Can i use kanaplex daily. “Use 1 measure (included) per every 20 L (5 gallons).
Can i use kanaplex daily Kanna works best with furan on fin rot . Kanaplex can be utilized in two different manners, depending upon the needs of individual fish. Treat for 10 days. How many doses can I do of kanaplex? Help On the bottle it says 2 doses for a maximum of 3 every other day. I've treated the tank with both Ich-X and Kanaplex (in the food), and lowered the temperature to 75*. This dose will also raise alkalinity by about 1 meq/L. But online people are saying as much as 6-12 doses. These 2 can be mixed. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 1 scoop of medication if choice; 1 scoop Focus™ Okay thanks. ) Neomycin Sulfate: 25 mg/gal every 24 hours with a 25% water change before each treatment. Any ideas? TechSupport To be honest, the Kanaplex is a very safe, but effective medication. it may take up to 2 weeks. If the popeye didn’t heal by then, did you continue using the Kanaplex after the 3 doses? Reply reply CANES_FISH • No, I'm sorry in my case it was gone in 2 days Suggestions for a pore de-clogger that can be used daily Treat with Kanaplex only. Change the water daily as there won’t be a filter. . It’s a bundle. Ive never heard of people using both kanaplex and furan-2 for fin rot, just columnaris so Please help with this, he’s in a tub of 59° water that’s changed daily. Honestly if your fish has dropsy the best thing to do is keep him comfortable for as long as possible, forget the meds. V. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. -Should I continue changing the water after doing a dose of kanaplex everyday (I change 50-90% of the water everyday) or wait the 48 hours for it to completely wear off? okay than you again. Using only a bit of epsom salt and kanaplex as directed. Joined Aug 5, 2019 Messages 278 Reaction score 240 Location Socal. Re: Can KanaPlex be used with Paraguard Yes; technically KanaPlex can be used in the same tank as ParaGuard. Can I treat daily? (There is a long air bubble wand at the back bottom of the tank). And I'd rather not use kanaplex again because it's not I recently ordered some Seachem Kanaplex and was wondering how to use it. 25ml per gallon. It's a mild antiseptic. The problem I’ve been having is that all of the kanaplex instructions have been purely anecdotal. Treatment periods will vary but it is recommended to treat for at least a I believe you can swap out the kanaplex in a heavy planted tank for maracyn2. I would stick with and at least clean up the water with good water changes after the meds and if needed again start the next week. Joined Nov 4, 2016 Messages 5,201 Reaction score 10,897 Location Clarksville, TN. antibiotic. I have non cycled sponge filter I can throw in the bucket. Is KanaPlex hard on fish? Fish that are more sensitive to medications (scale-less fish, sharks, rays, eels, etc. It cleared up in a week (his fin rot took a little longer to clear, but it was totally gone in a That said, if a fish simultaneously has an internal bacterial infection (bloat) and an external parasitic infection (ich, velvet, etc. ) Now, i did water change today. Unsure about epsom. Kanaplex is a good choice. I know what I should be doing is daily water changes and put the one sick fish in a quarantine tank. that seems like a lot, especially since the bottle only has 50 tablets. My manager would probably recommend erythromycin - its what my store uses as a broad spec. Reply reply but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. Along with methylene blue baths USE: Minocycline hydrochloride, also known as Minocycline, is a member of the broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotics, and has a broader spectrum than the other members, especially as to gram negative bacteria where Minocyline has more activity (albeit still limited effectiveness when compared to other gram negative antibiotics). Members; 92 Author; Posted November 19, 2024. 10K Club member View Badges. This medicated food can be refrigerated or frozen between feedings. Formalin or Acriflavine are better done as a bath with non-medicated water Daily water changes for 2 weeks with the fish in situ is the least stressful course of action and takes a host of factors out of the equation. I’ve tried kanaplex and did the max number of doses. Add daily until pH stabilizes at 8. Do a large water change. 1 scoop of medication if choice; 1 scoop Focus™ Kanaplex dosing and water changes . Instead, I recommend daily water changes for fin rot or any damage to the fins in general, and you can also use aquarium salt or almond leaf tannins to aid in extra It appears Kanaplex is the best bacterial treatment to use due to high PH. A: Yes, to use MetroPlex™ in conjunction with Kanaplex™, I recommend you mix it with food (preferably frozen) using our Focus™. Aug 14, 2018 It's been a little over 24 hours so I've added a second dose of Erythromycin, but it doesn't seem to be helping so far. Treating 105 gallons Every day or so is going to take a lot of antibiotics. Hi all, I'm hoping somebody could clarify how much of an effect dosing kanaplex or antibiotics in general has on filter bacteria? I plan to dose my QT (rather than feed using focus) but often end up working away at short notice and so would rather avoid, or at least try and prepare for a situation where I need to be doing daily 100% wc's and re-dosing for 10 days+ to Kanaplex is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. beachsidereefer Active Member View Badges. Top. IIRC, Kanaplex can be dosed again if needed by they recommend giving a break between the 2 rounds. On the package it says to have active carbon in the filter for the leaves, but I had to remove the active carbon for the kanaplex. He loves it. I just dosed two scoops of kanaplex into a 15 gallon nano to treat fin rot. Feed Re: Kanaplex and Maracyn 2 Sorry to hear about your goldfish, caroltan. I cured popeye in my betta with large, frequent water changes. Kanaplex is very effective antibiotic proven to treat many fungal and bacterial infections. I just read this on reddit: Kanaplex can be dosed in the water column or internally with food. Dose epsom salts. Failure to provide adequate information about your tank can result in post removal. But Dropsy is a sign of severe internal damage, not a symptom of a specific disease. It should be fine to use the older KanaPlex, as medications don't go bad immediately after their expiration date and will last quite a Betta Fish Diseases and Emergencies Stir together the medicated food mix (recipe below) before feeding. Each aquarist will have to find what works I’ve been doing 50% water changes daily since I thought I saw his Popeye and I’m planning on starting Kanaplex tonight. Title basically. I used 2 doses of that and then someone suggested I stop the kanaplex and use api general cure. Just ordered the python system, and will most likely be moving to daily water changes until this is sorted. Rating - 0%. He came from an unheated and unfiltered tank, and the day after I got him he got popeye. Use dechlorinated tap water. Reactions: Humblefish and ngoodermuth. Mar 19, 2018 #10 krausean Community Member View Badges. I was told to use Kanaplex from another betta group on Facebook. Help Maybe this is a dumb question but I just want to be sure. For example, if a fish is exhibiting symptoms of an internal bacterial infection, such 2. greetl01 Active Member View Badges. I hope this helps. don't do any water change until 1 week of treatment. Yes Formalin and RR if that is what is working Not sure about daily or what you will have to get from the other two For that combo above you can also use Metroplex. Remember, drospy itself is essentially a symptom of a problem. Messages 3,561. If water parameters worsen over the treatment time, I will need to do a water change obviously. This comprehensive guide covers preparation steps, dosage guidelines, and administration techniques to ensure your betta receives the best care. Feb 6, 2022 #5 blksubykid Active Member View Badges. I use epsom salts at the same time as Kanaplex and use it dosed straight into the qt tank, not as a bath. (Kanaplex ); ABOUT/ USE I used kordon rid-ich for 7 days (starting June 3rd) along with daily 25% water changes and none of the spots came off even though ich spots usually go away after 2 days. Then I did my research (shoulda done that first) and discovered that it may not be reef safe. Planning to start kanaplex today. Instead, the spots have gotten worse and since last Friday (June 7) Bluey has just been sitting at If you think he is not responding at all to the KanaPlex, you can try another antibiotic such as our NeoPlex to see if you get better results. You need to wipe out *all* of the bacteria. 0 0 0. Still others use 1-2 tsp of salt only per gallon of water indefinitely. Fish has an early case of dropsy. I know one is gram negative and the other gram positive. You also need to dose Metroplex every 48 hours for 14 days if you are trying Can you get a syring and measure our the prazi properly? 0. Put it back in tank in the exact same spot (same flow and light) and it never receded anymore and now about 2 months later has completely regrown new heads over the dead skeleton. That said, if a fish simultaneously has an internal parasitic infection (worms, hexamita, etc. For fish tuberculosis, use for up to 30 days. Would like to add Kplex if possible since Ich-x doesnt seem to be the right direction. I know you don't wanna crash your cycle, but the health of your fish is more important. The three together are used for really hard to treat cases. I know you already tried it, but the combination should work better Elyse. Kanaplex is very harsh, but when you're dealing with dropsy it's what you need. Joined Mar 21, 2014 Messages 280 KanaPlex™ does not directly react with any of the other Seachem® products, but it is not recommended to use multiple medications or treatments at once if it is not absolutely necessary to treat multiple infections. Flukes which is a possibility - Often loss of appetite, flashing, darting Goldfish can actually tolerate salt fairly well. I think half dose is the general guidance for axolotl safe fish treatments. Seachem Kanaplex is a medication used to treat bacterial diseases in aquariums. New. I can do salt in the bucket. What can I use with KanaPlex? A: Yes, to use MetroPlex™ in conjunction with Kanaplex™, I recommend you mix it with food (preferably frozen) using our Focus™. Can you upload pics? You could use it as a bath separate of your tank with antibiotics. Use 1 measure (included) per every 20 L (5 gallons). on the bottle it says to use one tablet for ever 2 gallons everyday for 5-7 days. Best. In general, it's not a good idea to mix medications, as drug interactions may occur. I've treated dropsy numerous times using antibiotics and at most, I buy my fish some extra months before the dropsy comes back Your thread title mentions copper and kanaplex though - you can do that if there is a bacterial issue. Keeping your tank super clean is one of the best things to do while treating a sick fish. Reply reply I'm treating my fish with kanaplex for finrot, but have been suggested to also use catappa leaves. No, we typically do not recommend using multiple medications at the same time in the aquarium. Joined Jan 17, 2017 Messages 67 Reaction score 35. He did eat his dinner tonight though. Have more questions? Submit a request The ammonia/nitrates never rise above 0. Mr. Since it has been 4 days since your last treatment with KanaPlex, you can safely dose the ParaGuard. I just gave my fishy girl a dose of kanaplex yesterday, but her belly is swollen today and I’m worried about internal parasites. They do different things: epsom salts help to decrease the fluid buildup in the fish's body and kanaplex kills bacterial infection that may be causing the dropsy. I just got through using this combo to help or cure my Seahorses . If symptoms persist, you can continue for a second round once a day for an additional 7 days. That said, if a fish simultaneously has an internal bacterial infection (bloat, dropsy, etc. And can I increase the dosage as well as increasing the frequency? Hoping Eddie is around to hear this plea and respond, as he seems to know his stuff Kanaplex-wise from other threads-- and all others with help to share, of course. Can these be safely used contemporaneously? Thank you! Kanaplex is effective against gram negative bacteria. (He had problems swimming before and then it got better when i gave him better surroundings. Messages 6,169. I’ve used Furan-2 + Seachem Kanaplex + Metroplex during copper treatment. Directions say every other day for 3 treatment no repeat . I know that mixing medications is harmful, but I really do want to try the kanaplex as soon as possible. There was no simple way to mix it with food, so I dosed it directly into the water. That's a fast, 6-day treatment that is much easier on the Maybe you'll find a good answer in the Seachem forum. Kanaplex and Metroplex are both powdered antibiotics which should be your go-to medications when you think your fish has a bacterial disease such as columaris, tuberculosis, popeye, fin rot, dropsy, etc. I do not have focus, but I do have repashy . Kanaplex has never affected the filter bed for me, but I do all my med treatments (when possible) in my quarantine tank and sometimes treat with Seachem Prime daily if I think the beneficial bacteria are at risk. We can't 100% guarantee any product that's not our own, but here's a few quick rules: Avoid using products that overlap in function. I'm also a fan of Jungle Fungus I am currently fighting bad fin rot in my Betta and I too had done a single round of Kanaplex (as well as daily water changes and a round of Tetra Lifeguard which did nothing) and it temporarily stopped the rot. I wasn't sure if I could add the water immediately or if I needed to wait a day but I figured he could not live in 30% ammonia infested water for a day so I just went ahead and added it with the water conditioner and a bit of aquarium salt already in it. Yes you can use the knaplex and prazi together. is caused by aerobic bacteria) Both types of bacteria can cause symptoms known as fin rot. (ie ammonia always has been 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 20 - 40 (only around 40 a few times), PH always 8. WTFish? Well Known. Keep an eye on your fish daily and look for anything unusual, treat aggressively, and you will have the best success. It is skin absorbed too so ofc effective in the water column. But if you already got the kanaplex then it by itself should do. Jun 15, 2021 #4 Jay Hemdal. Jay . If I don't have an extra filter will a daily water change work? I don't have another heater either. I wipe it off daily so he wont scratch on surfaces. The Kanaplex will have to be treated in the water since he is having trouble eating. My Tank Thread. Each vial of KanaPlex™ contains 5g of medication (approximately 40 scoops), which Aquarium Brands: Seachem Kanaplex (1 scoop per 5 gallons) or AAP Spectrogram 1 capsule per 10 gals (Kanamycin/Nitrofurazone synergistic combination, which Can I use KanaPlex™ and MetroPlex™ at the same time? A: Yes, to use MetroPlex™ in conjunction with Kanaplex™, I recommend you mix it with food (preferably frozen) using our Focus™. Dose 3 times which is 6 days and check to see if your betta is doing better, if it isn't you can do another treatment of 6 days after that stop and don't use it Covered in a grey filmy fuzz now all the time. 1 scoop KanaPlex 2 scoops Focus You could begin this treatment 48 hours after the last dose of KanaPlex. 50 so I treated them a bit too late with Paraguard 3 days ago, doing it daily but ran out. Treatment periods will vary but it is recommended to treat for at least a week. These are the two meds (kanaplex and metroplex) +focus In the link i sent you. The best treatment is therefore a broad spectrum antibiotic that treats gram negative bacteria. The Doxycycline ( Fin and Body) treats gram positive and some gram negatives and is a good broad spectrum how long did you treat it with kanaplex? if your doing daily water change, your also removing the medicine for treatment. Van Greenwald New Member. Moved him into a 10 gal with a heater and a filter with cycled media, and I did large water changes every other day or daily. Member. phreeflow If you need to dose your other product sooner, you can use activated filter carbon to clear the NeoPlex™ out of the water. MetroPlex™ does not directly react with any of the other Seachem® products, but it is not recommended to use multiple medications or treatments at once if it is not absolutely necessary to treat multiple infections. Feed the fish once daily as much as they can consume in about 1 minute. For more information about combining medications, check out FAQ: Can I use Seachem® medications together? I mean, you can try it, but I've always used it along with Furan-2. Joined Dec 5, 2017 Messages 29 Reaction score 19. Any uneaten food can be stored in the refrigerator overnight, or refrozen to maintain freshness. Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. I want to start kanaplex tonight, but tonight I was going to put in the fourth and final (as reccomended on the box) dose of em erythromycin. You can use them together in 1 vial creates approximately 40 tbsp of medicated food blend - use with Focus™ and feed daily for 6 days. Mar 27, 2021 #3 OP . Thanks for all your help! (I meant Kanaplex) I’m using Seachem Kanaplex and it says use up to 3 doses. Dec 31, 2016 #9 OP . The cause can be sorry about the slow response. I think he might also have problems with his swimming bladder. You can also use API general cure or seachem paraguard if it’s parasitic. I was wondering if a joint treatment of Kanaplex and Metroplex would do the trick? Most use both nitro and kanna in combo to beat columnaris . My betta has pop eye, I’ve been recommended kanaplex and I want to make sure I use it correctly and not destroy my cycle. Fish typically respond better to the single use of a medication. ), or if a fish develops a severe bacterial infection after a treatment with MetroPlex™ has been started, it is possible to use KanaPlex™ in the fish's food and ParaGuard™ in the water. He’s barely eating and his body is rotting. Kanamycin, the active ingredient of Kanaplex, has a large molecular weight meaning it's physically impossible to pass through the gills of fish. The seachem Kanaplex (Kanamycin) says to wait two days, dose again, not to exceed 3 doses. Maracyn 2 always does something weird to my filter pads though, really gunk them up with a slimy film that is hard to rinse off. ), or if a fish develops a severe bacterial infection after a treatment with Cupramine™ has been started, it is possible to use KanaPlex™ in the fish's food to clear out the bacterial infection. The "fix" products are usually just tea tree oil which can harm the labyrinth organ in bettas, and I found that Kanaplex was pretty harsh on my last betta, I'd personally only use it for very What can I use with KanaPlex? A: Yes, to use MetroPlex™ in conjunction with Kanaplex™, I recommend you mix it with food (preferably frozen) using our Focus™. Repeat this dose every 48 hours to a Can you use kanaplex and aquarium salt together ? I’m treating a fish with dropsy so I’m thinking of using both. thank you again I dosed my tank with Kanaplex because I read that it was okay for use with snails but I didn't read that it meant you can dose with your fish food, not directly in the tank!! He's curled up in his shell now. Share Sort by: Best. Delivering via food is more effective for internal infection. The furan gets dosed daily and can be According to Seachem you can mix Focus and Kanaplex as Kanaplex is not as easy to dissolve/deliver in water as Metroplex or GC, hence the use of Focus as a delivery agentbut don't take my word, go to Seachems site for direct info. Keep feeding your fish with the Kanaplex-soaked food daily for 7 days. ), or if a fish develops a severe internal bacterial infection after a treatment with PolyGuard™ has been started, it is possible to use PolyGuard™ in the water and KanaPlex™ in the fish's food to clear out Near as I can tell, his Sx's were being caused by Flexibacter Collumnaris, so I dosed him with Kanaplex. However, it is not recommended to use salt unless treating a disease or quarentining. A. 3. Reactions: kmwcane. My betta is in a hospital tank to treat some fin rot. These medications do not interact in the water, but KanaPlex™ already treats both internal and external bacterial infections, so there is no need to use it together with NeoPlex™. Kanaplex or Focus will not kill your cycle, you can use it in the main tank as told through the instructions on the packaging, it is easily removed by using activated carbon. Kanaplex is a strong antibiotic. Reactions: greetl01. Dec 24, 2018 #11 Maritimer 7500 Club Member View Badges. Z. KanaPlex has the ability to treat several fungal and bacterial infections. Either one works and so it's the one you should be using, both work and so it's a waste to use them both, or neither work and you should be looking for a third, better product. I was giving Epsom salt dips 1x per day, they seemed to help and relax him. Maracn 2 can be a decent combination and I have used that one too though Kanaplex is the best choice. 25ppm nitrates and nitrites - both 0 the tank stays right around 78° with the heater and is a filtered 5 gallon with a moss ball and one live leafy plant, plus decorations and substrate. However, we do recommend feeding the KanaPlex in a medicated food mix along with Focus and Garlic Guard if you are also dosing ParaGuard. While the use of multiple medications usually causes additional stress with no additional benefits. I have Maracyn 2 that expired on 9/01/24 and kanaplex that is new. MTRCMember. At this point, the bacteria have damaged the organs to where they can't properly function. I went to buy some but bought Polyguard which also has Malachite green but furan as well inside which might be good if they have columnaris as well. We do not, as you alluded to, recommend mixing Kanaplex with Maracyn 2 and/or Furan 2. It can be used as a preventative measure or for treating existing infections, and it does not harm beneficial bacteria in the tank. You can use the formalin that you used for your QT yes. The problem with using too low a level of Kanaplex twice is that you set up a situation that favors Kanaplex-resistant bugs. ParaGuard can treat parasitic, bacterial and fungal infections. MetroPlex™ and KanaPlex™ treat two completely different types of infections (parasitic and bacterial respectively) so the only circumstances under which it is recommended to use both is when your fish are suffering from both a bacterial and a parasitic infection which cannot be Yes you can use kanaplex instead of maracyn2 not in food as kanaplex is poorly absorbed by the intestinal tract so not much of the medication makes it into the blood stream @Colu Hi, update! I’ve been using ich X daily now for over a week and Kanaplex along with a 1/3 tank water change daily and my mollie is looking much better! Only a few Kanaplex (kanamycin): for treating or preventing bacterial infections (for internal infections, dose into the food not water) Metroplex (metronidazole): for treating parasitic infections, can be dosed into the food for internal parasites. Seachem® never recommends using multiple medications if it is possible to treat the fish with only one. Do not move the filter if the filter uses a cartridge. I just don't want to over medicate if hes doing better. Do not use chemical filter media. Virtually all medications use compounds way above this threshold. Fish can absorb compounds through their gills yes but only up to a certain molecular weight. Don't just use prime to bring ammonia down, that should be an emergency option. Here's the You can use frozen foods using the recipe I post instead of pellets @Dallaspyes you can use ick x and kanaplex together as long as kanaplex is added to food and ick x to treat the water column as Epistylis feeds you can Yes, they can. It is treatable with KanaPlex if caught early, but sometimes the damage is too severe to respond to medications. Aquarium Brands: Seachem Kanaplex (1 scoop per 5 gallons) or AAP Spectrogram 1 capsule per 10 gals (Kanamycin/Nitrofurazone synergistic combination, which can also be used with Metronidazole. I’ve also heard that parameters need When feeding with a medicated food mix such as KanaPlex, you can feed the medicate food blend once daily for up to 7 days. For multiple infection types, it would be recommended to begin with ParaGuard since it is a broad range option. I've just tested it, he's at- pH - about 7. According to Seachem, you can use Kanaplex and Metroplex simultaneously although mixing the two directly in your aquarium is not ideal as it may end up causing more stress to your pet fish. Keep up with daily 20% water changes for at least another 2 weeks. You can't unmedicate. The cartridge contains active carbon and carbon will remove Kanaplex from the water. I ended up running the full three doses of kanaplex on the two tanks I believe had columnaris. That's why it's better to go with pure Kanamycin or feed it. I did, and it seemed like the initial Sx's were getting better. Sorry if its long. For more information about combining medications, check out FAQ: Can I use the Seachem® medications together? Can I also run Kanaplex in the water at the same time? Thanks . But my roommates and I have house guests over and that is not feasible at the moment, unfortunately. I think if you need to medicate for fin rot, paraguard would be a good first step, then kanaplex. If this is not possible, you can use binders to bind the medication to Use Kanaplex mixed into food. The best I can do is to bump up wc to once every two days. KanaPlex ™ food blends clear Can I use the Seachem® medications together? Also keep in mind that it is not recommended to make major alterations to water chemistry while using a medication, as this will likely stress the bacteria colonies. NFG contains both MB and 3 antibiotics. As long as you dose it according to the instructions on the label, you should not see any Can you use KanaPlex and general cure at the same time? You can mix this Kanaplex with API General Cure and API Furan 2 to produce a very effective broad spectrum medication. In cases of severe infections, it is possible to carry out two rounds of treatment back-to-back. The package reads to use it every 2 days up to a maximum of 3 doses. Hope all goes well. you should be adding kanaplex every other day so it would be 3 dose in a week before doing water change. Feb 7, 2019 #15 Do I still treat him with Kanaplex or Maracyn? or just keep doing 25% water changes daily? With the kanaplex, the instruction is vague and I do not see the recommendation as to when can I do the water changes. That Betta is in good hands. Also is there anything I can do, such as adding an airstone or dosing h2o2 to raise oxygen. Kanamycin Phosphate (Ex: Seachem Kanaplex) For severe infections or gram-negative bacteria use the trio Metroplex, Furan-2, and Kanaplex. All medications are at least a little bit stressful to the fish, and treating with a medication "just in case" means that the fish is probably being stressed for no real benefit. If you need to, you can start the kanaplex when it shows up, but ideally you don’t want to switch meds without finishing the course just like any antibiotic. I do not have the space or capacity to setup a QT tank, just a QT bucket. My betta is currently in a 1 1/2 gallon unfiltered hospital tank. Aug 14, 2018 If the medicine is in and she's doing alright by then I'll use the Kanaplex. Also do you recommend using aquarium salt? I do have 3 upside catfish if that matters. Another method is to use 15-22 grams per gallon of salt for short-term use. 4. I would dose the ParaGuard daily for a week and then see how the fish is doing at that point to determine next treatment options. Keep temperatures under 80 degrees also. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks. It can be safely doubled, but i would wait until the fish is healthier to double. She is not getting better, but has stayed relatively the same. I just add either kanaplex or metroplex directly in the water according to the directions and it works every time. 2. The nitrofuracine in the Furan2 tints the water and thus the need for the water change. Can I use Kanaplex with other Uh, oh, I would move onto a different medication. Here’s an article about it: Tasty-Deer-2765 • I use bactocide 2 and kanaplex and it's day three and I'm seeing improvement in the betta petco let me buy for $1. 25ppm and I also dose Prime daily. This will prevent too much medication from being in the water column. If you are concerned that your fish may be stressed by the use KanaPlex™, we recommend to start with a partial dose (1/4 to 1/2 the recommended dose) and work up to the full dose over time. Pristine Water: Daily changes to dilute bacteria and reset parameters; Focus on improving overall tank health and the shrimp’s natural immunity. After no change, I used aquarium salt for two weeks and then with him only declining I used a medication close to paragaurd. I never used focus, you don’t really need it tbh. If bacteria gets used to the antibiotic then future treatment with the However, the KanaPlex that I have expired in 08/2021. If the fish lacks an appetite, use garlic or another appetite-stimulator to increase the chances of eating. I do not want to use a salt bath:( My fishes finrot is getting worse fast and I don’t know what else to do so I’m going to use kanaplex. Raise temp slightly, do a water change, remove carbon filtration. It contains kanamycin sulfate, which is an antibiotic that targets gram-positive bacteria and some protozoan parasites. erythromycin or polyguard. Research the products you use carefully. Not only have I used it in my 37 gallon planted discus tank, but I have also used it in a heavily planted 265 gallon tank, without issue. Since they are all powder form it's a safe combination. angelcraze Fishlore VIP. Read the instructions and don't forget to make the recommended water changes. if Kanaplex isn't effective, it means another antibiotic is necessary or an infection isn't the issue. Then after about a week it came back. The code above the expiration date is 90567. Please see rule 4 for more information. Remember to do a 50% water change every 48 hours , you use that little spoon it's comes with and it's one of those spoons for every 5 gallon of water. Have a nice day! Learn how to effectively use Kanaplex for treating betta fish health issues such as fin rot and bacterial infections. Make sure to have plenty of aeration . M. Advertisement. Reply. or Fritz Maracyn) or another antibiotic product. finish the course of Kanaplex, and maybe try erythromycin (either API E. 1 vial creates approximately 40 tbsp of medicated food blend - use with Focus™ and feed daily for 6 days. Zoomo Well Known. When using medications, it Fin rot is most commonly bacterial, and most commonly gram negative bacteria. Never used Metroplex, so can't speak to that. Posted November 19, 2024. My betta has minor popeye and I purchased kanaplex today. Dropsy sympotoms can be caused by many things, so be sure your water parameters are excellent (zero ammonia, zero nitrite, under 20ppm nitrate, 80F for bettas, maybe raise the temp a degree or two during treatment) during treatment. Messages 795. 2 (high I know but stable) with same values as rec you can dose water or feed it, which ever is easier for you. Using kanaplex at 10x the recommended dose can cause kidney failure I wouldn't recommend it the most effective treatment I have found for dropsy is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon that will help reduce fluid buildup in the body cavity and do a course of maracyn2 and metroplex in food just add one scoop of metroplex to this medicated food recipe feeding a I'm on my second round of treatment with Kanaplex for my Betta with what looks like is still the beginning/mid stages of dropsy. Meds i have access to: Ich X, kanaplex, erythromycin, maracyn, Prazi pro, para cleanse, and general cure. For mild illnesses or to support recovery, use 1 tbsp aquarium salt for every gallon your tank holds. ) and an external bacterial infection (fin rot, lesions, etc. “Use 1 measure (included) per every 20 L (5 gallons). For example, if your fish has a diagnosed bacterial infection, both MetroPlex and KanaPlex are fully capable of treating bacterial infections so there is no need to use both. FAQ: Can I use Seachem KanaPlex™ and NeoPlex™ together? NOT RECOMMENDED. Elyse. Excellence Award. Excellence /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. My kanaplex might arrive tomorrow and i'd like to medicate him You can use kanaplex again, but obviously it wasn't able to knock out the infection completely. My petsmart didnt have any in stock so I got tetra lifeguard all in one, hoping it was similar to general cure. Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful. Like AvalancheDave says, you need more of the directed dosage for effective kanamycin treatment. The kanaplex should come here by tomorrow or monday at the very latest. I understand what I'm involved in, but I am trying to remain hopeful. Using both medications at once is more likely to stress the fish than it is to help them. You will need to move your fish to a different container. She still swims a bit and eats. I can't make it to the only supply shop in my area that carries aquarium antibiotics for another two days. Typically after 2 rounds of an antibiotic treatment you want to give them a break from the medicine. Aspiring Tank Guru Community Member View Badges. Thank you for using Kanaplex and for your question regarding its use. I refuse to use jungle fungus in my planted tanks again. Avoid using Kanaplex unless the bacterial infection is quickly decimating your colony and other options have failed. Avoiding its use altogether is smarter. A dose of. Can I add it into my 5 gal or will it crash my cycle? Or should I move her to a quarantine tank and then dose it? I don’t wanna stress her out. It’s improved with tubbing and being a little extra cold but I want to implement something else. This will take from a day to a week, depending on original pH and alkalinity. Minocycline is also synthetic whereas Use of multiple medications tends to be stressful to fish to no real additional benefit (there are few infections that require the use of multiple medications at once). However my treatment tank is only 1 gallon. the medication arrived and i was looking through your comment history and i can’t seem to find the comment with the dosing information. Apr 24, 2017 #9 OP . I believe it’s a binder for the medications, to bind it to fish food. Fish that are more sensitive to medications (scale-less fish, sharks, rays, eels, etc. But to be safe please phone I've done half doses before of kanaplex and did it in a tub with daily water changes instead of treating in the aquarium with accumulated doses over the three days (which is in the fish instructions). ) should be treated with care. The only instructions I have found were get 1 level measure per 5 gallons. Can I give her a Same issue I have here with my guppies having a recent Epistylis outbreak. There are rules about doubling when you up aq salt to 3tsp/gallon as it becomes ineffective. I want to use kanaplex but I’m not sure what this is and I don’t want to use the wrong thing. Add a little salt if you’d like. You can, although the circumstances under which you'd need to use both are fairly rare. Kanaplex is very diluted (if that's the correct term). The medicated food blend can be fed daily and any unused medicated food mixture can be refrigerated or refrozen until needed. Products like buffers and mineral additives can be used to make major alterations to water Yes, that can have an effect. Broad-spectrum medications like ParaGuard® and PolyGuard® are capable of treating external bacterial and parasitic infections simultaneously, so if possible one of these should be used to treat a fish with both a bacterial and parasitic infection. For precise dosing, use the Seachem Digital Spoon Scale™. Focus™ is a binding agent that will ensure little medication, if any, is lost in your water column so all medication will be I used kanaplex and furan-2 for columnaris. As any antibiotic goes, we (fish or human or any animal for that matter) shouldn’t use them if we can avoid them. m. Medias like carbon are capable of removing medications over time. Repeat doses are not even recommended . Mix one measure of KanaPlex with one measure of Seachem Focus in one tablespoon of frozen food paste. Change the water daily, about 50%. Which one would you recommend that I use. Open comment sort options. Focus™ is a binding agent that will ensure little medication, if any, is lost in your water column so all medication will be delivered directly to the fish when eaten. Most of the harlequins have lost the white tip on their mouth except two and the other tank had corydoras with the pale mouths and degrading barbels and fins. B. P. FAQ: Can I use Seachem KanaPlex™ as a pesticide? FAQ: Can I use Seachem KanaPlex™ in a tank where I'm keeping _____? FAQ: Can I use Seachem KanaPlex™ together with _____? FAQ: Will using Seachem KanaPlex™ kill off my beneficial bacteria colonies? FAQ: Will Seachem KanaPlex™ affect my pH, GH, KH, or any other major water parameter? Thanks for the post and for wanting to use Kanaplex! The Kanaplex is a very safe, yet extremely effective medication. some people online recommend either aquarium salt and/or epsom salt baths/dips to relieve the fluid buildup that causes popeye; I've never done this but you may I would recommend taking a break from the antibiotics to avoid any bacterial resistance from overuse of the medication. The hot setup is to do the water change just before the dosing. With that being said, I would either dose MetroPlex or KanaPlex in a medicated food mix, not both. If caught early enough, Kanaplex can be very effective against dropsy. They always say not to use multiple treatments at the same time for a number of reasons. Joined Jan 5, 2021 Messages 260 Reaction score 188 Location Hubert, NC. Giving him a complete dose won’t hurt him. But if you are dosing Kanaplex + Furan2 then yes. ) and an external parasite (ich, velvet, lice, etc. The corydoras has mostly recovered and only two have somewhat pale mouths. Kanaplex can be fed. if kanaplex isnt working then, you can try using e. We never recommend mixing medications if it can be avoided. If you really want to treat ich and use Kanaplex, then use Seachem Paraguard. However, it is a broad spectrum antibiotic and absorbs easier through the gills rather than through the gut. (aka Trifecta) Formalin/Acriflavine: Although these can be technically mixed with some medication, it is not advisable to do so. Staff member Kanaplex can be mixed with food. I "think" Metro works with The Kana/Doxy mix as well? Not 100% on that but Metro can be combined safely with each individually. 0 ammonia - 0. If your fish is diagnosed with both a bacterial and parasitic infection, then just using Metroplex will suffice since MetroPlex treats both internal and external parasitic PROCEED WITH CAUTION. OP. Hes sitting in his ten gallon hospital tank at the bottom, fins clamped and breathing heavy. I went ahead and did a 70% water change. Have had tank cycled with ZERO issues for a year. If you can even just set up the sick one in a bucket with a sponge filter (no carbon, etc), you could treat that one alone with Lifeguard. I had a beautiful angelfish that wasn't eating and had heavy breathing. But i feel like he's having a hard time again. I personally would recommend kanaplex simply because gram negative bacteria tend to be more common for causing fish issues than gram positive bacteria are. Dec 30, 2016 #2 you can also food soak Kanaplex if you want to treat for a possible internal infection. I usually have no filter, should I continue doing water changes daily? or should I wait 48 hours to do a water change before each dose? or should I just add a filter? If you’ve tried fasting/feeding daphnia to resolve the SBD and those things aren’t speaking, there could be an underlying cause. 2 tbsp per gallon can be used for most infections or quarentining new fish (I much prefer this to medicating a new fish). For the case of bacterial infection, secondary fungal infection is not uncommon. Thanks. Fast two days. I have a 10 gallon tank with a carbon filter. I have used it a number of times in the past for serious issues like Mycobacterium. It’s easy to use, highly effective and in my opinion It is fine to use KanaPlex™ in the fish's food in these kinds of tanks though, and is our preferred method for treating bacterial infections in reef or planted systems. I believe kanna is rough on the fishes liver or kidney . I can continue feeding the kanaplex but not all of them are eating so that may not work. Tank is planted. everybody is Re: Using KanaPlex and Paraguard Together Thank you for your post. Ineffective against aerobic bacteria (almost all fin rot, dropsy, etc. Thereafter, use biweekly or monthly to maintain a pH of 8. If you are concerned that your fish may be stressed by the Dropsy improving with daily 100% water changes and Epsom salts in quarantine tank. 3. Each vial of KanaPlex™ contains 5g of medication (approximately 40 scoops), which is enough to do a single dose on 200 gallons of water. Feed frozen daphnia to break the fast, they have the same effect on the digestive tract as coffee or fiber in humans, and should get things moving for your fish if it is constipated. It would appear too imprecise to attempt to eyeball doseage from the dosing/measuring spoon that comes with it. I would add furan2 to the kanaplex this time around. Stir together the medicated food mix (recipe below) before feeding. I have two Goldie’s ones healthy one has finrot, can I use the kanaplex in the tank or no? I can get a 30 gal hospital tank but is that too small to house him for a few days. Advice on this forum is not a substitute for advice from a trained and Others use it for a 24 hour period. At full dose it may bother plants, but when I used to use Kanaplex, I didn't notice a huge issue with my plants if any at all. KanaPlex is a broad spectrum anti-biotic that treats both gram negative and gram positive bacteria, so using KanaPlex alone should work just fine. Severe cases can require continued treatment past the initial 5 days of kanaplex/furan-2 and you'd run the protocol again, so I don't see why you can't do Kanaplex until your Spectrogram comes, even though it's only 1/2 of the meds you need. Focus™ is a binding agent that will Small daily water changes and Seachem Stress Guard will help. Seachem Kanaplex . Hospitality Award. Depending on what your fish has you may need to treat for gram positive. - daily 30% water changes to keep ammonia at bay - feed an anti-biotic @Colu Two questions 1. Then I read that a small pinch of aquarium salt in his hospital tank I bought kanaplex for my betta that has fin rot. You don’t want to do this. Dissolve in at least one cup of freshwater. Repeat this dose every 48 hours to a maximum of 3 doses. Then treat with Kanaplex. I did a 3-day dip of kanaplex (put it in a tupperware that was "floating" in tank water for temp stability and changed water/medication daily). I’m not an expert but kanaplex is a great product, if it is bacterial, kanaplex should help. If water changes are going to work, you The reason I recommend KanaPlex is due to fin rot can be the result of bacterial infection or fungal infection. Paraguard is a little less aggressive, thats why. Treating with Kanaplex + Metroplex sometimes clears it. I should have ordered the Kanaplex and Furan 2 and use them together like many people suggest for bacterial how much should I dose daily split between two feedings? any other tips or tricks are much appreciated! Thank you! Reply. Reef Squad. You can also use both of them at the same time, just to be sure you’re treating everything. Discover the importance of monitoring your fish's progress, identifying signs of improvement, and when When dealing with bacterial diseases, Seachem makes two of the most effective medications on the market. Thanks :( For full coverage, would I be able to do Kanaplex or Ruby Rally at the same time? I also have Prazi but I don't suspect flukes just yet, and I read I should do that after Copper treatment? Ich is often not limited to three dots and will generally multiply daily. Dec 1, 2020 #2 Idoc Getting lazier and lazier with upkeep! View Badges. StressGuard is compatible with all of our meds except for Cupramine and can be dosed daily as Follow the instructions, and if you see improvement, finish the course. Hes still only declining. From what I've read, it seems you're still cycling. myqceragv xefezbxo wzzg mfaziksq geigs ttapr jfa szftmv vgdz owita