public final void Jan 27, 2021 · I've made an algorithm that has many loops in it, and I'm trying to step through it with the click of the button. The following approach works ok, but not exactly in the way I want to. Jan 9, 2014 · See also Java Swing GUI hour glass. concurrent package) which was designed to provide a higher level abstraction over the wait/notify mechanism. robot, and the following code: Robot bot = new Robot(); int mask = InputEvent. Java cannot search the whole code to notify a particular t. linkText("some_link"))); element. What I want is that another mouse event should not be processed until the first one has been completed. Can anyone guide me how to make the click interval random? I am using Chrome. Any suggestions? – Mar 31, 2015 · Do you know how to wait for the user's input in a for loop? I don't mean the showAndWait() method, because I am not opening a new dialogue stage for the user. Nov 18, 2017 · Yes, you need to restructure the program and better separate the drawing from the event handling and game logic. Tried: public Ob Mar 1, 2016 · To start off with, when using paintComponent() you need to Override it and call it's super method like so: @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super. contextClick( ). The promise is resolved on a button click by calling that global variable. * * A double click with the mouse will invoke the same Action. Queue; import java. e. Java Wait for a HTML element and record the mouse click through WebDriverEventListener. Example: JButton button = new JButton( "Test ); button. How to solve this? Will count down latch help in any way? I'm unable to use Future isDone because the java doc says. Aug 14, 2012 · The idea is that, if the page loads in less than a second, you don't have to wait (for example) 10 seconds for your Thread. Explicit Wait: Waits for specific conditions to be met. BUTTON1 references, as this is just to track the state of the left mouse Oct 17, 2015 · Now using the boolean value mouseDown, I need to figure out how to detect a click and a double click. lek vucx eubxo gyqpwu pmxvnwpin poxxf djmqmz kqxbr gqc fuhl dhmidhr qwcbz eucc nirvwos zqfh