Wow classic rogue sword vs dagger reddit. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans.
Wow classic rogue sword vs dagger reddit Crusader MH on a dagger is "better". Dagger rogue here, for leveling I’d recommend swords as they are easier to find and you can get a lot of good ones while progressing like Thrash Blade, sword of serenity, vanquishers sword, wing blade ( horde only quest reward). Why play a rogue if I'm going to be a leather-wearing warrior for the entire leveling experience? Get the 2. I'm also using macros on my backstab/ambush/sinister strike to switch back n forth to double daggers. Honestly he isn't far behind at all. This list is intended to give fresh lvl 60 Rogues an overview of possible best in slot swords for pre raid PVE. Ally: If you play human then obviously swords is superior. Bonus: Daggers without 5 points in Opportunity is literally the worst thing you can ever do for Dagger Specs. This is an attempt to collect all BiS Rogue Swords for Main/Offhand from top (best) to bottom (still viable). This spec is messy. That is what made the Batman’s Shanker (2. Members Online WoW Classic (Cataclysm) Interactive Map Update - Locations of all Herb Nodes, Mining Veins, NPCs & Mobs, Quests Start / End & Required, Trainers, Repairers, Travel Routes & Fishing Pools. true. Is there any disadvantage to using a dagger and a sword rather than dual swords if the dps is similar? I'm currently using a thrash blade + vanq sword on my lvl 45 rogue, but thinking about buying a gut ripper and putting my thrash blade in offhand. Solo farming for mats, ekos, etc is much easier with swords since you don't have to worry about positional attacks. Any way I'm a rogue now. 6 sword MH, and 1. Apologies for that assumption then! Leveling is easiest done as combat sword spec'd rogue. A full dagger rogue WILL out-dps sword rogue, depending on the targets (I just proved that, and of course did a shitload of screenshots for proof). Sub rogue is just way more fun to level imo too, regardless of efficiency. Unfortunately no, Daggers relies on attacks only usable while you have a dagger in your main hand. You shouldn't care about a fast dagger at 19, all it changes is a little more caster pushback and as a twink that's not a concern. Upvoted because your answer is the correct one! To add further explanation to this: Stacking Hit beyond 6% (5% from Precision, 1% from gear) still yields higher DPS, but other items with stats other than +hit% may increase your DPS more. e. Classic had combat swords and combat daggers with both having very comparable dmg. 5 dagger off hand. Every Rogue, regardless of race, starts off learning Daggers and Thrown. 8 sword for your mainhand and then get the offhands from AH/quests/dungeons. Seal Fate starts to come online once you get crit capped. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning). From what I understand, once I hit 30-35 and spec into Sword Specialization, it makes the most sense to have swords in both MH In most raid environments, dagger will out perform sword by a small margin. If you are duoing, the daggers are more viable for backstabs. Just max out sword spec. My HC Rogue is level 33, all points in Sub so far. What else? Everyone wants to use swords because icy veins said so. swords is your best levelling spec and will be what you play in levelling dungeons. What others said is mostly correct, with your setup and for your goals it’s great to go swords with Thrash blade MH (main hand) and whatever good sword you have offhand. Mirah's OH isn't ideal, because you aren't getting the 5% bonus from dagger specialization, but fang is so much better than your other MH options that this is definitely going to be an improvement. you can use a non dagger offhand but needs to be much higher ilvl to equal a dagger. You don't always face backpedalling pve mages or stuff like that in arena A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. You can still go dagger, but sword is top Swords are best in PvE and Daggers are best in PvP, so if you switch to swords, your DPS should increase I am currently a level 35 Dwarf rogue and i'm leveling combat swords. 12. Maybe few CHT’s went to tanks but otherwise it was Rogue loot. I saw a rogue (savix) do more dps in bfd than me, even tho I have better dps daggers (the two bis bfd daggers, 23dp vs 19dps) was using same brew,saber,envenom rune setup It's due to the weight of the weapon speed in the formula. As you can imagine, I fell in love with the news of a rogue tank spec as it combined both of my favorite things in wow. But how much DPS would I lose? Am I looking at a 1% DPS loss or worse? By how much does Swords outperform daggers on rogue? Spec 15/31/5 Most rogues swap to daggers or go 2 misplaced servo arms and 8/8 bloodfang and maelstrom deck for proc set but it still doesn’t compete. How does this work? (My MH is the Vanquisher's Sword). It’s pretty important that your weapons match so you get the most out of the talent point weapon specialization, fist/dagger 5% crit, swords double hit, mace armor pen. 3 DPS 1. Sims say +5 damage is usually higher damage. Members Online If I could change one thing right now it would be that auction listings couldn't be changed if they have a bid on them. I. As a rule of thumb, you want a slow main hand and fast offhand, but don't sacrifice a weapon with a massively higher dps due to weapon speed. If you know you need a dagger, ignore the swords. 21/3/27 for swords is top spec. Members Online Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the GDKP ban and how fast players have gotten over it, STV was made to be entirely PvP focused, and the future of SoD is still up in the air but nothing is off the table. Just seeing what people have to say about the two specs and which they think is superior currently. I’m getting mixed signals on choosing between swords and daggers when looking at main (free) leveling resources (Icy Veins, Wowhead, various forum posts). He's not saying swords are better. BHB is fine if your swapping it everytime renataki is on CD and you dont have DFT. Meaning over the course of an hour grinding, they do more dps than swords. Look up simonize on yt, check his p3 guide, and I think he has a video about saber slash also. I have no issues questing alone, but in PvP it's a little rough Over 40% of a combat rogues damage are white auto attacks. Sword rogues can wield Thunderfury. If you are daggers put Crusader and your OH and your MH depends. 50 speed, 4agi 4sta) and Pawn says the green sword is better, though the DPS readout on the Sword of Serenity is quite higher. I rolled a rogue this time around and am speccing Assassin (Combat's Killing Spree seems bugged). I feel it's more fun, and actually final state of the game SoF Daggers is the most DPS. Transitioning specs, to a new play style and requiring new weapons may not make it worth it, however you’ll likely be playing assassination at 80 so now is Many sub rogues use require daggers; however, they only require one dagger. I saw that there's two "main" way to spec it for the leveling, dagger or sword. Generally mutilate is better, there are cases where saber slash is viable or marginally ahead, but it requires more specific conditions whereas mutilate is always good. I choose daggers even if swords are technically considered to be better. Be a night elf dagger rogue. Spec wise, I'm hybrid between combat and sub. To that point, the original situation presented in this thread was, I believe, a Warrior rolling for a dagger against a Rogue, with the consideration being that: (a) the Fury warrior can make excellent use of the dagger (as an off hand), and; (b) combat swords are objectively better than daggers for pve damage as a Rogue, so they both should Until you get sword specialization it's only important that you mh weapon have the highest max damage possible. The two viable specs are combat swords or combat daggers. Jan 31, 2021 · I would like to play combat with daggers spec as rogue, in PVE. I just went the normal combat swords spec, but I was able to not get vile poisons and instead go 5/5 sword specialization for my mainhand and 5/5 dagger specialization for my offhand. 0 attack speed IIRC) so damned good at level 50, ditto for the Kroll Blade (probably spelled wrong) at lvl 52. Period You will not play a classic rogue that can two shot basically any one with a tier 1 set and perdition dagger. I would say that a SF dagger rogue half-way between preBIS and BIS (that's me with a gutgore ripper MH) will deal a similar amount of damage (or slightly more) to a From what I know there are 2 ways: combat rogue (with swords pref. I probably won’t play rogue, but I wouldn’t spec anything but combat swords before I could get my hands on either perditions blade or fang of the faceless (zg patch). posts, in this case I think the actual difference is minor enough that you should roll what you like more. And of course combat easily 1v2's so there's no need. As there are more sword quest rewards than daggers, and when questing you hit most mobs from the front so a slow sword will deal the most damage with Sinister Strike. I hadn't really been planning ahead, I just knew I wanted Hemo spec and went with what seemed most useful. Rogues it's not that big of a deal. So yeah if you have perdition blade + domo dagger versus prebis swords obviously you go dagger, but the optimal setup is gonna be swords. Which one is better ? Sword seems to be the better choice but I can't find why. Here are my feelings (no theorycrafting) after raiding BFD and doing PVP: Swords in PvE encounters such as leveling and the early raiding content you’re better off swords (also depends on what good weapons you have, sometimes you have shit outdated daggers and godlike swords) But once you’re in some T2, daggers 4 days. They are Assasination Dagger if and only if they are majorily specced into Assasination. Daggers relies on backstab which you cannot use I would try get outlaw for sure, makes quite a difference in kill speed, don't worry about your offhand that much, with the white damage miss chance and the massively reduced OH damage it's mostly used as as poison stick until you get sword spec, and either way you want the fastest thing you can find with decent dps/stats. I am waaaay above feral druids, but my item level percentile (my rating of damage with rogues with similar equipment) is probably around 30% lower than it'd be with combat swords. I have always known rogues of any spec to have a slow, hard hitting dagger/sword for MH and a faster OH. You’ll do fine dps with combat daggers and eventually amazing dps with seal fate. Early game cold blood hemo / AQ+ daggers. 0 DPS 2. 8 mace. Hemorrhage = Slow Speed, High DPS The Persuader is probably the first 60 epic, Kazzak drops another 2. HOJ + DFT wins. Rogue here: For leveling, you’ll probably want fiery on both until you max your level and start looking for harder to replace gear, like Rend swords or raid weapons. Combat swords is the highest dps output overall taking into account available gear at every tier of raiding (from pre-raiding til naxx). 27 comments I advocate gnome! Better for pvp and all competitive guilds will WANT to split rogues between dagger vs sword spec anyways for loot distribution. I've looked through as many relevant Reddit topics as possible and lots of people say crusader comes out on top when you crunch the numbers. Now regarding the crafting of weapons, you're spending a lot of time and money to level blacksmithing, so it's not worth it in terms of "time", but of course the weapons will make it easier, so it's up to you to decide which you prefer. You'll also get priority on daggers as a nelf since humans get sword/mace prio. The mutilate tooltip says it attacks with both weapons, so I have seen some people think two slow daggers would be better, but gene Where dagger outshine a sword rogue, it should in most cases be about skills of the Rogues. Also maces, fists etc. ambush. I also stomp people in PvP with ambush and backstabs while other rogues spam strikes with swords and hoping for a crit that really can't match my crit-chances with backstab at all. Mutilate forces you to play daggers. i feel like a backstab build around chipped bite will perform well until i get a talwar and then switch back to swords. Once you reach level 60, you have multiple options. If you are in a speed run guild and R14 go daggers? That’s the 1% of players. Reffering to specs you cannot call it Combat if they are not Combat specced just like they are not Assasination Dagger, just because they are using mutilate. 4bil dollar company last year btw. Combat Daggers and SF Daggers are about the same output. If you go for swords, then you want maladath in BWL and good luck with that argument against the warrior tanks. If you want consistency, go +5 dmg. I'm thinking about doing a dagger leveling spec though, once vanilla releases. IMO the blue swords you can get (dal rends) are arguably more bang for your buck than the daggers available are (only heartseeker and barmans shanker come to mind). Mainly concerned with the talent calcs, as I notice a ton of people in this sub linking to vanilladb and the like, when we have a much better (loads faster, cleaner site UI, etc) option available. Dagger are supposed to be optimal for playing in group, that's it ? Thanks for the advices Hello im new to wow overall. Nov 21, 2024 · Combat Swords or Combat Daggers are what you will want to be using in PvE situations. If you are fighting greens which die quickly the value is lost. Currently running a lvl 27 rogue with sword on my main-hand and dagger on my off. Twice he was blessed by the RNG crit god and out dpsd me by 200 or so and proceeded shit talking. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Need a little help understanding weapon speed vs DPS: I have a Sword of Serenity (30. I'm reroll into a rogue after my hunter, which was a disappointment. In Classic start I remember dagger Rogues had better mental because the daggers were almost exclusively for rogues. You're never going to pick a MH dagger when a MH sword will do. Sword is slightly better for overall rogue dps but for l I've always loved the rogue class but go tank (warrior/pal) to quickly get groups. 8 mace, Taerar drops Nightmare Blade (2. Why? Because the thrash blade has no/bad stats and the extra hit procs super rarely, last numbers I read on it were like 2% proc chance. Unsure between the two because although sword of decay has higher dps, cruel barb gives 12 attack power and even though that doesn't translate to more than 1 dps it does also make my poisons stronger (deadly brew). If you want an extremely minor paper dps increase, go crusader. They can also use the Ranged weapons Bows, Crossbows, and Guns. Zero viskag or brutality blades across 2 groups with 5 weeks of clears. From what I've been reading, swords seem to be superior for pve and also enables hemo spec for pvp. 20 speed) and a Knightly Sword of the Monkey (20. After playing for about a week i noticed a few rogues running around with a sword and dagger. Technically not as fast as Combat leveling I'm sure, but after getting used to it, it'll be hard to live without fast, low cooldown stealth, or low-energy cost openers that have a 75% chance to add an extra combo point. Early on (through the 20s) this can often be a dagger because of how many good blue daggers drop off of bosses in dungeons, and how much competition there is rolling for blue 1h swords. Been searching around and can’t find a proper answer to my question, so giving this a go! I’m leveling my Rogue with a PvP spec as Sub because it’s just the most fun for me and because I intend to do quite a lot of World PvP along the way and questing has been fine, for the most part. Offhand should be the 1. Alternatively, if you intend to eventually level a shaman as well, get the 2. For purely PvE I would go combat Daggers before I went SF Daggers, but combat Swords is definitely dps king. Also this is in relation to BWL only, I would believe the swords still out dps in MC and I believe they will out DPS in AQ. Nov 9, 2023 · Rogues can use a variety of one-hand weapons in Classic WoW: 1H Swords, Daggers, 1H Maces, Fist Weapons. You can also do double sword, or double dagger If you go double dagger, you can focus on ambush and backstab talents If you go sword mainhand use hemo 100-90g and with how long it will last you as a sword rogue its questionable cuz it can last you very long or you can replace it very soon due to the big number of options that dont involve gold but rather chance: Rend MH, Zulian Slicer, Brutality, Viskag all from easy raids. Should be open to all weapon types. As a solo you will be doing a lot of stealth/gouging, but if you are into that then go for it. There is about a 3-5% dps increase with Combat Swords. Lots are making rogue builds around the sword rogue because of that. There was also the issue that I got an epic dagger before a sword, partially because more people wanted the swords than daggers. Just kill everything on sight and you can't ninja pull. For any given itemization level you want a slow MH because that would have the highest top end and low end damage. MH dagger can be crusader or +5 damage. On classic everyone told me to use swords and on here people are telling me to go daggers but some tell me to go swords. i switched back and forth between swords, i enjoy them both. You're going between 2 specs early on, combat swords or combat daggers, in raids. like 30+ ilvls. I love playing daggers on rogue it feels much more fun especially 1-30 but dude once you get the feel of using the sm quest reward sword and the RFD one together at around your level you will feel like a God just smashing thru stuff after about 40-45 ambush will drop off a bit and you will start to feel it but if your still having fun doing it then what ever works for you 11 votes, 13 comments. Imp backstab 16/12/23 is the best dagger pvp spec. This usually ends up with a 2. Yes hunters and mages keep running away and giving me your back hahahahaha!!!! Current build is 2 pts into ass for relentless strikes, 8 into combat for imp backstab, and so far the rest into sub. Swords will be your best bet after you get your rogue class dagger at 10. A lot of the good daggers are low drops from dungeons. It also sits in your offhand, which strikes a lot less often (no sinister strikes) and hits even less times due to low hit ratin The spread sheet is wrong. It’s just that there is very little to decide what makes a good player between different people when it comes to class (since all the classes have so simple rotations and mechanics in raids are so easy) that in my guild, if there is an issue where too many have signed and we have to bench, we reward those who have «worked most» towards BiS gearing and fully I have been playing rogue now for a while in classic and it feels really great, finally getting vanish and all the cool tricks but i have been testing out with my poisons and i am very comfused because in every guide i find its always recommended to have ur instant poison in your (quick) offhand dagger because it hits faster and applies more times? No you did not play as Combat Sword, you played as Assasination Sword. MH sword will always be crusader. But in terms of raid loot you should be looking for swords or daggers. also for outlaw , dagger in oh is often a small increase Reply reply More replies More replies Yea, wep speed matters in the sense that slice and dice will increase the amount of procs you get per minute. Combat Swords is more consistent for leveling and outscales dps through most all content (except maybe for like, 2 boss fights) than combat daggers. From what I've read it seems like sword is best because spamming Talon over and over is the best dps and swords hit harder. Could be that I’m missing something. It's tempting to go daggers just because of the lack of swords in the game. Seems to me that attacking also seems to not be a thing as lock tank. I'm sure it's been answered a dozen times but if some one could just confirm I'll look for the different bis. You want a fast dagger in the offhand to proc poisons more. 7 Sword), Nightmare will last you until AQ40's Ancient Qiraji Ripper, that will last until HWL. Simply put, Backstab isn't very energy proficient, and the rolling extra-attacks for Hand of Justice and Sword Specialization is too good to pass up. thanks to sword spec and human passive) or dagger sub with imp. If I had to choose between swords v daggers, though, I'd go swords bc it seems decent swords are more common and the top end damage is better for combat. For a troll rogue do you go for different gear depending on if you are daggers or swords. Does this have any credibility or should I just buy a cheap fast sword and forget the dagger offhand? Stealthing imo puts you into more danger. Meaning they have to stop and heal 20% less. We've got perdition on our two tanks and a rogue already. but im at a weird spot with gear, i picked up the chipped bite of serra'kis and have outlaw sabre. And by the way finding the back of an opponent is more difficult in pvp. Dagger Rogue here, do it! The only downside is IMHO that you may not be able to do max DPS in some trash fights. (That's why they are in separate categories for MH, but OH is combined. There aren't as many good easily obtainable daggers for leveling, as there are swords. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Used to be a 21/8/22 build that worked well but I haven't seen it used in classic Reply reply Basilikos12 I am in the same position as you, where I have high quality daggers and ok swords. 5 set T1 combat dagger rogue vs 8 set T2 combat sword rogue - which is preferred for raids in Phase 3/4 Question Currently in our guild a 5/8 T1 Rogue with Perd/CHT and every god damn buff in the game is always topping the charts, but a 8/8 T1 Rogue with CTS/Brut Blade is coming in 2nd place more often than not. I think that's my recommendation, even though it's not what you asked. Hey guys. Hi r/classicwow!. blizzpls- what do you honestly have to say about this? is this the intended experience that we pay for? 4. Psh, don't listen to them. If you are swords, go double crusader. What would be the best parse for a sub hour guild with Perd/CHT vs CTS/Mala? I think it’s an interesting debate but not really answered imo. An optimized guild will have a few of each to use the gear as it drops, and maybe a few individuals to be flexible between the two so that by the time a new tier comes out and extra daggers and swords have dropped, the flexible guys can flex between the specs (start swords in a new raid tier if it’s marginally better and you’ve had ample I went dagger though because I am alliance and the clusterfuck for 1h swords is going to be insane. Since sword Rogues have 5% to proc an extra swing this should outshine in the dmg against a dagger rogue if equal gear and skills. I'm dedicated to making rogue tank work in pvp and pve. I thought Rogues needed 2 daggers exclusively for Back stab. For pvp wow man, nooooo one seems to know what to do vs a dagger rogue. i had felstriker and bonescraper when i was farming preraid on another server but bonescraper is very good to use for preraid bis, it isn't unique so just farm two if you want, +4 daggers is not too impactful as preraid bis and will get replaced fast if you are raiding as daggers, you'll get prio on core hound tooth and perdition's blade since One big negative to playing rogues in Sod vs classic is the lack of weapon choice. First time leveling a combat rogue in classic. Talents help, sure, but dont get locked into them as you're leveling. 7 heartseeker dagger. I'd also consider switching to daggers and going after Kingsfall and Maexxna's Fang/Harbinger of Doom if there is a logjam at sword distribution An amazing dagger is better than a mediocre sword, and an amazing sword is better than a mediocre dagger. Just an update from a DAGGER rogue who has every raid item currently in the game (not rank 14) after my testing. not using something like Sword of Omen as a dagger rogue while leveling is just silly (unless you just happen to have equally good daggers). Everything I am about to say comes with the caveat that I am a dagger rogue who uses +5 dmg. Swords are technically better, but both can do amazing DPS and daggers are more fun imo. The only reasons rogues care about offhand speed in classic is pushback and poison applications and that's super minor without improved/vile poisons, and you don't have them at 19. There was also seal of fate if your crit/gear was good enough for daggers A 310 dagger skill rogue will always beat out a 305 sword skill rogue provided they both have the same tier of weapon (Gutgore Ripper vs Brutality Blade for example, or Dragonfang Blade vs Viskag) and it isn't a fight that specifically favors sword rogues (you can see this easily on fights like Garr or Golemagg where both specs can use their Theres also a stigma to being a human sword rogue. How man At a higher level, I would consider a swap from combat swords to assassination, but probably only at level 61+ and only once you have two solid daggers (bonus for a fast off hand dagger). So, I've not played rogues all that much, but I've been playing WoW since OG WotLK. The 2nd one is riskier in PvE as it relies on you hitting an opener which means when you find yourself with pants down, aggroing 2 mobs by mistake while not in stealth, you might as well start planning your Combat daggers were actually the build to go in late Vanilla, outdpsing swords combat on bosses. Also swords seem to be more comfortable to play alone (sinister striking with daggers is not really pleasant as backstabbing is not always an option). I'm sitting on a few swords and fist weapons from ZM which have better stats than my current daggers, and am wondering: is there any loss to be had by equipping only a single dagger? And if not, should the dagger be in my main hand, or off-hand? Best daggers (keep in mind that best daggers are worse than best swords because sword spec is way better talent than dagger spec): Mainhand: malchazeen (absolute best) OR any other 1,8 kara dagger if u cant get malchazeen Offhand: the 1,3 speed one u get for 50 badges And if u wanna play mutilate, you equip 2 slow daggers, 1,8 or slower You could use maces for leveling and/or preraid weapons, provided they are higher DPS than the swords/daggers available to you. A 2 CP SnD will drastically reduce your time to kill where even a 5 CP Evis can result in very little damage output. In the current content phase, it will usually be the Dal'Rend full set, then when you get an epic mainhand, use Mirah's Song offhand. That said, I prefer swords. Members Online Some of you are losing your minds at how strong Tank damage is right now because of Vengeance and I just want you to know that this is exactly how it works - Do not witch hunt your DPS players because of it. Nelf and Dwarf priest is a diff story :’) No skin in this game as I'm unlikely to level a rogue anytime soon in Classic, I'm just here to point out that wowhead has a classic site up and running with talent calcs, raid composition tools, etc. The sword and dagger variants are fairly well balanced and which one will make you deal the most damage comes down to what weapons you can get your hands on. Slow main hand w/ deadly instant poison, fast off hand with instant deadly poison, spam sinister strike and keep slice and dice up. ) Human sword rogue here with Sword of Zeal and Mirah’s Song, farming with our guild MC and Ony, and providing competitive DPS. You can try seal fate swords/maces later, but that's where humans work out better. I play combat daggers in 25man and 5man, and mutilate with imp expose armor in Karazhan (for the extra combo points) Both are much more fun than sword rogues, but are definitely harder and more restrictive to play (especially mutilate). 14 votes, 12 comments. Grinding stones don't stack with poisons, so you can take that out of your consideration. There is no good heirloom offhand option for combat. The importance of it is, Backstab and Ambush both receive a % damage bonus (Backstab 150%, Ambush 250%) on top of that rogues can specifically talent to increase both of these attacks chance to crit massively (Backstab 30%, Ambush 45%) basically with BWL gear, you can be approaching crit cap on a As far as I can tell from the few guides I've read, swords are generally considered to be better than daggers, but that daggers is still very viable and has the benefit of it being easier to get weapons as there is less competition for daggers. Off-hand swords with sword spec procs use your main hand weapons damage value. I'm bis dagger rogue and our bis sword rogue does this with a perditions and ACLG. I am trying to understand the preference of using daggers over swords for warlock tanking? Especially the pre-bis stuff before bfd. Because of their racials, swords are best for human rogues. There are a few exceptions to this, namely Empyrean Demolisher and Misplaced Servo Arm, if you don't have a good sword already. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. With a mace proc on 2 out of 3 mobs, and each mob taking 10 seconds to kill, a mace rogue is taking roughly, 20% less damage than a sword rogue. That being said, I easily topped DPS in the early raids as a Dagger rogue in Vanilla. That’s nice in your case. Gressil > Kiss of the Spider > Slayer's Crest > Iblis That would be my top 4. When you pop your Blade Flurry, it can be really hard to find a position where you are behind the mob for Backstab and in range of something else for the AoE (in that case I usually chose to do AoE and spam Sinister Strike instead of BS). For non-humans dagger is pretty good, again it depends a bit on gear setup, and what raids are out. Why is that dagger Rogues have less things to take in count of in swing-times that sword Rogues have. Combat is one of the most boring things I've ever played, mostly due to my idea of the class-fantasy, I will admit. The 2 points in dodge should be in sinister strike energy reduction for when you cant get behind your target, and thats made weirder by taking aggression for 6% increased SS damage, when you havent taken the energy reduction, deliberately avoiding the synergy. If you've got very powerful daggers but only mediocre swords, definitely go for the dagger specialization. I went mace spec and I'm finding the 3sec stun procs feel much better than the dps gain which isn't that noticeable imo. For leveling it's ok to use a dagger offhand, but at max level try to get a fast sword offhand. well i played dagger combat rogue up to tbc, naxx and all that - was a lot of fun for me. but dont stop using hoj (its important to note that im daggers and people on reddit like to act like daggers makes hoj much worse) With those daggers, I'd use fang MH mirah's OH with cookie cutter 15/31/5 spec for raiding. Members Online just another post about how bad the bot situation is atm. Talents are similar except swords take improved sinister strike and sword specialisation while daggers take improved backstab and dagger specialisation. No backstab, no ambush with swords. So im super new to this game, level 20 on classic but got bored so I came to retail. Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. However combat daggers have a lot of peaks, especially if you get your hands on for instance perditions blade + core hound tooth early on. So even if you had a fist weapon in the main hand, and a sword in the offhand, any time the sword in your off-hand procced it would use the damage value of the fist weapon plus if you had both sword spec and fist spec, the extra swings use the main hand weapon damage value and also gain any specialization effects. Ghostly strike vs mobs and warriors is really good. SnD ABSOLUTELY should be used when fighting appropriate level mobs. Aside from other sword rogues, there are warriors who are going to want them since being alliance many of them are human. Using dagger with only 3 stam just seems so low vs the prebis gear of other classes. Members Online Naxxramas remake I did for the Journey trailer, even if it was only visible for 2 seconds it was cool to make it All the BiS lists say +5 for mainhand dagger but I just don't believe it. Can't remember correctly but i think it was buffed in a rogue revamp, which happened in 1. But since ppm is calculated on base wep speed, a slow sword and a fast dagger that are doing nothing but auto attacks for 1 minute will have the same number of procs per minute on average. Lvl25 Rogue SoD, going saber slash build (Sword mh dagger oh), and i own both a cruel barb and a sword of decay. evxcl sjjs wrmt xwhs cfhhuxw uuz drfbvp sxwml yqlue rky yhtzv xjc yruayh ywrh gqbv