Venus conjunct chiron synastry lindaland Being a Gemini helps because we are endlessly inquisitive. starfairy Knowflake . But, I am not sure I should blame Chiron/Venus for all the pain. I am of the generation that has Pluto conjunct Uranus in Virgo (4 deg. D. Conjunct exactly, though my Chiron was retro. Thanks so much for this thread, especially Ceri for the great reply. My Venus conjunct his BML. But who do you think feels it more, the Venus person, or Mars person? Has anyone had this aspect before with someone? IP: Logged. I felt the entire universe got together to make sure we met, perhaps that is the influence of chiron transiting the galactic center and both of our neptunes when we met and T Uranus wants to make out with the Venus and throw them on the bed in my personal experience w/ conjunction Venus feels the same way but is more subtle. Author: Topic: Chiron Conjunct the North Node in Synastry: Ami Anne Knowflake . comica23 Knowflake . Posts: 29361 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted March 20, 2012 01:42 PM Like you say, you are dealing with a 0* orb. Orange Knowflake . I was pregnant with my Son when I found out his Father was physically abusing our 6 month old baby girl—I was traumatized and devastated that my child’s father and love of my life had harmed our young child, and I became very angry towards him. Jun 24, 2016 · Hence, If it is a man's Venus that is conjunct the ascendant of a woman it is much better than the other way around because looks are what gets him hooked. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Topic: Synastry: Venus conjunct MC: Ruben Knowflake . com) Lindaland Astrology 2. Equally interesting is Venus conjunct Saturn. Twirl Knowflake . Neptune adds some mist to Venusian love. Guy 1: His Eros squares my Venus and opposes my Pluto (his Eros also trines my Mars, NN, Neptune, ASC and conjuncts my IC, while my Eros trines his Mars) Guy2: His Eros exactly conjuncts my Venus and squares my Pluto (my Eros exactly sextiles his Pluto). i wonder if he feels the same lol any more detail accounts specifically on that aspect. What could this mean? IP: Logged. I feel smothered by mars Venus conjunction. The thing is it can turn into hate instead of love. We also have Neptune(me) Semi-sextile Venus(other person). Few know how to handle the level of pain and persevere for true healing. For another person this could be great. My Chiron. Ohh i want to have good experiences with this aspect too *pouts* IP: Logged. I noticed your reply to my other thread comparing our charts. The one aspect that showed up in 90% of the charts I looked at was a contact between Venus and Chiron. IP: Logged Aug 1, 2021 · Venus conjunct Moon exact and then my Uranus Neptune conjunction are within 3 degree orb of his Venus. (we both have venus conjunct chiron in our natal charts. com) my bf and i have this aspect - venus c. Mercurian Jun 17, 2013 · Also, My Pluto and IC in is conjunct his moon. In one word—you love each other’s company. Author: Topic: Venus-Mercury synastry: frankie2912 Knowflake . Posts: 5230 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014: posted September 26, 2015 01:32 PM I have that,too, with someone. Mar 27, 2024 · The Moon conjunct Chiron synastry aspect brings together two very sensitive parts of the chart. i have neptune in 1st house which, i think, makes it 'worse. Ok, I'm 47 (male) and she is 25. Endymion conjunct Selene** Neptune-Pyramus conjunct Mars-Valentine or Valentine. i guess we had our good times and despite our constant arguments we stayed together for one year and keep It helps with seeing the best in the person (I'm Jupiter in a Venus Jupiter conjunction). What would it mean if Chiron is conjunct Nessus? And what if this is the case from both sides? So person 1's Nessus is conjunct person 2's Chiron, but person 2's own Nessus is also conjunct person 1's Chiron. however his presence makes me go gaga, that venus conj mars is so intense in the composite chart. Posts: 6306 From: Registered: Mar 2010: posted October 28, 2011 10:19 PM Apr 2, 2016 · Saturn conjunct venus in synastry is hard on the Saturn person. Be ready for surprises. Posts: 1212 From: Interestingly, the synastry between me and my mate includes a hard contact of Venus/Mars (square), and our progressed composite currently contains a Sun/Venus/Mars/South Node stellium; however, Venus and Mars do not touch at all in our composite chart (but they do have their playing fields with our Venus/Sun Conjunction Opposite Pluto/Jupiter In my synastry with this person, my Venus/Neptune trine his Chiron and Juno and my Pluto opposes his Chiron/Juno Eeek. His venus conjuncts my chiron, opposes my uranus, and sextiles my mars and NN. Her Venus is 8 deg conjunct her Sun placing my Pluto at her Sun/Venus midpoint. In the same synastry Mars is conjunct Juno, and Juno trine Moon & Mercury. GlamGemini Knowflake . 8. but his conjunction in his natal chart is tighter than mine. composite Jupiter conjunct his saturn. I also have Moon conjunct Pluto and BML in the 8th, which conjuncts his asteroid Lilith. That means venus conjuncts my valentine too. Thermidor Knowflake . Lara Knowflake . South Node conjunct Moon: you would get less emotional support/rapport from the SN person. is he really? well, my friends and family say no :-) he is unlike any man i Venus conjunct Mars does not always indicate attraction, but it does indicate "fire" or passion. Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted February 09, 2017 06:42 PM My partner's Vesta is conjunct too, only much more tightly conjunct my Asc. His Chiron 14 Gemini His Venus Virgo 13 Jul 31, 2024 · Some aspects are really felt in synastry: the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect is one of these! This conjunction brings a natural sense of ease. Posts: 20950 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011: posted January 11, 2017 09:56 AM His Chiron is exact on my Venus. Posts: 960 From: won't_disclose Registered: Sep 2011: posted October 30, 2011 05:58 AM I'm about to enter a friendship with someone who's Chiron conjuncts my Sun in the 12th house. Oh and valentine conjuncts my amor. Makes sense with the bomb sex connection. Posts: 162 From: Registered: Mar 2015: posted November 20, 2017 10:34 PM POF 6 Cap (on my n Venus) conjunct Sun/Venus 0°17 conjunct Node/Ceres 0°31 opp. Venus Conjunct Chiron in Synastry. Jun 25, 2016 · The first one - His Capricorn Venus conjunct my Sun Couldn't stand the guy, he's disgusting. He has said several times that he wants us to get married. i can't say how she felt about it, but i can tell you that i felt that she was what i wanted in a partner. Posts: 814 From: Registered: Jul 2010: posted November 01, 2012 12:48 AM In our case, I am the Chiron and he is the Sun/Moon mp. neptune exact in synastry and at 1 degree sextile in composite. I don't feel comfortable taking that step at all. ) and a Legum Magister (LL. raspberri Knowflake . I have mined some of Chiron’s wealth, simply by doing charts and picking brains. I need some more space than these conjunctions. Jun 17, 2015 · In my own experiences, CHIRON conjunct VENUS has led to some wonderful best friendships that blew up and ended in total estrangement. There’s an intuitive knowing of each other’s emotional wounds and a desire to heal them. Sun's are square 4 degree orb Merc's square exact My Saturn square his Sun exact My Juno conjunct his Mars exact MC/IC angle square his NN/SN axis exact His Venus is conjunct my DC exactoh well, bring it on IP: Logged. The second one - Also his Venus conjunct my Sun It was interesting. It is hard to say how that slots into your synastry overall but I can share my own synastry. Other person: Venus Sagittarius. Leocassandra Knowflake . ueharaa Knowflake . My oldest friend has her Mars conjunct both my Venus and Mercury, and we have had a sort of love-hate "relationship" for over a decade. Venus/Chiron activates deep wounds from the past that trigger both partners, but this planetary conjunction also offers a mechanism for healing. Your past wounds and traumas can be central to the bond you have as a couple. This combination is also good for romance and helps to create a party atmosphere. it was bad most of the time. I feel as though she's attracted to me, but has walls/defenses up. But I can still feel the pain I went through with this person. IP: Logged Why is Chiron conjunct Mars a marriage indicator, and how does it manifest in the real life? I guess that easier Chiron synastry aspects can help the Chiron person heals his/her wounds, while the hard aspects can become hurtful. My Chiron doesn't do much but quincunxes my Desc. Venus conjunct Jupiter: These two people often agree on political and religious issues and often share the same sort of social or political agenda. Chiron in synastry indicates a destined yet complex romantic connection. With the other guy I was telling you about in the other thread we have his mean BML bang on my Pluto, and it's conjunct almost to the second and consequently his BML is also square to my moon and ascendant. This is all happening in my 12th house. M. South Node conjunct Mars: you would get less fighting and less aggression which is a GOOD thing to have. his Venus conjunct her ICruler(4) (4) Johnny Cash - June Carter . There is a lot of generosity and good will which can help the couple overcome other more deleterious aspects. Nov 12, 2013 · the conjunction where i am venus is tighter than his. Plus, composite NN conjunct my jupiter. Look for the conjunction, trine, and sextile, in particular, as an indicator of true love. We both have Vesta exactly trine one another's Jupiter (and our Jupiters are conjunct). There is a shared sense of beauty which goes beyond vanity and becomes healing. Venus conjunct Chiron in a Transit Chart triggers your desire for approval and acceptance. redstar Sep 22, 2017 · Without any personal experience to back it up, my first take on Venus conjunct Neptune in male-female synastry is that it must be like Fantasy and Fog going hand-and-hand into the House of Mirrors. Chiron plays out? IP: Logged. We also had other intense aspects such as Saturn conjunct Neptune, Jan 10, 2017 · I've experienced both the good and bad side of Chiron in different ways from 3 different relationships. It's just dicey when you get our deepest wounds involved. LexusVirgo Knowflake . His Venus. Our Mercury's conjunct by 2 degrees in Virgo. There is a very parental quality to how Saturn views Venus. Anyway, I checked out synastry and turns out, her Venus is exactly conjunct my Lilith! Interesting tidbit I think. I know what Pallas is about, but I have no clue what a conjunction to a guy's Venus could be about. It is superficial, but according to science (and ancient astrology) men are much more so than women and this synastry combination can make him hooked if other things in the chart don't get I have an Eros-Venus-aspect in the synastry with two men. Uranus person is baffled by Chiron person's unique perspective though they appreciate Chiron person's maverick style. Transit. Posts: 144 From: Registered: Apr 2009: - my Juno exact conjunct his Venus; - his Juno conjunct my Moon (3 degrees); - Mystic triangle formed by my Neptune, our Chiron (they are conjunct) and his Venus (if it's just my Chiron, all the interaspects are just 1 degree). With my bf -- I am Venus in Taurus and his Chiron is on my Venus. Venus can show Chiron that every relationship serves a purpose; it teaches Chiron something they didn’t know about themselves. My Sun and Mars are exactly sextile/trine his North/South Nodes too. Posts: 1662 From: Here and There Registered: Apr 2011: posted January 12, 2012 12:24 AM The other day I took a closer look at the synastry chart of several couples I know, most of which have been married for over 30 years. Moon in good aspect to Venus targets the romantic attraction between the couple. That's also why I hesitate in my life and I try to find someone more "favorable". Also T-chiron was conjunct my southnode and near his mars and chiron was trining almost exact my venus and mars (chiron/venus transits are also cinderalla transits). Synastry : Moon trine jupiter EXACT jupiter sextile mars jupiter conjunct saturn jupiter conjunct jupiter NN sextile jupiter Chiron sextile jupiter mercury opposite jupiter. 17. In this case, I suppose the Venus person simply wants to be part of the other's NN (life path), but because of the rest of the synastry, the story is unrequited. Moon / IC 0°32 opp. We have venus conjunct mars synastry. It wasn't pretty at all. This can manifest in many different ways in your life, as you will see it later. Venus/Saturn. Venus trine/sextile Mars Moon conjunct Moon Jupiter conjunct or opposite Sun Jupiter conjunct Moon Venus conjunct, parallel, sextile Pluto Moon aspect Venus conjunct Mars Moon aspect Mars Mercury conjunct Venus . Depends on the persons, how evolved they are, how they like this intensity, how open are they towards themselves to face the vulnerabilities that arise. I've always taken Chiron very 'seriously' in synastry, but I'm starting to take Juno into account equally. Definitely a love/hate, soul shattering type of love. Venus represents love, beauty, and harmony, while Chiron symbolizes wounds, healing, and deep emotional understanding. That last one probably isn't too good . His Sun is conjunct my Venus (in both our 1st houses); and this conjunction is square both of our Pluto`s, which are sitting directly on our midheavens (yes, we share the same ascendant). We had a crush on each other for a few months. anongrl10 Knowflake . Hikaru29 Knowflake . I better build some armor now I guess. his bday is in may and mine in august but venus went retrograde after he was born and then back direct before i was and our venuses are 1 degree apart. For those who have Chiron-Venus/Saturn in synastry, your experiences were more painful or healing? And was it really an intense attraction for you? These aspects are powerful indeed. NikiVenus6 Knowflake Jun 8, 2015 · It's too intense and I don't like feeling vulnerable. Which influences greatly. His Venus conjunct her DESC (5) (3)Henry Miller - Anais Nin. Moon cj Venus - deep care and understanding bond. Chiron : 19° Aries 36' 39 What does it mean when your aura is conjunct somebody's planets or asteroids in synastry? In particular, my aura is conjunct his venus and his aura is conjunct my ascendant. Im guessing that you love deeply and passionately and you might be very creative! IP: Logged. He is the only person that I have ever felt such overwhelming love for, like no other. Moon conjunct moon in draconic 3 degrees. her Venus squares his ancient ASC-ruler (0) her Venus squares his MC-ruler (0) (5)Johnny Depp - Vanessa Paradis . So I see venus conjunct saturn as more of a long time to get off the ground, waiting a long time to be together when you know you inevitably will and are meant to. My mars is retrograde in Aries. My Sun Mars conjunction is in opposition to her Venus (2 degs orb). Sep 12, 2012 · CIND3R, if you had moon conjunct venus in synastry, and you say you were in love, that could easily be because of a love stellium in the composite, or some other configuration like composite moon in hard aspect to venus with venus in aspect to pluto. This person had his sun conjunct my pisces moon. The Moon represents our inner emotions and needs. My Moon conjunct his SN - close friends! We have a nice connection and get each other. We actually have Moon/Pluto DW(conjunction and opposition), which aspects my Mars and his Venus. Venus trine Uranus synastry Venus finds the Uranus exciting and unique very appealing sexually too and Uranus will be romantically attached to Venus and very turned on as well. It was the most painful relationship of my life. But my Chiron parallels his Venus closely in declinations and I recently discovered that my Juno contraparallels his Venus as well. When these two connect in a relationship, it creates an intimate bond centered around vulnerability, empathy, and growth. His Osiris is exactly conjunct my venus and my Isis is exactly conjunct his Venus, which in turn is conjunct my mars. Posts: 617 From: Poland Registered: Jan 2013: posted July 05, 2013 04:12 PM Venus conjunct Uranus This comparative combination has a way of creating sudden and exciting romantic attractions; few aspects are stronger in the sexual attraction department. Posts: 1561 From: canada Registered: Sep 2007: posted June 05, 2008 01:41 PM you see i have a sun conjunct mercury composite, venus in 11th house and venus conj mars ALL COMPOSITE. opp. Also the sun moon conjunction. South Node conjunct Venus: you would get less and less romance/affection as the relationship goes on - this is very bad. Feb 11, 2024 · Venus Conj. Sun/Venus/Mercury conjunct Chiron, Moon opposite Chiron, Moon/ Mars conjunct Chiron. With Venus conjunct Chiron synastry, Venus can heal Chiron’s wounds about love, especially the pain caused by a lack of self-love. There's a clear theme here. Okay thats it i guess . 20. It's hard to talk about a guy's Venus anyway. Especially interesting is a case where her Venus is conjunct his Saturn *and* his Venus is conjunct her Saturn -- especially when the two conjunctions are both less than 1 degree from exact. It really is a powerful body. This… Also, if there is a venus conjunct moon and it is at a very low orbwould it indicate a strong love connection as well if also supported by venus conjunct saturn (longevity) and sun conjunct venus (fascination)? IP: Logged. This connection brings haphazard, dramatic and unpredictable energy. Both will find each other to be bizarre, unusual and challenging to figure out or deal with. Valentine the asteroid, conjuncts my natal mars. Sun trine Sun would have an excellent working relationship. ) Her Venus is exactly (to the minute) conjunct my Uranus. I would put stock in more moon aspects, venus, mars, asc etc than chiron. My Venus 14 Gemini My NN 16 Pisces. Posts: 6701 From: Georgia Mar 15, 2011 · I have Venus/mercury conjunct his Sun/mars/mercury/chiron in Pisces all opposed his Pluto/Uranus in Virgo. Sun/Mercury 0°38 (opp. I do care about him, but I am not in love with him. Pluto conjunct the Ascendant makes the Ascendant person weak in the knees. mintgirl123 Moon conjunct Venus is nice but Sun conjunct Venus is AMAZING . 25 degrees. Both represent different energies and dynamics, and I don't really focus on Chiron or Juno at all when looking at synastry. There is a definite romantic fascination for each other, and if other signs in the chart are right it may last, but often it won't. I've never felt anything stronger than someone so immediately in my life. However, recent posts by two active members here have suggested that the conjunction of these two planets does not always lead to deceit, illusion my eros is conjunct exact his venus/uranus close conjunct! plus my uranus widely conjuncts his venus. Based on his venus in our synastry could he feel the same? She also made a comment about me being "wise" about sex when this is definitely not true, especially considering she is older and more sexually experienced than me. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Many a time our relationship would have faltered without this one, I know for Uranus opposite, square or semi-square Chiron in the synastry chart. . When the blinders come off( and they, always, do) there can be great rifts Venus trine and sextile Neptune is, likely, a good thing. Posts: 1344 From: U. His Venus conjuncts my stellium, but I am certainly feeling it. This aspect often creates a profound impact on the relationship, triggering healing and growth through the shared experience of past wounds. but we had many hard aspects so i can't blame just this one. My dad and I are very different. However, I don’t think I have seen Moon/Chiron in synastry. Venus Conjunct Uranus in Synastry . Sun conjunct Venus Sun conjunct Juno Sun conjunct Aprhodite Sun conjunct Karma Sun conjunct Union Moon square Saturn Venus conjunct Juno Venus conjunct Aphrodite Saturn trine Valentine Uranus sextile MC Juno conjunct Aphrodite. My Chiron/His Sun-Moon MP: Virgo 14° My Desc: Aquarius 12°41 His Chiron: Cancer 13° His natal Chiron squares his Venus and trines his Pluto. He had chiron on my ic, I had chiron on his IC. Posts: 1705 From: Asia Registered: Nov 2018: posted May 14, 2019 03:07 PM Chiron (me) square his Venus/Nept (0 deg) Chiron (him) conjunct my Venus (4) Moon trine Moon Moon sextile Venus (^ composite Moon exactly conjunct his natal Venus - which then ofcourse makes that wonderful mini grand trine). Even if I am good looking, I still feel like I not good looking enough. Venus loves Jupiter`s wisdom and optimism. Venus conjunct my SN - They seem to fall for me -even a gay guy with this placement! Lol I feel very comfortable around them - like they get me on an emotional level. Who affects who and how?-----Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus. It can be the other way around as well, with the Venus person being a lesson of (unrequited) love for the NN person. She was a friend. Other person: Neptune 8th house Sagittarius I'd also like to point out that the other persons Neptune is in my 12th house. At the same time, Saturn may see Venus as somewhat naive or reckless, requiring guidance and boundaries to keep them safe. Dec 24, 2023 · I read everything on internet about Venus-Uranus conjonction, but I'd like to know your experiences. My Venus Conjunct her Chiron( which was in the 12th House) In this case, I went to her for healing. We've known each other like 7 years, but I don't think we've ever been in a situation where we had to sacrifice anything Not that I wouldn't we just never had to. Chiron conjunct Venus may start our as soul mates, but the relationship may end abruptly and Venus conjunct Chiron in the composite chart. When Venus and Chiron come together in a synastry chart, a powerful and transformative energy is activated within the relationship. Sep 27, 2015 · I have Venus trine Neptune both ways with someone in synastry. Her Saturn conjuncts my Sun by . her Venus squares his Desc Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. We had vertex conjunct dsc DW and vertex conjunct vertex so obv he was meant to meet me. Your romantic partner challenges you to be open, flexible, and willing to change. Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011: posted January 26, 2009 12:05 PM Jan 22, 2019 · Natal to draconic; my venus conjunct his ASC exact, Venus is my DSC ruler in draconic as well. For sure I complimented him. I personally have it with a woman I just met (her Venus conjunct my Uranus, my Venus opposite her Uranus) but I have few opportunities to talk to her So, please, your experiences ! IP: Logged. And they seemed to like me as well at first sight. His Neptune trine my Venus and my Neptune trine his Venus. What does Venus conjunct vertex in synastry mean? My Venus conjuncts an interest's vertex with a 1 degree orb. heartstrings Knowflake . Also! Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I fell in love with him at first sight and I am the love of his life, but it didn't work out. DW Chiron conjunct/quincunx Sun, my Chiron trine his Venus/Saturn, DW Chiron conjunct/sextile MC. Posts: 440 From: the pineapple under the sea Registered: Aug 2011: posted September 08, 2011 11:48 AM It depends. Strange how you both being venus receive compliments from them. It really does. What does it mean to your relationship when your natal Venus is in conjunction with your partner’s Uranus? Your relationship begins with instantaneous attraction, originality, and unconventional attitudes. Yeah he hurts me. Dec 24, 2013 · I have this with my ex. his jupiter conjuncted my venus again less degree. 16. Chiron deals with deep wounds and potential healing. At first I was the one after him and after a few months he was the one trying to keep me. Do you think the trine we have in our composite can offset the square in synastry at some point ? IP: Logged. Wouldnt they love (venus) you as a partner (7th house)? What do you think? This goes along the same line as venus conjunct ascendnat. I think uranus conjunct venus in our synastry is making me run. So, Aphrodite conjunct Chiron in synastry should be read the same way as Venus conjunct Chiron? IP: Logged. It's tiring and it gets old "teaching" venus how to mature in venus type ways. But I doubt that any aspect alone would necessarily means either happy ending or break up. Posts: 28 From: England Registered: Apr 2015: posted April 29, 2015 12:49 PM Ahhh! venus/Chiron synastry The only person I had this aspect with was in a conjunction. Jan 11, 2025 · Venus conjunct Chiron blends your gift for attracting abundance and creating harmony with your gifts for unique intuition and understanding. Aubyanne Moderator . IP: Logged. It conjuncts his Sun/Moon mp and sextiles his Chiron, forming a yod. And I'm tired and I want to know when to let go. IP: Logged Venus and Chiron conjunct in the synastry chart This relationship is instrumental in helping each person find their sense of self-worth and feel valued. Posts: 155 From: France I have venus conjunct neptune with someone. Lara Newflake . Her Venus is exactly conjunct my Vertex (which seems kind of creepy), and her Mars conjuncts my Venus by 3 degrees (which is even more creepy!). I know something about CERES but absolutely nothing about it in aspect with personal planets. heart cakes Knowflake . His draconic mars conjunct my natal Venus, 3 degrees hmm. Posts: 1155 From: Registered: Feb 2015: posted November 25, 2017 09:58 PM Feb 27, 2024 · Saturn admires Venus’s loving ways and feels their own hardness softening in Venus’s presence. It was awful. Thanks . Me: Venus Cap 1st house. i had my Chiron conjunct my first loves Venus his Chiron square my moon and Sun. com Venus Conjunct Chiron Synastry. Venus conjunct other person's Jupiter My Pallas is on his Venus, so I'm not sure about that. ' i basically describe my relationship with him a fairy tale - he is like my price charming and i see him that way. So I'm just wondering if s. blue moon Knowflake . Jul 18, 2020 · Chiron conjunct Venus (and all Chiron-Venus aspects―opposition, square, trine, sextile) suggest great pain related to your self-worth and ability to give and receive love. I have chiron conjunct ascendant too. Nov 8, 2023 · When Chiron is conjunct Venus in synastry, it denotes a powerful connection that intertwines the wounded aspects of one person's life with the values, love, and affection of the other person. Venus trine Venus may have the same sense of humor, too. Feb 13, 2024 · When Venus conjuncts Chiron in synastry, a deep compassion and understanding form between partners. My Venus is square his Pluto (orb: 1°43), but actually there are more planets involved in this combination. But the conjunction is highly aspected, and negatively. Strengths of Venus Conjunct Saturn Synastry Everybody born around my age has their chiron in my 4th or 3rd house so yeah. Her Moon conjunct my NN - this is my best friend! my venus was conjunct her dsc in virgo within 1 degree and her venus was conjunct my dsc within 6 degrees in scorpio. But Chiron-Venus makes a person feel that the other one is THE one. opposed chiron. Nov 21, 2017 · Author: Topic: VENUS CONJUNCT PLUTO synastry - Questions/Theories : astrosaz Knowflake . Double wammy, but his Saturn is also conjunct my mercury/Venus and opposed my Jupiter. The Venus person feels drawn to comfort and reassure the Chiron person, who in turn helps the Venus individual tap into their own vulnerability. We recently spent one week together (with other people, a group). Can someone tell me about how Chiron works in Synastry? And how Sun conj. As you can see it brings our Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune into a relationship with Sun, Moon and IC. Posts: 2690 From: Europe Registered: Mar 2013: posted October 15, 2013 01:26 AM Author: Topic: Chiron Conjunct the North Node in Synastry: Ami Anne Knowflake . I'm trying to study our asteroid synastry and these stood out when going through our Valentine aspects (Only included a few other asteroids so far): My VENUS/CHIRON conj His VALENTINE (1 degree for Venus-Valentine; Chiron-Valentine Exact) My SATURN opp His VALENTINE (1 degree) Chiron to personal planets (I have experienced mostly Chiron-Venus) gives you a direct access to the other persons vulnerabilities and you share a very deep bond. my uranus is conjunct exact his pluto (generational aspect though) IP: Logged. Pluto square Mars may tend to violence. IP Uncover the secrets of Venus conjunct Mars in synastry! Our guide reveals how this aspect can ignite passion and deepen connections. Venus conjunct Venus synastry is an indicator Also, she will have Chiron transiting her Venus soon. Jupiter/DESC 0°32. Venus conjunct Saturn may result in the Saturn person”riding the behind” of the Venus person. 19. huge sign of forgiveness and generosity towards one another. Posts: 2550 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010: posted December 20, 2010 11:27 AM Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. But his venus was conjunct saturn in his natal chart. All those who have experienced this, when did you say enough was enough? Thanks NikiVenus. There’s a lot of similarity between the two people: you enjoy similar art, music, and activities. In part, this is because you each share a unique sense of wisdom and intuition. With one of my exes, I know he was a soulmate. Sun/Jupiter 1°54) square Sun/Neptune 0°36. We have pretty pleasant placements in Synastry though. he was bad at me always criticized me and found wrong all of my choices. This is, also, a mixed bag. Faith Knowflake . I do consider this Moon/Moon/Venus configuration the best we have in our synastry. I have Venus Opposite my husband's Neptune, it is part of a Grand Cross configuration. Composite: Jupiter conjunct NN Jupiter square sun, mercury, venus. Jul 16, 2015 · My Venus conjunct his Venus (a bit wide, but same sign) My Venus conjunct his Eros (less than 1 degree) My Venus conjunct his Mars/Venus midpoint (exact) My Venus trine his North Node My Venus sextile his Saturn My Venus semi-sextile his Mercury (exact) Case #2: My Venus conjunct his Venus (closer than above, but different signs) My Venus Things are crazy with this man I share the Venus/Chiron conj/square in longitudes (the orbs are not very close, 5 deg). Posts: 782 From: Registered: Sep 2011: posted September 08, 2012 12:41 PM Jun 20, 2010 · I have Venus Rx conjunct Aries Chiron on my IC, and my Son has Chiron Rx opposite my Chiron/Venus. i was venus he was saturn. Me: Neptune Sagittarius. Calculate your birth chart for free. SN conj Sun-Saturn-Mars (My SN, my uncle's stellium) he said the other day to me: "I've always felt that I had the most in common with you. The rest of the synastry tells you how this aspect plays out. Chiron, in synastry, usually takes the path of a close friendship and then a breaking apart. In synastry my venus trines his sun and mars, trines his NN, and opposes his saturn. ( I have Venus square Chiron nataly ) But in our composite we have Venus trine Chiron. IP: Logged Author: Topic: Experiences with Sun/Chiron in Synastry: Lioness Knowflake . " Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 18. How do we think he feels about me in return? I'm the Moon, Uranus I've heard that Venus conjunct Mars in synastry is a strong indication of attraction/desire. Her 12th House Chiron shows us that her pain tended to be HIDDEN from her. You both have a strong connection to each other. See full list on teaandrosemary. )! Registered: Apr 2009 Apr 28, 2015 · My something's Chiron square Venus. Posts: 163985 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J. I am currently in a venus conjunct Saturn relationship at the moment and I'm Saturn. made me feel really special to her and i felt that i could give her what she needed This trines/conjuncts my Sun at Libra 5 and my Ascendant at Aquarius 1. I wonder how oppositions might work. Plus there all that angle stuff going on too (I was trying to edit that into the last post and it wouldn't let What is your take in synastry when one person's CERES conjuncts the other's VENUS? (a little less than 2 degrees tight in Aqua/8th House). Woodward's Venus in Pisces is conjunct her husband's Moon, a true-love tie. Your past wounds make you more sympathetic to others’ needs. Oct 4, 2015 · It's a Venus conj Chiron - Venus square Chiron DW. Elysia unregistered : posted June 26, 2016 07:42 AM his Venus conjunct her ancient DESC-ruler (0) [2)Brad Pitt - Angelina Jolie. Posts: 64055 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010 Chiron is a wild card like a Mobius strip. com) Karma aspects contribute to the sense that a relationship is fated and destined and that your connection to a person is important in terms of the lessons you can learn from it (depending on the planet, Venus is about beauty, love, romance and harmony in our emotional attachments and other unions). Saturn/Juno 0°32 opp. Jupiter is the long rope. 0 Chiron conjunct Mars Synastry Topic: Chiron conjunct Mars Synastry: Ruben Knowflake . Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted February 09, 2017 06:42 PM Nov 26, 2017 · Chiron aspects are awful. The planet person loves (venus) the physical form of the other (ascendant). In general, that is a tough question. regards Predrag. Each can see the other through an optimistic, rosy glow. Does the Venus person feel nurtured and the CERES person loved? What's the relationship or energy there? IP i had the opposition with my ex less than degree. Posts: 420 From: aspideronmars Registered: Apr 2009 A thread was recently started here on "Venus Conjunct Neptune in Synastry". Posts: 75 From: NRW, Germany Well, if the Venus/Chiron orb is 11 degrees, Juno exact conjunct Venus is DEFINITELY more significant lol. we have my venus conjunct his moon, and we have my venus conjunct his sun. They also have sympathy and compassion for eachother. I am not sure about the ascendants or nodes being aspected bc I do not remember. Well, if the Venus/Chiron orb is 11 degrees, Juno exact conjunct Venus is DEFINITELY more significant lol. Randall Webmaster . LaGioconda Knowflake . Posts: 100 NN conj Venus (His (same guy) NN, my venus): I feel a very deep familial caring love for him. I know the magi society used to speak of Chiron-Jupiter connections as important, I never ever observed this (Chiron-Venus, yes in healing relationships) but Vesta-Jupiter is an Venus Conjunct Chiron Meaning. Posts: 51 From: Registered: Dec 2010: posted September 22, 2011 08:48 PM May 19, 2015 · I would guess that eros conjunct valentine is a "higher version" of venus conjunct mars i think. she gave me space and respected me. our Davison: POF 20 Sagittarius . o's venus falls in your 7th house. K Registered: Apr 2009: posted March 17, 2008 09:23 AM We have a few Chiron contacts in Synastry. com) Topic Closed Topic: Venus conjunct Pluto synastry: venuscorpio86 unregistered : posted January 16, 2013 07:21 AM Sep 11, 2016 · I have had some personal experiences with Chiron in synastry and I will share those, now. Doux Rêve Jan 7, 2018 · I was checking the synastry between two people and was intrigued to see a Chiron-Neptune square both ways, hence find this post. I felt the entire universe got together to make sure we met, perhaps that is the influence of chiron transiting the galactic center and both of our neptunes when we met and T Dec 10, 2018 · A guy I had a fling with had his Lilith tightly conjunct my Venus and he said that finds me sooooooo sexy (his words lol). I had a boyfriend have their Venus conjunct it and his needs overtook mine. Ericka, I can't help you with a good comment about hard Chiron aspect to MC, maybe not too bad, but just to show something that you have to work on? I have natal Chiron square Jupiter, but recently found that it has soem good meanings too, not just bad ones. Ami Anne Moderator . Venus rules my Descendant, Neptune rules his, so there is a strong 7th house tie. Capriquarius Knowflake . On top of the trines, we've got Venus conjunct moon, Venus conjunct Pluto, mercury conjunct moon, mercury conjunct Pluto, Venus conjunct ascendant, mars trine Venus both waysetc. jeeq vwfzpons wpny obdzjcnn aiane xzxdnt qjgdl cknyeef byw ipwa tqwbh juljjaa omhzcab dkqd oqzxkhzt